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Baccarat Sputnik's Notes on Baccarat

Discussion in 'Baccarat Forum' started by Sputnik, Mar 10, 2020.

  1. Sputnik

    Sputnik Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 28, 2014
    Tablone in the other topics is just nonsense , my humble opinion.
    Will not reveal Turbo Genius method for even money, but I will show how to flat bet and win with regularity.

    TILT by Sputnik The Gambler 2020-07-20
    Beat the even money using math and probability exploiting The Law Of Series.
    The method has 98,5% up to over 99% to succeed with less than 1,5% or less to fail.

    Bet once for a repeat no matter if you have Banker or Player in front of you.
    If you get a single you wait until you have a series of two and bet for a series of three.
    If you lose you wait for a series of three and bet once.
    If you lose you wait for a series of four and bet once.
    If you lose you wait for a series of five and bet once.
    If you lose you wait for a series of six and bet once.

    You bet against one, two, three, four, five, six.
    What happens is that you will get 10, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 300 trails with no TILT and no imbalance using The Law Of Series.
    You more singles and series of two with no series of three will increase the probability that the next series will be four or larger.
    You more singles you get larger is the chance that the next series of two will be a series of three or larger.

    Embrace the math and probability universe of random bits.

    Singles versus series of three and higher
    Series of two versus series of four and higher
    Series of three versus series of five and higher
    Series of four versus series of six and higher

    That is the TILT
    The random bits can increase step by step with no TILT and imbalance and you greater the increased you stronger likelihood of winning.

    Staking plan - Flat Betting Count System -

    6 units
    Flat bet until a win then regress one step back and continue flat betting.
    If you win once you will lose with 7 events with no TILT
    If you low with no winning you will lose against 6 events with no TILT
    Any other sequence will have two winnings among 7 events and will more the profit up and down.
    When the TILT become stronger you will profit and have to decide what win target you want to achieve.


    Remember all session that starts with a negative result will break even with at least one reversal 83% of all played sessions
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2020
  2. Sputnik

    Sputnik Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 28, 2014
    +14 units flat betting using TILT and play until -6 units loss just to see how things hold up.

    . ScreenHunter_06 Jul. 20 13.08.jpg
  3. Sputnik

    Sputnik Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 28, 2014
    Make your own conclusions +14 -5 +7 +10 play each session until a bust.
    This should work using isolated singles versus a series of singles with different length.
    One side only like Banker.
    The possibilities are endless.

    The difference is that I base my selection on something that has value and that we can measure using math and probability calculations.
    Notes ... why don't Tablone show us charts with flat betting results, empty words with empty claims that can be done by anyone, my humble opinion?


    s. -5.jpg
  4. Sputnik

    Sputnik Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 28, 2014
    What, when, why, where, the mantra, by Sputnik The Gambler :)
  5. Sputnik

    Sputnik Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 28, 2014
    Sputnik's solution for the terrible two's - a common way to play again's two's - classic system

    Sputnik's March Concept

    Singles 33%
    Series of two 33%
    Series of three and higher 33%

    When you get one outcome, play it will become single.
    If not and you have a series of two, play it will become a series of three.

    If a loss.

    Wait for a series of two and play it will become a series of two. (single)
    If not then play the series of two will become a series of four.

    If a loss.

    Wait for a series of three and play it will become a series of three. (single)
    If not then play the series of three will become a series of five.

    If a loss.

    Wait for a series of four and play it will become a series of four. (single)
    If not then play that the series of four will become a series of six.

    If a loss.

    Wat for a series of five and play it will become a series of five (single)
    If not then play that the series of five will become a series of seven.

    If a loss.

    Wait for a series of six and play it will become a seris of six (single)
    It not then play that the sereis fo six will become eight.

    No clue how to play this, i just flat betting and do it reverse.
  6. Sputnik

    Sputnik Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 28, 2014
    Look at the banker side only - the universe of banker TILT

    W W L W W L W L L L W L W W W W L L W L W L L W L L L W L W

  7. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    Best not to feed Tabones thread. Let it whither on the vine .

  8. Sputnik

    Sputnik Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 28, 2014
    You right ND ...

    Wounder what a Shoe signature is and how to implement math and probability with flat betting solutions.

    Now assume you only play once after each series of three up to six/seven attempts using Spunik's Count System.
    Then all singles and series of two will increase the likelihood that the series of three will become four or larger.

    It is based upon the following.
    Singles versus series of three and higher series.

    Singles has the value of 1
    Series of two has the value of 0
    Series of three has the value of 1
    Series of four has the value of 2
    Series of five has the value of 3
    And so it continues...

