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Roulette Luck? Turned $285 bankroll to $5300g

Discussion in 'Roulette Forum' started by Sparky, Sep 29, 2015.

  1. Sparky

    Sparky Member Founding Member

    Jan 26, 2015
    Hello guys first post. Just recently started playing this roulette game at my local casino.
    And have had GREAT success and I wanted to share.

    I went a few times and got my butt kicked. Not knowing what I was doing and simply guessing what color to choose lol.

    Researched all different types of "methods" and stuck to one I liked but modified it. I'm sure you guys have seen it before and I'm sure you guys will say "eventually you will lose it all" w.e.

    This is what I do. And so far, so good obviously. Been at it for a couple months now going 3-5x a week.

    First thing I did was set my GROUND RULES:

    Simple: $285 is my bank roll and I will NEVER chase more than that after adding up all bets which I will show now.

    My casino is 3min 500max.

    I bet like this (gran martingale) Yes yes I know doomed! Lol

    5( if I Win great repeat 5)
    15 (if I lost previous bet double and add 5)
    35(same as above)
    75 same as above
    155 same as above BUT this is my cut off. Won't bet any more if I lose. Add it all up u get $285 bank roll. If I lose I leave and cut my losses. Wasn't my night.

    Now I know what your saying (what a moron lol) but let me explain what I do.

    One I only bet on colors. (again dumb yes?)

    But I will only play AFTER a streak of let's say Red has started. I will watch it hit red ATLEAST 4 times in a row Safer to wait on 5. Then I begin I my "Gran Martingale"

    That was 5 free spins watching it land on red. Now I put 5 on black. Then 15 if I lost then 35 if I lost then 75 and lastly my 155 and pray lol.

    So if I waited a 4 times streak of Red I now have seen 9 spins before I finally lost it all and lost my 285. And if I waited for a 5 red streak it means I saw 10 spins land and none landed on black. Terrible luck.

    That's the thing though. From my short experience it HARDLY ever goes 9-10 times without landing on black. It's just not that common.

    In my couple months I have been wiped out 3x. And lost $855.

    So that's $5300-$855=I'm up $4,445!

    Normally I set a goal to win 100$-$200 a night. One night I played extra long (6hrs and went up to 500$ in earnings) then got wiped out for my $285.

    So, in conclusion: it works. You do lose SOMETIMES. But with my RULE to never pass the bet of $155 you MINIMIZE the casinos chance to really destroy you. I never bet the next step which would be $315 which is the last time anyways because the limit is $500. So I simply don't chase it. I will cut my loss and come another night and retry.

    Now I know what will be said that eventually blabla. But they would need to wipe me out 15 times FIFTEEEEEEN! To get it all back from me. And in 3 months they have got me THREE times.

    It's just math, probabilities. And so far "knocks on wood" I'm cleaning house.

    Thanks for reading and now hit me with some knowledge! Should I walk away? Should I continue this as its obviously working so far. To me, it seems like this is the only "system" that you truly have a shot at winning and minimizing your loss.

    Let me add; there has been times where I didn't bet past the $45 dollar bet and just watched to see what would happen: and simply restarted at $5, especially if I'm Up already. And even then it never went to 10spins without seeing the other color.


    http://www.rouletteforum .cc/index.php?topic=16039.0

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