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Baccarat Sputnik's Notes on Baccarat

Discussion in 'Baccarat Forum' started by Sputnik, Mar 10, 2020.

  1. Sputnik

    Sputnik Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 28, 2014
    Thank's Jimske "backing my theory"

    Well, most understand that there can be a sequence with singles and a series of two.


    Next, we all know that a series of three or higher will end the sequence of singles and series of two.

    BppBpBpBBpBppBB pppp

    Now comes the magic - the majority of sequences has some kind of bias - this means that the majority of sequences has at least one repeat of one event. Also, do we know that one of the past events will be part of the future sequence.

    BppBpBpBBpBppBB pppp BB

    Here I would bet a series of three or higher

    BppBpBpBBpBppBB pppp BB p

    Here i would bet for a series

    BppBpBpBBpBppBB pppp BB p B

    We got a triplet and lose two bets

    If we would get a bias it would look like below.

    BppBpBpBBpBppBB pppp BBB - W

    BppBpBpBBpBppBB pppp BB pp - LW

    And if we got singles

    BppBpBpBBpBppBB pppp B p B - W

    BppBpBpBBpBppBB pppp B ppp - LW

    Closer the truth and knowing what comes next is not possible.

    - We know that past results will be part of future results
    - We know that the majority of sequences have at least one repeat with the bias condition

    I will make some Baccarat Cards with numbers at the side so each punter can follow the magic.

    shaftmusic and Terry Plumb like this.
  2. Sputnik

    Sputnik Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 28, 2014
    No Curve-Fitting

    MoSun 2.13.20 1076 - LL W W W LL W LW LW

    BBBBppB - LL
    pBpBpBpBBB - W
    ppBBppBBBpp - W
    BpBB - W
    pppBpp - LL
    BBpBpBBppBpBBppB - W
    pppppBBpp - LW
    BppBpp - LW

    MoSun 2.13.20 1077 - LW W W

    BppBpBpBpBBpBpBB - LW
    pppBBBBpppBBBppppBBBBBpppppBp - W
    BBppBpBpBpB - W

    MoSun 2.14.20 1078 - LW W LL W LL W W

    pppBpppBpBp - LW
    BBppBppBBpBBppBppBpp - W
    BBBpBB - LL
    pBppBB - W
    ppppBpp - LL
    BBppBBBppp - W
    BpBppBBpp - W

    MoSun 2.14.20 1079 - W LW W LW W LL LW LW

    BpBpp - W
    BBpppBBB - LW
    pBpBBBpB - W
    ppBBBppppBBBpp - LW
    BpBB - W
    pppBpp - LL
    BBBpBBBBp - LW
    BBpppppBBBB - LW

    MoSun 2.14.20 1080 LL W LL W W LL (bad shoe)

    BpppBB - LL
    pppBpBBBp - W
    pppBpB - W
    ppBBpBBppBBpBppBpBpBBpBBpBpp - W
    BBBpBB - LL

    MoSun 2.14.20 1081 - LW LW LW LW W

    pBBppBBpB - LW
    ppppBpppppppppppBppBBB - LW
    ppBBBpppp - LW
    BppB - LW
    pppBpBBBBpBBBBBpB - W


    MoSun 2.14.20 1082 pBppBpBBBpppBpppppppBppBBBpBBppppBpppBBpppBpppBBpppBBppBppBppBBBBBpppp
    MoSun 2.14.20 1083 ppppBBpBBBBpBBBBpBpppBBpppBppppBpBpBpBBpBpppBBBppppppBBBpBBBpBBpBBpBBBBB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1084 BBppBBBBBppBpBBpBBpBBpBBpppppBpppBpBppBppBppBpBpBpBBpBBppBBpBBppppB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1085 pBppBppBBBBpBBBpppBBBBpBBppBppBBpBBBBBBBpBBBppppppppBBBBBppBpBBBpBBBpBpB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1086 BBBBpBBBBpBpppBBppBBBpBBBBppBBppBpppBBBBBpBpBpppBpppBpppBpBppppBBpBppBB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1087 BpBBBBpBppBpBpBppBpBBppBpppppBBBpBppBBppBpppBpppBpBpBpBBBpBpppppBppp
    MoSun 2.17.20 1089 BpppBBpppppppBpppBpppBpppBpppppBpppBpBBBpBpBBpBBBpBpBBpBBppBBpppBBB
    MoSun 2.17.20 1090 BpBBBpBBppBppBBppBppBBBBpBBppppBppppBpppBBppBBBppppBppppBpBBBpBppBpBBB
    MoSun 2.17.20 1091 BBpBBBBBBBBBBBBBpppBppBBpBpBpBpBpBppBppBBBpBppBpBBBpBBBpppBBBBBppBB
    MoSun 2.17.20 1092 ppBpBppBpBppppBpBppBBpBpBBBBBpBBBBpBBpBBpBBBpppBpBppBBppBBBBBpBBp
    Terry Plumb and shaftmusic like this.
  3. twibble

    twibble Member

    Aug 16, 2020
    I understand trebles doubles and singles

    MoSun 2.13.20 1076 - LL W W W LL W LW LW

    BBBBppB - LL tds where did you bet after the treble bbbb?
    pBpBpBpBBB - W where did you bet ssssssst after 7 singles after 8 singles?
    ppBBppBBBpp - W where did you bet dddtd?
    BpBB - W where did you bet?
    pppBpp - LL where did you bet? etc etc
    BBpBpBBppBpBBppB - W
    pppppBBpp - LW
    BppBpp - LW
    i have read and reread your post but i must be missing something ?
  4. Sputnik

    Sputnik Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 28, 2014

    I will explain later today

  5. Sputnik

    Sputnik Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 28, 2014

    These solutions are under construction

    There is no complete solution and I continue to develop my march.

  6. Roubacc

    Roubacc Active Member

    Dec 6, 2017
    Here’s for you Jimske, C05DAA06-000F-437B-BA43-F67F749C627E.jpeg
    I played this shoe basing at 5. So essentially my starting 5 unit bet is really only 1 unit. The progression I’m using is U1D1B5M5 positive progression. In English ..lol ... that means I increase 1 unit when I win (U1), decrease 1 unit when I lose (D1), I’m basing at 5, (B5), and I never go below 5 (M5) Mandatory 5. So assuming my normal betting unit is $50, that essentially becomes my “5”. If I win, I go to 6, which is $60, that’s only 120% of my base bet. If I win again, then I go up to $70, that’s 140% of my base bet. When I get to a 10 unit bet ($100) that’s 200% of my base bet. At that point I am really betting 2 full units. If I lose, I just reduce my bet by 1 base unit. But I cannot go below 5 ($50), because M5, means I’m just flat betting at $50 units.
    This progression is definitely not for beginners and probably not for the majority of players either. Nonetheless, in a shoe filled with long lines of repeats, you can pretty much clean up. At the same time it can be a machine gun in the hands of a child.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2021
    MrZhang and Punkcity like this.

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