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TurboGenius Never bet on the "last" of something. (Informational)

Discussion in 'TurboGenius's Forum' started by TurboGenius, Jun 14, 2020.

  1. DutchCrown

    DutchCrown Active Member

    Oct 18, 2021
    sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, as with everything in life. But most of us here are waiting until a holy grail will be posted, that's the same thing as staring at your blue car waiting it will turn white in a second :banghead:

    every spin is independant, fact.
    random has limits, fact.

    a cold number will eventualy become hot, if you wait long enough. (random has limits) it can't remain cold endlesly.
    if you wait long enough every number on the roulette wheel will show up (random has limits)
    throw a dice, you will throw number 6 at some point. (random has limits)
    the earth will cycle the sun in 365 days aprox. earth won't stop along the way, it will complete the cycle (random has limits)
    An asteroid will aproach earth everytime it cycles the sun, sometime closer sometimes further. but i will hit the earth at some point in the distant future (random has limits)
    i can go on and on, but you get my point.

    can we make a system that will win more then it loses? sure 100%
    can we make a system that wins everytime we play? no, impossible.
  2. Luckyfella

    Luckyfella Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2020
    SirAnyone thinks you're some ignorant(stupid) lucky gambler sure to lose.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2021
  3. Ka2

    Ka2 Active Member

    Feb 12, 2019
    If you are not winning every session but are winning more than that you are losing over many many spins. Then that is a HG? Is it not?
    GaryG likes this.
  4. Luckyfella

    Luckyfella Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2020
    Ka, you are correct.
    Call it a hg or no it's either a winner or not.

    SirAnyone, Benas and MJ tag team have hounded forum with their naysaying trash that no systems player dare to directly post they have a positive edge bet bar a few.
    Who cares what opinion they write.
    Ofc losers will joint in the jeering.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2021
    Ka2 likes this.
  5. SPIKE

    SPIKE Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2020
    No, it's not. The Holy Grail is winning in as few spins as possible every session you play. It's not grinding it out over many many many spins until you win. Holy Grail is the ability to walk up to any table, plunk down your money, and walk away a few minutes later with a profit. At least that's been my understanding. I can't do that. No way.
  6. Ordinary_people

    Ordinary_people Active Member

    Aug 6, 2020

    I ever read you post you play almost 3 years now and never go home without getting profit.

    But now you say cannot win everytime you play.

    Thats a contradiction
  7. Ordinary_people

    Ordinary_people Active Member

    Aug 6, 2020
    If i am wrong remember, first i apologize.

    I dont say you're a liar. But i am just confused if something contradiction.

    Hope you dont mind with i said above.


  8. Naughty but nice

    Naughty but nice Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2019

    Have you looked at luck of the Irish data? What does Vaddi hope to do before 8 spins?

    Now I don’t care if you like or don’t like average. But from spin one, there’s an average for repeats.

    Remember the Greatest Loser Of All Time (GLOAT; the Dr Sir anyone) he mocks the LOTT. But that average of 24/13 happens.

    So, in the math boy’s world those 13 repeats happen in the 1/37 spin.

    How d’you think Turbo wins?

    Even Winkel shows two repeats happen more often than not by spin 13.

    Not your teacher. Reset after 12. Rest after 19. What’s happening?
  9. thereddiamanthe

    thereddiamanthe Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
    apicem rapax DNME
    @DutchCrown h, it all sounds great & good. In fact most game take care of themselves, its the ones that we have to take care the of paramount importance.

    Now, I ain't being sarcastic, this is a constructive conversation ..

    Let's have a look at this site .. http://www.laroulette.it/risorse/permanenzimetro/duisburg-2019-7/duisburg-17-04-2019-7. It shows you the permanence(s) & its detailed analysis [Appearances max -- Delay max -- Consecutive max] for each district [left column: SU, SP, ST, Q, DS, DZs, CLs, all EC combinations].

    In the first screenshot---------- red -----switch to the other days permanences.
    ------------------------------------------- green ---click, it will bring the site's street analysis to you.
    In the second screenshot-- yellow --click, it will disclose the street detailed analysis
    ---------------------------------------------------------------- [each street, gaps till hit + number of hits] =
    = The third screenshot-------- violet --can as well be downloaded for excel.

    Last edited: Dec 10, 2021
  10. thereddiamanthe

    thereddiamanthe Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
    apicem rapax DNME
    As you can see, clicking red, having a 'max street gap between 70-90' is pretty common, with some of the other streets not far behind throughout the whole session; the one linked has 78 [tezine, ritardo massimo].

    In this randomly picked session http://www.laroulette.it/risorse/permanenzimetro/duisburg-2019-7/duisburg-17-04-2019-7 -- we have straightaway from the start a street16-18, as you mention to play, as the last not appeared by the spin34, with hit on 58th spin -- all-in-all, 25 actual spins to hit .. easy to sort out with any neg progression.

  11. thereddiamanthe

    thereddiamanthe Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
    apicem rapax DNME
    Awaiting the penultimate street to show & start betting on the only yet not appeared, usually shaves off a substantial piece of the gap. So, these are the games that takd care of themselves.

