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Apr 23, 2020
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Sep 24, 1959 (Age: 65)

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Active Member, Male, 65, from colorado

you cant always get what you want but if you try sometime....the sky is the limit..... Feb 9, 2021

Rinad was last seen:
Oct 24, 2024
    1. Rinad
      you cant always get what you want but if you try sometime....the sky is the limit.....
    2. RickK
      Not sure I understand ..last 5 numbers no hit on the wheel shows a high hit rate..?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Rinad
        then you wait until one hit without playing to enter the game and you place 5 bets on those 5 numbers and play them as repeats.
        Sep 17, 2020
      3. Rinad
        what i should said is the 5 numbers that never came out, sorry.
        Sep 17, 2020
        mansi19896 likes this.
      4. mansi19896
        Rinad is this the system you been winning with over the years ? what is the maximum recommended session bankroll with it with progression ?
        Mar 2, 2022
    3. RickK
      Actually meant to say 2 repeats (3 hits) and 1 repeat (2 hits)
    4. RickK
      working on looking new numbers that have gone to 3 repeats and using them to replace the original 2 repeaters that have gone cold..
      1. Rinad
        for recovery playing the last 5 numbers no hit on the wheel shows a high hit rate. wait for one hit then attack.
        Sep 16, 2020
    5. RickK
      when the loss string starts to stretch out it becomes a decision to keep going or not.even with a large bankroll, the loss runs could wipe out all the wins..
    6. RickK
      Yes, going up on a win. It's just that the wins seem to occur in a relative short # of spins..but when the L's mount up to a certain point they don't recover and keep going out of control. Using RX (practice money) I've run it up to 500+ spins several times without a going positive and just stopped...
    7. RickK
      Not sure if you track and keep records of your spins to check this but in a very small sample it seemed to help.
      1. Rinad
        so do you go up as you win if needed to ? the condition of a game can really help. nothing wrong with cutting losses if needed . that is the hardest thing for a player as he doesn't like losing but then again , losing small is mush easier to recoup within one or two sessions.
        Sep 16, 2020
    8. RickK
      Tried something new.. It seemed that if only 1 or zero repeats appeared in the first 12 spins, the session stretched out longer and deeper than comfortable. With 2 or 2+ repeats in 12 at the start, the session moved along much better. So if no 2 repeats in initial 12, options are 1) to start a new 12, or 2) continue the same string of spins until 2 repeats appear within 12 spins and start the session then.
    9. RickK
      Been meaning to say I noticed you are in the food business...we just retired (closed) our small commercial kitchen here in Maryland....small world
      1. Rinad
        I have been in the food business like yourself and still are ,all of my life. we had a bakery for 20 years but now I bake out of a kitchen in my home and sale at the farmer's markets here in colorado. then off in the winter months. I turn 61 in about a week but still have to work. as you know it is hard work. cant wait to retire,lol
        Sep 16, 2020
    10. RickK
      Back home now....getting caught up a few things, but should be able to get to casino this week and use your idea(s) in a live situation (as opposed rng)..looking forward to it...thanks again for your help and insight...did a lot forum reading while out of town....different directions with incomplete details seem to be the norm in this game...thank you for putting it all out there...appreciate it...
      1. Rinad likes this.
    11. RickK
      Whatever Bitrock is working on, seems like its similar to TG's results...more spins, more accurate..
    12. RickK
      Not only is "Funding yourself with a new parallel session outside the box thinking", seems like it has the makings of a "Horse Race"...tracking the second place "horse" (or third) to the "finish line"....to see who gets there first...(sent a copy of this to Smitridel)....nice work Rinad
    13. RickK
      been using your ds method with sometimes changing on a loss and sometimes not...if there are several W's on one side, I'll stay there after a loss to see if it comes back...no real firm rules, but seems to help more times than not..wondering if you always changed on a loss or used any tweeks to do anything different..thanks for the ds suggestion...
    14. RickK
      Experienced exactly what you mentioned in your post about some good days and then a not so good day. Started to track ds and use only most common...looking forward to your condition post...thanks again..
    15. RickK
      Rinad....just briefly used your playing suggestion posted in the TG More on 6 Steets/repeaters Thread...used RX and played using U1D1 progression....so far, so good...will work with it more, but wanted to say thank you at this point...
      1. Rinad
        hi Rickk ,sorry I am new on this forum and just discover I had messages. the condition for this ds repeater system has to be right or you can be playing for a long time in the wrong game waiting forever for things to change. but playing at the right game is everything for this method. I have a method where the condition of a game dont matter at all.
        Aug 31, 2020
    16. Rinad
      the Art of playing
      1. beachedwhale likes this.
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    Sep 24, 1959 (Age: 65)
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    filled with passion for a variety of things. Music ,spiritual , game of chance. human behavior.
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