    Now, what is the likelihood that one Shoe Chuffel - Rain Drops will unfold in singles and series of two and series of three with no TILT into the other direction - you can see the value above - singles versus series of three - 50/50 but in reality, you will get the majority of singles and series of two with occasional series of three - that is the law of series - the have larger occurrence - the windows of singles and series of two and occasional series of three will TILT into regression towards the other side of the coin flip with regularity because erratic shoe samples have the majority of Shoe Shuffles - my opinion.

    Now six/seven loses and you have one half or whole shoe with singles and series of two and occasional series of three with no TILT.
    What is the regularity for that to happen or profit +2 units or more with regularity?
    Flat bet until a win and regress one step back and continue upwards until the second win and start over until a positive balance.

    Will upload video.

  9. neval

    neval New Member

    Jun 24, 2019
    Can you simulate this on long run and show the results? I dont believe you have flat bet winning method.
  10. Sputnik

    Sputnik Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 28, 2014
    Is fine by me, I don't test for others and only make notes of my thinking process about tackle even money.
    I know the significant statistical results for 60.000 placed bets with 1,7 House Edge.
    The stats are clear and I know what expectation one should have.

    You can also buy a book with the STATS - why invent the wheel again when others have done the testing.
    If you have not found a selection that is better then any other known selection, the result should be the same no matter reason for betting with or against any known events.

    I stand solid with my improvement winning twice when regular punters win once using the same amount of attempts.
    There is a reason why I do not play real money any more using the methods above.
    Now I will start measuring the gap and periodicity for sequential behaviour.

    Current having a sports trade with 30 Euro in the market an another 30 Euro at stand by depending on price movements.
    I only play with real money when trading sports.
    My winnings range from 10 to 40 Euro profit for each trade using my core method.

  11. Sputnik

    Sputnik Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 28, 2014
    Detail about the mindset of the state, qualities and periodicity property.

    I treat each unfold sequence as an individual with certain qualities that unfold from the same condition, trigger.
    Now I write the letter S for single and T for series of two, TIEs and the letter M for multiplies, series of three or higher.
    S,T,M is the letters that show each sequence qualities and each sequence that has an M letter is a winning sequence.
    Every session with no M letter is a losing sequence.

    Now I use the classical selection of two events and that the opposite event should show for the next three events.
    So the playing model explores singles versus series of three or higher, two opposite elements with the same math and probability values.
    Where series of two is a free bet or TIE.

    I test the periodicity of the sequences in cycles and I am not interested in each individual sequence win or qualities.
    One reason that is interesting if we could win two single bets and catch both TIES and Multiplies winning two times within six attempts.
    But this test is about something else.
    I want to see the strike ratio and appearance of non-winning sequences periodicity and see if I can get a GAP value.

    S S T S S T T T T T M
    S T S M
    S S M
    S S M
    S S M
    S S M
    S T S M
    S S T S T S S
    S T S S M
    S S T S M
    S S M
    S S S S S
    S S T S T M
    S S T T S S M
    S T S M
    S S M
    S S M
    S S S T S S
    S S S M
    S S T M

    17 winning sequences and 3 losing sequences.
    Each losing sequence is isolated single occurrences.
    After simulated several 300 trail samples, I expect to get other results.
    Here you can see that my amount of betting attempts is equal a punter who use the same classical system winning once opposite to my way winning twice using the same classical method.

  12. Sputnik

    Sputnik Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 28, 2014
    It feels like I almost know what comes next when predicting the future

    One Bias Sequence Follows By Another Bias Sequence - Then You Win -
    If you get a triplet you lose two or three bets

    We can bet once or follow the bias - Sputnik's Crystal Ball - is the name of this variant (march)

    MoSun 2.13.20 1069 BppppBpBpBBBBBBBpppBpppBppppBBpppBBBpppBBBppBBBpBpBpBpBBpBBBpBpBBBBB
                                                                                               L W                          W                     W
    MoSun 2.13.20 1070 BpBppppBBBppppBBBppBBBppBBBBBBpppBpBpBBpBpppBBppppBpBpBppppppp
                                                                          L  W                    W                  LW      W
    MoSun 2.13.20 1071 BBBpBppBppppppppppBBpppBpBBBBBBBBpppBBBpBBBBppBpBpBpBBpBBp
                                                    LL                     L L                    W                      W
    MoSun 2.13.20 1072 pBBBppBBppBpppBBppBppBpBBBpBpppBBBBBBppBpBpBpppppBpBBpBppBBBppBBBBpB
                                                     W         LW   L  W         W                     W                W    W         L    W
    MoSun 2.13.20 1073 pppBpppppBBBBpppBppBpppBBpBBppBBBBBpppBBBBBBpBpBpBppBBBppBBpBBBpBpBBpBBpBp
                                            LW                         LL       LW                W                              LW        L    W
    MoSun 2.13.20 1074 pppBpBBppBBpppBppppBBBpBBBpppBBppBBBBBBBppppBppBBpBpppBpBBBppBpBpBBpppBBB
    MoSun 2.13.20 1075 BBpBppBBppBpBppBpppBpBppppppppBBppBBpBpppBpppBBppBpppBpppBBBBpBp
                                          W                             W                     W             LW      W                   W
    You Get THe Idea - Cheers