    Now, we know that sometimes the streets exceed 100 spin gap & more, way more in extreme cases; we also know that sometimes the streets hit all in a row, actually not that unusual, even very close to 12 spins window.

    What happens .. when both coincide?

    How do you handle the situation then -- do you add the 11th/11 remaining streets into the mix .. & the 10th .. & 9th if neccesary .. as the ≈completion-cycles go by .. until in cummulative positive -- that would be my off-the-cuff logical conclusion.

    But that's not why I am writing ..

    What if your system requires of you to bet the streets only at a certain time (can be any) .. & on top of that only one single ST position for a very limited number of spins ie. 3-4 .. but this might & does happen on a reccurring basis, till in profit → system restart.

    What's your advice, a suggestion -- how would you use your street-smart knowledge to your advantage then, in your favor.

    Suddenly, you can't bet on the last alone as you might have a few options remaining, also just on its hit point the system requires to bet more numbers again effectively just missing tthat street's hit point after awaitinv its closure over many more-fewer numbers played occurrences =revolutions.

    Turbo advises on betting the recently hit & longest not appeared.

    [In this case exactly ST16-18.]

    But a street can be long-quiet .. & usually such a street again is for a while -- so I would await having at least two appearances, another extra -- not that is of any guarantee, but an additional indication of a potential increased activity, congested interval, congested appearances .. correcting or better syncing its overal hitrate with the median.

    [In this case its after long-quite 1st appearance is on the 58th spin, 2nd 8 spins later on 66th -- thereof 3 quick hits 6,5,3 spins later -- on 72nd, 77th, & 80th .. before its congested potential or intensith is drawn out & the frequency of appearances widen again.]

    What would be your advice, anything in addition?
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2021
  12. Rinad

    Rinad Active Member

    Apr 23, 2020
    I can only speak to what I know happens most of the time. I love playing streets first , and also double streets.
    it is amazing to me why i dont see more positive report from players on those simple plays.
    you, without exeptions have to set a limit on each attack or the worst will happen. that is reason number 1 why I see many,many players end up losing after being in profit.
    with a history of 12 spins it is common to see a street with 3/4 hits. the 3 numbers in that street creates a strong reliable play, especialy if they are spread apart every 3,4, spins.
    sometime we see 2 of those streets being hot , which is even better. why ? in case of one not hitting, you can still be in profit playing the other. but it happens often that a street goes on for 40+ spins without ever go "unhit" for 12 spins , which is the number of spin i would play .
    playing a street for 6 spins only is also a good choice, but of course it depends on the strenght of it, or one can be sorry to "miss" out when they hit regularly after 6 spins, and sometime it sure does.
    I see often a beat , rythm taking place , and it makes me "skip" for 2/3 spins ,that street, before entering, and give me a extra few spins . (something observation only can tell you).
    nothing better then adding a extra chip on the leading number of that street is also a good choice.
    basically this whole thing , give/take/ideas/changes will ONLY works IF STAbility is happening.
    more often then not it will be stable and therefore profitable.
    I play Martingales these days on streets and sometime very flat , depending on my "intuition " of what the game is like or if i want to end the session, as to not giving back much to the house.
    one important factor I like to add is to "not overstate your welcome". even know I just mentioned some streets can go happy for very long, many wont, and asking more then 2 hits can be a mistake.
    lets face it , which is easier, getting one win or getting 3 wins ?
    but what comes easier should kind of dictate the answer to that question.
    comes easy= stay longer.
    comes difficult= stay for just one win, and go.
    I have also stitch a double street with a dozen, stitch a street with a double street, compounding winnings from the double street into the street to get a "higher paid". but I dont want to complicate things here, but it needs to be mention, if anyone wants to play with those ideas. I dont know of anything that works better then what I just shared . to each his own.
    the sleeping street, only go for one hit after it awakes is my advice. dangerous waters.
    God bless,
  13. Ordinary_people

    Ordinary_people Active Member

    Aug 6, 2020

    Which one the truth ?

    Because the 2 statement is contradiction.
    I bold the statement which one i mean contradiction.

    I think if somebody want to help people. Must be tell the truth.

    Because sometimes if confusing.

    Last edited: Dec 29, 2021
  14. Ordinary_people

    Ordinary_people Active Member

    Aug 6, 2020
    What i mean the truth is not 100% step by step how do you play.

    But sometimes when somebody still want to learn and read and re-read again this forum. Which found the contradiction statement say from the same people, will be confusing.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2021

  15. thereddiamanthe

    thereddiamanthe Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
    apicem rapax DNME
    I guess he means, generally speaking;

    a ds will repeat itself in max 4 spins apart -- as a thing that must & will 100% happen, in each an every game .. a structural thing.

    Which one!? ... doesn't matter .. for now that's beside the point, the point is that it happens such thing 100%, which is his first quote.

