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Baccarat Baccarat - the best small business

Discussion in 'Baccarat Forum' started by Lungyeh, Sep 13, 2020.

  1. Lungyeh

    Lungyeh Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
    ...and often the determinant factor of whether one succeeds or fails.
  2. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    A new scam seems to be the gambling team scenario being discussed. There is no advantage in it for anyone to con consider such a venture .

    Stay away from it .
    Lungyeh and mr j like this.
  3. Lungyeh

    Lungyeh Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020

    Based on my experience ND, Baccarat is a sole proprietorship venture. And thats why it should be classified as “small business”. It cannot be scaled.
    Punkcity and Nathan Detroit like this.
  4. Lungyeh

    Lungyeh Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
    In the sense it cannot be multiplied by having a team. One can increase bet size with increasing bankroll but dont dream of forming a team. Too much human dramas involved.
    Punkcity and Nathan Detroit like this.
  5. Punkcity

    Punkcity Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2020
    CEO, manager of sublease my account name.inc
    Troll tag team one accounts head , Skipptophia.
    Yes sole trader, no problem, no staff, easy. Cheers
    Nathan Detroit and Lungyeh like this.
  6. Craps

    Craps Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2018
    Las Vegas
    13 against the Bank by Norman Leigh. A fine read about how the leader Norman Leigh assemble a team of 12 people to break the bank on Roulette at one casino in Monte Carlo.
    Teams are necessary with certain system plays where looking for opportunities to bet is required. Right now to my knowledge there are numerous teams operating in Macau using an 8 step Marty. If everybody has a stake in the partnership things can work.
  7. Lungyeh

    Lungyeh Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
    Yes Craps I believe and know that there are teams operating and quite profitably.

    Perhaps quite differently. You are probably talking about a team playing a system. I am talking about a team of individuals playing on their own and funded by external funders and splitting the winnings. The theory is that one can multiply the winnings since there are multiple gamers.

    My plans were to arrange funding of say US$100,000 bankroll for say 3-4 gamers to come to Asia and play. The junkets would arrange for their staffs to monitor each individual. Losses the funders bear. Winnings split 60:40 or 70:30 between funders and gamers. That also could not be arranged. So I started experimenting and it wasn’t successful.

    It was done with good faith but on hindsight...,, sigh!

    I should try again but for now there are other priorities. But I have learned what types to exclude.
    Punkcity likes this.

  8. Punkcity

    Punkcity Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2020
    CEO, manager of sublease my account name.inc
    Troll tag team one accounts head , Skipptophia.
    I noticed some just are theoretical junkies and will never be able to put anything into practice and succeed. You can fill your head with all types of information but when you actually try and run a multi staff business you may actually find the rubber doesn’t hit the road when needed.
    I , myself have tried numerous business undertaking (outside of casino) and have found I am not a business person. I found I work and trade better as a sole trader. I have both theories and practice experience.
    So some still chatter here as I would say next gen poker player pontification of information gleaned from the back of a cereal box, or at least the phone whilst on the toilet. Cheers
    Lungyeh likes this.
  9. Lungyeh

    Lungyeh Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
    I read on the other threads how people can follow 6 ECs in roulette as compared to only one in Baccarat.

    If one EC is already so challenging more will send you to the morgue. Its nice and easy to analyse the results in retrospect but keeping the results at the tables would be tremendously challenging to say the least. And the aura of someone doing that would be a spectacle on the eye. (Gee, am I polite enough in my descriptive English?)

    Theories sometimes may not be practical on the table. Then they get ruffled, then they lose, then they find excuses...

    Every gambler must be at peace at the tables. Know yourself and know yourself in the practicality of the situation.

    I find many theories propounded which are sometimes not practical. Just my 2 cents worth from someone who is in practice.
    Nathan Detroit likes this.
  10. soxfan

    soxfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
    The roulettes ec are the pure 50-50 proposition not include the zero(s), and the baccarats ain't the 50-50, so to compare them is like comparing the apple to the durian fruits, hey hey.
  11. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    So while Baccarat players are forced to make some kind of use from chaos phases by waiting, Roulette players that search for opportunities, are not forced to do the same. The Red/Black trends and patterns can be in worthless chaos while the Odd/Even trends and patterns are in a win streak phase. Just so that it is clear as a bell. When a streak of anything is happening like 30 Red spins in a row, if you were to bet on it to keep going Red then that trend would be the symbolic evidence of an existing win streak. In other words the charts that I use to track 6 groups at the same time show the beginning, the middle, and the end of win streaks. For anyone to take advantage of these they must be able to effectively get in on these trends or patterns before they end. This topic was specifically in regards to 1's, 2's and 3's. I used what I just illustrated to show the existence and strategy for micro trends.

