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Roulette Is it possible to Beat Roulette?

Discussion in 'Roulette Forum' started by Rona, Jun 13, 2019.

  1. thereddiamanthe

    thereddiamanthe Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
    apicem rapax DNME
    Ofc you can.
  2. thereddiamanthe

    thereddiamanthe Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
    apicem rapax DNME
    Or better, ofc I can.
  3. Ordinary_people

    Ordinary_people Active Member

    Aug 6, 2020
    If easy. The casino in the world not much is open right now.

    If you can't does not mean everyone can't
    gizmotron likes this.
  4. Ordinary_people

    Ordinary_people Active Member

    Aug 6, 2020
    TRD, can you beat with pure flat bet all the time ?

    I agree what Luckyfella say.

    If you really true can beat the game.
    - You must beat it with pure flat bet. (Doesn't mean cannot beat with progression).

    But if you can beat with flat bet. I think thats the most important thing. Because you have the positive edge in the Minus Expected Value game
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022
  5. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    What roulette games are you beating ? The dozen , columns , Quads , Inside options like

    double streets . . one street . numbers .

    EC are over done.
  6. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    Sharp cats have created winning systems but never published or offered them for sale .

    There are creations of winning systems and one never notices them .

    The of the winning system lies in the hands the individual player .
  7. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    The key of the winning system lies in the hands of the individual player .

  8. thereddiamanthe

    thereddiamanthe Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
    apicem rapax DNME
    Many wise guys already said .. the best progression is fkat, negative & positive combined.

    That about flat bet only ain't entirely correct, akthough is the most logical.
    You just haven't explored & discoverrd certain aspects of the game yet;
    & designed, combined these three factors in the best way possible.

    Eg. Juice, most oosts on roulettelife forum, that plays many numbers uses flat combined with parlay first, then potentially divisor & negative too. I do it flat playing on the wide covrage (few positions) & upon hit, if necessary congest those units for several spins to close (2-3 hits to finish, a game or recovery kevel) .. =playing with (1-4, mostly 2-3) the least units, which is a form of a press dine with the payouts & horizontal coverage reduction to one position only ..... generating low exposition increase rate & thus volatility, meanwhile applying press to the base unit, session upon session [1→2→4].

    Since I last posted my graphs .. I made great improvement to my system, resulting in two levels of magnitude better, if not more. Now my games are mostly done by -40, rarely going over that to -60, -70 .. at which point, very rarely, where I terminate manually.

    Base unit press, for one takes care of those rare instances, for two allows me to risk & re-risk over several sessions a very low initial bankroll, .. playing mostly with casino's taken money, for thtee produces enhaced profits over 3x-consecutive sessions combo win, & for four, escalates the compunding of the base unit really fast., up as going, in addition to the oress itself.

    With +100u session goal & only one 3x-session combo win at bu[1→2→4]= +700u,
    I'd have to have 10! vusts in a row to break even, mranwhile my session winrate is waaay & faaaar higher than that .. & that's without accounting for the pocketed units made along the way, which are never replayed within the same session = ND's rat-holing.

    Another advantage of havin a session goal higher than the bankroll is that not all units made are reinvested, always having some units remaining in a case of bust (unless on the 1st/3 attempt), also making equal ir more units along the way before the bust .. the 2nd & 3rd attempt out of 3 can be replayed .. preserving & maintaining the established work done along the way, as well this can be achieved on the 3rd attempt out of three with the fractional reinvesting .. of the sum of the units made with the 1st-strike complete & units made on the 2nd attempt before the potential bust, again preserving & using the work done as base .. to further escalate thr base unit to →4 at the 3rd attempt, securing the 3x-session combo win .. or 3x-strikes in a row (baseball).

    With that being said, you have plenty of tools ready-available conceptually, to assemble them in the proper way & order, according to you main/base play-style.

    Looking at you 20x & 40x session graphs, I see it has enough (consecutive) session wins to start worjing in applying a similar strategy with proper thresholds (session goal, initial session bankroll) .. or otherwise adapt the base/main system so that its performance stats will suit the inherent press requirements to make anythin operation in combination with it, & sync both symbiotically.

    You'll be surprised what it can be achieved!
  9. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    P.S. Once in a while I am glancing at the Permanenzen of the Wiesbaden Spiel bank .

    Either at table 4 or 5 .
  10. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    Are we talking streets , double streets , and Quads ?
  11. thereddiamanthe

    thereddiamanthe Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
    apicem rapax DNME

    namely wide coverage consists of those mentioned position types, various combination = playing lego on recent numbers out (=actives) .... imagine an su layer of actives (favoring current repeats, up to ≈ten spins), then group them in the best way .. where the top layer represents the layout of those position types combine (Q, ST) -- flat, thus at a lowest cost, mostly 2-3 u/spin (rarely 1, extending to 4 positions max); & DS till breaching (-10) as DS,2DS,3DS .. of course with the initial 3EC & DZ+CL attack

    these 2-3 units are upon hit usually congested on one position only for several spins, in accordance with what the game asks to positive .. obviously determining the best payout & vertical progression on the go, even adjusting on each of 4x focused spins;

    so the game is basically running a program till in positive = wide coverage .. & upon hit interrupt that with the 4x-spin focused block of bets, as an opportunity to push & close the game = coverage alternation.

    Wide + focused hits, within 5 spins max = combo.
    Wide + intermediary + focused, within 9 spins max = triple combo.
    2-3 hits to finish, a game or arecovery level.

    The intermediary bet is also one position only, DS or Q, tasked with lowering the exposition only .. preparing the game to be closedwith the 3rd, focused hit .. single Q or ST.

    Both would, on most occassions, be on the same area that the wide hit got realized.

    I guess, for the experienced, I said enough ..
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2022
    Nathan Detroit likes this.
  12. SPIKE

    SPIKE Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2020
    Once you can win flat betting on a regular basis and you have a good edge over the casino you can use any progression you want, they will all work. But the other side of it is if you can win flat betting with a good edge you will never need to use a regression. Flat betting is always the best strategy to stay under the radar because every casino believes you cannot beat roulette flat betting. They know you can get lucky using a progression but nobody gets lucky winning consistently by flat betting.
    Ordinary_people and mr j like this.
  13. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    @ reddiamanthe, well explained. I am doing great with DS . Quad, and 1 color

    No sweat. Net wins walk up to you. One of the most rewarding systems .

    WIN without fear .
  14. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    Shove the EC.

  15. thereddiamanthe

    thereddiamanthe Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
    apicem rapax DNME
    I deyermined continuous betting is a way to go for me,
    thereof with my system not geing bs-centric, I don't have to deal with it ..
    I designed & developed other mechasims put in place congruently,
    & thereof a slight progression, as various forms of a press,
    is necessary to keep the u/spin profit ratio accpetable.

    Playing for a loong time, I am sure it would win vertically flat as well;
    as press in a form of a payout increase & decrease of positions after a hit,
    in essence that type of combo does its job.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2022
  16. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    Excellent post by reddiamanthe. Those inside bets are important for strategy play,
    mr j likes this.

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