    To make it a bit more sophisticated; in deciding which one .. according to Turbo & rtm, you should ideally play the one that has been quiet for the longest &! just recently appeared .. for it has the highest potential of appearing more often than expected. Will this happen 100%, each & every time no, obviously not .. he might have to revolve through his structured stake several times over before finally this 100% will happen on his positions .. but often enough that even if such a thing/attempt fails .. he has assurance in himself that revolving through enough times (10 spins ? 150 spins), he'll arrive at intended & finish in the overall positive;
    & this is also what he means by the first & second quotes combined.


    One way to mitigate this is to not put all the eggs in one basket .. in other words relying on a single number or a single position, whatever your bet structure atomic unit is, but spread the stake

    [for DSAA eg. I've decided that I won't be betting a position lower than the 5:1 payout, which makes the DS position an atomic unit relevant to that structure's betting plan, nonetheless, I might opt for DZ & EC positions as well]

    .. thereof I might decide to stake on all ds areas that has not appeared in the previous one or two ds cycles (6 or 12 spins, or something in-between if my system requires just at a spin8 of the game to switch to DS payout to profit with eg.2 hit close together), adding them as they appear ..

    .. however, once one of them appears again & hits, according to my original structural decision, I'll temporarily dismiss the others [=decrease in the coverage, increase the payout returns] for three spins only, & if no-hit reestablish the wider net.

    let's say you've been betting EC & DZ for the last 7 spins = one ds cycle, & your acceptable recovery rate is 3 hits to finish in positive, then restart ..
    4 ds appeared some of them repeated & 5th ds showed on the 7th spin, with your EC & DZ bets brought the game to (-4) 5th DS 1u; another quiet ds shows
    (-5) 5th & 6th DS 1u/position; no-hit
    (-7) 5th & 6th DS 1u/position; 5th DS hits (+4); decrease the coverage;
    thus cost for next 3 spins ultimately keeping the exposition lower & drawdown recoverable,
    also gaining in increased payout + leveraging the profits made further
    [positive progression within negative progression]
    (-3) 5th DS 1u; no-hit
    (-4) 5th DS 1u; no-hit
    (-5) 5th DS 1u; no-hit; exposition nearing or matching the amount before the previous hit,
    increase the coverage again
    (-7) 5th & 6th DS 1u/each; 6th DS hit (+4), focused bet
    (-3) 6th DS 1u, hit (+5)
    (+2) restart
    mr j, Ordinary_people and DutchCrown like this.
  16. DutchCrown

    DutchCrown Active Member

    Oct 18, 2021
  17. thereddiamanthe

    thereddiamanthe Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
    apicem rapax DNME
    TurboGenius likes this.
  18. thereddiamanthe

    thereddiamanthe Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
    apicem rapax DNME
    Turbo, how's getting on-track going?
    GaryG likes this.
  19. thereddiamanthe

    thereddiamanthe Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
    apicem rapax DNME
    Ofc, a player might use all the leverage the game offers to him/her.

    Many years ago a hobbied a guitar play & meet a great project guitarist; most guys take a pick & ram the strings .. well, for thode not familiar with a guitar, there's another play technique called hand picking; the guy says to me "you have five fingers don't you (4 + a thumb for perfectionists like me) .. SO WHY DON'T YOU USE THEM!? .. rather than having them wrapped around one point of contact, having each of them interact with strings.

    Basically, what I am saying is, you dont have to limit yourself to EC, DZ, DS .. then again you don't wanna rely on one or two numbers either SP & SU, this will help you to speed up the game shortening its length till positive,(restart), & as a chain of those into the session or game chain (blockchain).

    When I say a parachute, to many in mind is summoned a classic parachute EC→SU, either 11-spin to +1 progression in risk EC→SU, or perhaps a 35-spin EC→SU.

    Well, if you read my previous post, you can see that the unorthodox parachute or progression in risk is used, going from EC→DS, DS determined as the atomic unit.

    Nothing limits you to extend the play over to Q & ST districts as well & also expand the repertoire used; so for the wide bet (previously 2DS) now you can use 2Q (on occasion 2ST as well), & for the focused (previously DS) move to using a Q & ST position as well .. whatever the game asks for to close.
  20. thereddiamanthe

    thereddiamanthe Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
    apicem rapax DNME
    To recap, previously wide→focused 2DS→DS (+9 max, consequent hits),
    can take many other forms 2DS→Q (+12), 2DS→ST(+15)
    even a bit deeper as 2Q→DS(+12), 2Q→Q(+15), 2Q→ST(+18).

    The main point is wider net or coverage for the first hit,
    & focused net for a number of spins leveraging the units made further;
    & adapting the repertoire to the exposition = what the game asks for to finish.

    As well 2Q 1u/each→DS 2u, 2Q 1u/each→Q 2u .. 2Q→2Q→DS.

    How low are you or the exposition at the first hit?
    (grouping numbers in positions requires lower bankroll overall, or higher base unit play)

    How to assure to get the first hits as soon as possible,
    or prevent the long wide no-hit intervals?
    (major source of drawdowns)

    At what point do you incorporate a divisor, requiring more hits to close the game
    to prevent the vertical progression & thus exposition from escalating wildly?

    Those are the questions you have to answer.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2022

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