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Roulette Red/Black Pattern Betting

Discussion in 'Roulette Forum' started by David Gregory, Sep 14, 2019.

  1. vindan

    vindan New Member

    Feb 10, 2021
    Good day, Mr. Gregory..

    just out of my curiousity what is your consideration betting on High/Low instead of your previous so called strategy on Red/Black or even on Odd/Even ? I believe that you should have your own reason to do so.
    Thank you in advance, Mr. Gregory & stay safe !
  2. David Gregory

    David Gregory Active Member

    Sep 13, 2019
    Ocala, Florida
    Actually, the only real consideration of either betting Red/Black. Odd/Even or Low/High is just to break up the monotony of it all. They are all even chance bets and have the same odds.
  3. Chris Mole

    Chris Mole New Member

    Apr 8, 2021
    United Kingdom
    Interesting ideas here will try it with casinos offering the la partage rule
  4. Kurumba

    Kurumba New Member

    Apr 19, 2021
    Sri Lanka
    I just don't know about others, but your system works for me. Good work, David!
  5. mansi19896

    mansi19896 Active Member

    Oct 17, 2018
    i lost
  6. Naughty but nice

    Naughty but nice Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2019
    Better read RR some more. Giz likes Pedro
  7. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    Bet Black at one table and Red at another table. Keeps a player busy and sane .
    gizmotron and mr j like this.

  8. Bactz

    Bactz Member

    May 21, 2021
    David, i just noticed your thread here, haven't read it in full, however what if going by your method and using the cancellation technique as well to recoup losses. Have you tried that? What do you make of that?
  9. Bactz

    Bactz Member

    May 21, 2021
    Ok so I read about your note on trying them all...I will have to try it out myself then
  10. David Gregory

    David Gregory Active Member

    Sep 13, 2019
    Ocala, Florida
    Greetings Bactz. I just created a new post entitled: "To Roulette players who only bet the even chance selections. There is a better option." You should check it out. Thanks
  11. David Gregory

    David Gregory Active Member

    Sep 13, 2019
    Ocala, Florida
    If we noticed a person doing that, we would conclude: Now there is an insane person staying busy.
  12. Ordinary_people

    Ordinary_people Active Member

    Aug 6, 2020
    Like i said in another thread. A lot of people just say yeah you scammer or liar because they dont success or cant get in their logic.

    I believe a few people in this forum can have make a profit although casino game have an negative advantage.

    Just different approach and style. Like riona said in page 6 if i dont false remember : the people wanna share his winning approach for free, thats already must get respect.

    I open mind for a lot different approach and keep learning.

    The result is positive or negative is different case. All have the risk.

    If you dont mind i want to get your system. But if dont sent it to me. I dont blame you because its you're right to give or not to people who ask to you

    kenzzhou888 at yahoo dot com

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2021
  13. David Gregory

    David Gregory Active Member

    Sep 13, 2019
    Ocala, Florida
    Unfortunately the computer I have my strategy on is in storage in Houston, Texas. I am here in Florida right now buying a home. Once my goods are shipped here and I dig out that old computer, I will send you a copy. Don't get anxious, this could be a month or two. There is a person who follows this post under the name mansi 19896. He has a copy. Maybe you could reply to one of his posts and ask him for a copy.
  14. David Gregory

    David Gregory Active Member

    Sep 13, 2019
    Ocala, Florida

    To those of you Roulette players who have tried my betting strategy, I have discovered an option that works much better. I started a new Thread titled: "To Roulette players who only bet the even chance selections, there is a better option." As you know, my betting strategy for Roulette requires betting only the Even Chance selections: Red/Black, Odd/Even or High/Lo. As I explained in my new thread, I started to experiment with my strategy on the game of Craps because the Pass and Don't Pass lines offer very close even chance odds as in Roulette but with a little better odds. My strategy is based on betting according to patterns created, then betting the opposite of those patterns using a 7 step Martingale with the hope they will not repeat. The major downfall of this strategy of course is the Zero or Zeros because they throw the pattern out of whack. The Pass and Don't Pass lines in Craps produces patterns exactly like those in Craps. But the major and most important difference is there are no Zeros to interrupt the pattern. It's a real bummer to have progressed to the 6th or 7th step of the Marty and have a Zero hit. That will never happen in craps. Below is my strategy for the game of Craps. It is basically the same but with a few minor difference that will be pointed out

    Bankroll Required
    - 384 Units. Note: This allows for the 7 step Martingale to lose 3 times before bankrupt. If this happens then one of two things, you are one of the most unlucky people around or this strategy really sucks.

    A 7 step Martingale betting progression is used.