    MoSun 2.13.20 1076 BBBBppBpBpBpBpBBBppBBppBBBppBpBBpppBppBBpBpBBppBpBBppBpppppBBppBppBpp
    MoSun 2.13.20 1077 BppBpBpBpBBpBpBBpppBBBBpppBBBppppBBBBBpppppBpBBppBpBpBpBppp
    MoSun 2.14.20 1078 pppBpppBpBpBBppBppBBpBBppBppBppBBBpBBpBppBBppppBppBBppBBBpppBpBppBBpp
    MoSun 2.14.20 1079 BpBppBBpppBBBpBpBBBpBppBBBppppBBBppBpBBpppBppBBBpBBBBpBBpppppBBBBp
    MoSun 2.14.20 1080 BpppBBpppBpBBBpBBpBBBBBBBpppBpBppBBpBBppBBpBppBpBpBBpBBpBppBBBpBB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1081 pBBppBBpBppppBpppppppppppBppBBBppBBBppppBppBpppBpBBBBpBBBBBpB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1082 pBppBpBBBpppBpppppppBppBBBpBBppppBpppBBpppBpppBBpppBBppBppBppBBBBBpppp
    MoSun 2.14.20 1083 ppppBBpBBBBpBBBBpBpppBBpppBppppBpBpBpBBpBpppBBBppppppBBBpBBBpBBpBBpBBBBB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1084 BBppBBBBBppBpBBpBBpBBpBBpppppBpppBpBppBppBppBpBpBpBBpBBppBBpBBppppB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1085 pBppBppBBBBpBBBpppBBBBpBBppBppBBpBBBBBBBpBBBppppppppBBBBBppBpBBBpBBBpBpB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1086 BBBBpBBBBpBpppBBppBBBpBBBBppBBppBpppBBBBBpBpBpppBpppBpppBpBppppBBpBppBB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1087 BpBBBBpBppBpBpBppBpBBppBpppppBBBpBppBBppBpppBpppBpBpBpBBBpBpppppBppp
    MoSun 2.17.20 1089 BpppBBpppppppBpppBpppBpppBpppppBpppBpBBBpBpBBpBBBpBpBBpBBppBBpppBBB
    MoSun 2.17.20 1090 BpBBBpBBppBppBBppBppBBBBpBBppppBppppBpppBBppBBBppppBppppBpBBBpBppBpBBB
    MoSun 2.17.20 1091 BBpBBBBBBBBBBBBBpppBppBBpBpBpBpBpBppBppBBBpBppBpBBBpBBBpppBBBBBppBB
    MoSun 2.17.20 1092 ppBpBppBpBppppBpBppBBpBpBBBBBpBBBBpBBpBBpBBBpppBpBppBBppBBBBBpBBp
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
    shaftmusic and Jimske like this.
  13. Jimske

    Jimske Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    32 bets in 7 hours with a 56% strike rate and a 3 unit win gross.

    If we play this with the roads then we can get a lot more betting opportunities per shoe. Caveat. With the roads there will be conflicts. IOW, 2 or more entry "triggers" at the same time so you got to just choose. Or we can just decide up front to use only two roads. Less confusing. Doesn't change the odds though. I still like the progression with it. But not Louie's progression even though Louie's progression worthwhile IMO.

    Very doable, Sputnik, thanks.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
  14. Roubacc

    Roubacc Active Member

    Dec 6, 2017
    I just felt like I read “war and peace”. Guys, it doesn’t have to be this complicated.

  15. Jimske

    Jimske Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    I've actually read War and Peace. I guess you don't understand what he's doing because it's pretty simple once you understand it. I.mean really, really simple.

    Maybe you'd like to finally expound on your simpler 65% win rate method?
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
    Roubacc likes this.
  16. Jimske

    Jimske Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    In fact let me add that the only thing simpler than this that came across on this forum is soxfans mechanical banker style stuff.
    Nathan Detroit likes this.
  17. Roubacc

    Roubacc Active Member

    Dec 6, 2017
  18. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    WHO else thinks that THEY are correct with more than zONE bet selection. The bet selection is a personal choice and none of anyones business.
  19. Jimske

    Jimske Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    You are asking a question that no one is asking. Who is talking about bet selection correctness?
    On the contrary, as soon as it becomes a topic of discussion it is everyone's business and interest.
  20. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    A wannabe moderator ?

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