    My only complaint with anybody using trends is that they almost never attempt to describe exactly or by example what it is that they are doing. They don't talk about the three conditions where trends do well, flat, or bad at times. There has been significant discussion with regards to session conditions and effectiveness but this is never attributed to trends, let alone patterns.

    I'm glad that Craps, Blackjack, and Baccarat players won't learn to track 6 or even 3 EC's in Roulette. Every excuse to not do so is fine with me.
  12. Lungyeh

    Lungyeh Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
    But I read somewhere that Even Money bets on roulette gives a 2.6% edge to the house if one zero and 5.2% edge if two zeros. Not exactly 50:50?

    Not a roulette connoisseur lmao. My heart beats too fast when the ball jumps back and forth before landing ....
  13. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    The Roulette wheel is just a machine that puts out random results. The dealers can't target exact spots. The dealer in Baccarat uses a shoe. That is nothing more than a randomness machine if the sorting and shuffling is done fairly. It is the player that attributes meaning to the results. That is a mistake. To be emotionally attached to the randomness machine is a huge mistake made by any gambler. I don't play for the gratification of the excitement of the moment. I play the session as a single event without emotional regards for up or down conditions. It's like the poker players that don't want to show any tells. If you think cool & calmly you will be cool and calm. You must stay in the moment in order to do the right things while they happen. I suspect there must be some truth in this with regards to hands of Baccarat.
    Punkcity likes this.
  14. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    This has always made me laugh my ass off. So what that these probabilities exist? Do they prevent 20 Blacks in a row from occurring? Do they prevent a 40 spin stretch of singles on the weak side from occurring? Why use the unfairness of the odds as an excuse to forget about bags of gold just waiting to be picked up by skilled players? Even if the odds were 50/50 99.9999% of all players would still lose. They lose because of the magical beliefs that they hold as fact tell them that they must lose. Guess who tells them that they must lose?

  15. Punkcity

    Punkcity Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2020
    CEO, manager of sublease my account name.inc
    Troll tag team one accounts head , Skipptophia.
    Have to agree ,also I found it a complete joke when people use the fact that commission is part of banking payout as an excuse to either not play baccarat or not bet banker. The fact of doing business as this thread is called. I can say you win you win you lose you lose. It’s the disparity between the two that’s the problem, tighter the selection better the chances of increase the win %!
    The profit will accumulate. As posted elsewhere it’s the physiology impact of the bank commission that has on a win bet that seems to unhinge a few punters. As for roulette the zero result should be viewed as just another lost bet, you want red , it’s zero may as well marked as black a loss. Obviously mm will be a consideration etc.
    as a baccarat player the one saving grace is no loss on tie as a result ( yet!!! Melbourne has a version that takes all bets not bet on tie as a result. But don’t quote me as I personally have not seen that table, as related to me by a colleague) .
    Once again there is no real right or wrong answer as is the case in any discussion, decide where you stand and acknowledge the other has merit but you the individual continued with your own self proven method, but at least you heard each other out.
  16. Lungyeh

    Lungyeh Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
    Taken out of context. Soxfan said that the roulette EC is 50:50 and cannot compare to the EC of Baccarat.

    My point was that it is not exactly 50:50 comparing apples to durians as alluded to.

    And that’s why I always miscommunicate with some people who read something in isolation and laugh their million dollar arse off.
  17. Punkcity

    Punkcity Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2020
    CEO, manager of sublease my account name.inc
    Troll tag team one accounts head , Skipptophia.
    shhhhh don’t tell everyone, if everyone did this the casino would tighten up for those that do find something that works, shhhhhh
    Look we all do our pet something or other either all the time as part of our style or on occasion as per situations dictates.
    As a hazy way of playing prior the of read the r r series of posts of gizmotron in many ways I was doing the random follow with out putting that term to what I do.
    I think people get hooked up on semantics when actually what is being said about EC ( forget commission, forget zero for now) is the emphasis is placed on the outcomes rather than using the object as a tool of financial rewards.

    I will pause here and re post after I have formulated exactly what I want to say. Cheers
  18. Roubacc

    Roubacc Active Member

    Dec 6, 2017
    speaking of high rollers, did you guys hear about the kid that took MGM and Venetian for11 million last week then got kicked out for winning too much.
    Lungyeh likes this.
  19. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    Losing 11 Million? I can feel their pain.
  20. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    Where is the proof of that alleged 11 Million Dollar winning and expulsion from the MGM? No credible evidence in any LV publication.
    Roubacc likes this.

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