    Observe and write down the last 10 decisions made by the dice. P=Pass, D=Don't Pass
    Example: PPDPDDDPDPD
    Starting from the left of the pattern which is P (Pass), bet the opposite, the Don't Pass line. After you place a bet and a decision is made, you write down the latest decision to the right and cross out the one you just bet on. As an example I will show below the decisions in bold type and those crossed out in regular type.

    Bet #1. Bet 1 unit on Don't Pass PPDPDDDPDPD. the decision is Pass. You Lose. Add that decision to the right and cross out the left.

    Bet #2. Bet 2 units on Don't Pass PPDPDDDPDPDP The Decision is Pass. You Lose. Add that decision to the right and cross out the left.

    Bet #3. Bet 4 units on Pass. PPDPDDDPDPDPP The Decision is Don't Pass. You Lose. Add that decision to the right and cross out the left. PPDPDDDPDPDPPD

    Bet #4, Bet 8 units on Don't Pass PPDPDDDPDPDPPD The decision is Don't Pass. You win. Add that decision to the right and cross out the left. PPDPDDDPDPDPPDD

    Bet #5 Start over with a 1 unit bet on Pass. PPDPDDDPDPDPPDD. And so on.

    In summary, you will always be betting the opposite of the 10th decision back, and when a new decision is made you write it to the left. The real advantage here is you never have to fear a Zero coming up The only fear is a pattern of 7 repeating from 10 decisions back. Try it on a Craps simulator and see what results you have. I am open to any questions or suggestions. The biggest problem with playing Craps is it is a very slow paced game. Sometimes a shooter makes a point then rolls the dice 10 or more times before a decision is made. And between those rolls a lot of bets are made that take up a lot of time also. However, better to go slowly but surely.

    I do not need any comments that this strategy will eventually fail. I have heard that a thousand times. If you want to comment, comment only on where this strategy will work the best. Playing it on Roulette or on Craps.


  15. David Gregory

    David Gregory Active Member

    Sep 13, 2019
    Ocala, Florida
    Bet #3. Bet 4 units on Pass. PPDPDDDPDPDPP The Decision is Don't Pass. You Lose. Add that decision to the right and cross out the left. PPDPDDDPDPDPPD

    Bet #4, Bet 8 units on Don't Pass PPDPDDDPDPDPPD The decision is Don't Pass. You win. Add that decision to the right and cross out the left. PPDPDDDPDPDPPDD

    Bet #5 Start over with a 1 unit bet on Pass. PPDPDDDPDPDPPDD. And so on.

    In summary, you will always be betting the opposite of the 10th decision back, and when a new decision is made you write it to the left. The real advantage here is you never have to fear a Zero coming up The only fear is a pattern of 7 repeating from 10 decisions back. Try it on a Craps simulator and see what results you have. I am open to any questions or suggestions. The biggest problem with playing Craps is it is a very slow paced game. Sometimes a shooter makes a point then rolls the dice 10 or more times before a decision is made. And between those rolls a lot of bets are made that take up a lot of time also. However, better to go slowly but surely.

    I do not need any comments that this strategy will eventually fail. I have heard that a thousand times. If you want to comment, comment only on where this strategy will work the best. Playing it on Roulette or on Craps.

    My Bad, I left out an important rule to the above strategy. Play each session to a win of 64 units. That equals 1/2 of a complete 7 step Marty failing. In other words, you only need to win two sessions to recoup the Marty crash and burn. But this isn't always the case. Sometimes you may be ahead by quite a few units before the Marty fails.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
  16. soxfan

    soxfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
    So in the rounds about way this is a form of anti-streaks style. Anti-streaks is solid but much better buckin up against dice and yer bankroll suggestion is way too low. Yer gonna need at least 1000 units, minimums, hey hey.
  17. David Gregory

    David Gregory Active Member

    Sep 13, 2019
    Ocala, Florida
    Thanks for the comment. As of yet I show a 6 win to 1 loss. How did you arrive at a needed bankroll of 1,000 units when you haven't even tried the strategy yet. For heaven sakes, I just posted it.
  18. David Gregory

    David Gregory Active Member

    Sep 13, 2019
    Ocala, Florida
  19. David Gregory

    David Gregory Active Member

    Sep 13, 2019
    Ocala, Florida
    My Bad, I left out an important rule to the above strategy. Play each session to a win of 64 units. That equals 1/2 of a complete 7 step Marty failing. In other words, you only need to win two sessions to recoup the Marty crash and burn. But this isn't always the case. Sometimes you may be ahead by quite a few units before the Marty fails.
  20. soxfan

    soxfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
    I tested an anti-streaks style buckin up against the baccarats usin a short leash grand marty and it showed a net profits of about 3 units per shoe. The worst case scenario for down draws was about -537 units, thus my suggestion for a minimum bankroll of 1000 unit, hey hey.

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