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Roulette Roulette myths vs. reality: what works, what doesn’t?

Discussion in 'Roulette Forum' started by Zealot235, Nov 5, 2024.

  1. Zealot235

    Zealot235 New Member

    Oct 22, 2024
    Everyone has heard the stories about ‘winning roulette strategies’ — from Martingale to ‘hot numbers’... But let’s be real, if it would be easy, roulette wouldn't be around anymore. What actually works in roulette, and what’s just wishful thinking? I want to discuss the real experiences behind these strategies. Have you tried a strategy that seemed foolproof? Or maybe had a wild night? Let’s share what’s myth and what’s reality when it comes to playing the roulette wheel, either brick-mortar or RNG.
  2. DroidOnPC

    DroidOnPC New Member

    Jan 5, 2025
    Parrish, FL
    I've looked at a lot of strategies, but I always make sure to do the simple math of "Does this profit in the long run?"

    Obviously the answer to pretty much all of them is "No."

    If out of 1000 spins I win X amount of dollars, and lose X amount of dollars, do I have a profit?

    But I have been working on one that seems to actually make more than lose, even mathematically. I've tested it out in simulations over and over again and I can't really find a flaw yet.

    With the base unit of $0.10, I found it averages out to $0.42 per spin in the long run. On an online site, that would be roughly $25.20/hr. (Its about 1 minute per spin online, so 60 spins = 1hr).

    It loses, on average, every 386 spins. The loss is $102.60

    So... for the wins it would be $0.42 x 386 = $162.12

    Making a $59.52 profit every 386 spins on average.

    That would be $59.52 of profit every 6.43 hours, or $9.25/hr. with the losses included.

    Doesn't sound very great. You would make more money working at McDonalds.

    However.... thats with a base unit of $0.10.

    If you started with a base unit of $1, then it should work out to a profit of $92.50/hr

    The minimum bankroll for the $0.10 unit bets would be $102.60, and you would probably want to cover that x3 just to be sure you can profit in the long run. But at 10x, that bankroll is $3,078.... which I don't have lol.

    So my plan is to slowly build my bankroll with the smaller unit of $0.10 and work my way up to being able to double, triple, and eventually 10x the bet.

    But right now I need to finish the sequences for all the possible outcomes. It has a different sequence of bets depending on the current numbers displayed. I need at least 10-12 different ones to make sure it works perfectly. So I plan on trying it out for real pretty soon as I am almost done.

    If I am successful, then this would be huge for me. But, just like anyone else reading this, I am skeptical that I am missing something important and it will come crashing down and kill my hopes and dreams lol.

    For the strategy itself, its based on the math of unique numbers. On average, any two numbers will repeat every 8 spins. Its slightly above 50%

    That means if you watched a wheel spin 8-10 times, you would see any of the previous 8-10 numbers show up again, more than 50% of the time. However, you can't just wait for 8-10 unique numbers, then place a bet, because then you are betting on a single spin and it doesn't help you in the long run (I've tested that already). It requires utilizing every block of numbers that haven't seen a number repeat yet. So every starting bet and sequence bet is different each time. I basically have a spreadsheet that tells me what to bet depending on each outcome.

    I plan on testing it next week with real money. And if it works out as expected, then I should be able to reach the 10x amount within 2 months or so.

    But this strategy actually has the big major loss calculated into it. You know how everyone says "It works until it doesn't", this actually considers the "doesn't" part into the total profit. With 6 hours a day playing, I expect to lose big once per day, and still profit.

    Anyway, maybe I'm an idiot who is talking out of their ass, but I guess I'll find out next week when I put it to the test with real money.
    Spider and SERGIO like this.
  3. Spider

    Spider Active Member Founding Member

    Dec 24, 2014
    Let us know how you get on
  4. RouletteTools

    RouletteTools Member

    Dec 17, 2024
    winning roulette
    I use roulette tools to help me lose less, note i didn't say win more lol

    I lose less, way way waaaay less now and they are a definite must for roulette players inho, anyone who thinks roulette tools don't work don't understand how to use them properly or are just big cry baby boo boos who lost when trying them.

  5. Georgie

    Georgie Member

    Jan 22, 2022
    Pennsylvania USA
    Sounds like you're designing a system predicated upon the Law of the Third (LOTT) principle, if I understand you.

    That's a smart way of approaching Roulette I think. That's how I play Single Dozens or Columns, or sometimes as Neighbors of Six (13 contiguous numbers on the Racetrack).

    I have also been using LOTT with 6 numbers by using Lines (Double-Streets). And lately, I've been trying to figure out a good method of playing 6 individuals at a time, looking for Repeaters. The hard part is determining which 6 to pick and how long to play them before changing some or all of them. Usually, I pick 6 singles from the History board within last 25 spins or so, and I flat bet those same 6 for five spins. If nothing hits, I pick 6 different singles, adding 1 more unit for five more flat bet spins. And so on...adding 1 unit after each five spins with no hit. If something hits, I'll replace the winning number with a new single, but keep on playing the other 5 numbers to complete the five spins with them, but I'll reset the bet size back to 1 unit after each win. I'm sure there's a smarter more successful way of doing this, especially for guys who are good with stats and spreadsheets (I'm not), but this has worked pretty well for me. Eventually it's going to hit like this, and as long as you keep adding 1 unit every five spins, you'll get your money back.

    Be sure to read Turbogenius's Personal Forum on this website, if you haven't already. He knows more about LOTT than just about anyone else I've seen. There's a gold mine of information there.

    I hope your strategy works out for you.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2025
  6. Georgie

    Georgie Member

    Jan 22, 2022
    Pennsylvania USA
    Hang on, I messed up that Money progression on 6 numbers and didn't have time to correct it (I told you I'm no good with spread sheets). I don't have time to figure out now for the 6 numbers, especially past 10 losing spins. Gotta go, but don't want to leave now without raising the flag on that 6# MM.

    It's easier for me to avoid this kind of mental math and just play 12 numbers. +1 unit after each loss, and -2 units after a win, until back in session profit, then reset to 1 unit. Really easy, even for a 56 year old like me. This is also why I like Dozens instead of Columns: Because identifying which Dozen a number belongs to is much easier and quicker.

    Then for the Bet Selection (not my idea, this is found on Internet), I like, given XYZ Dozens, when you see XXY, bet Y, and never Z. Attack max 3 times on that same Dozen, then abandon Sequence and wait for next trigger. No bet on XXX. No bet on XYZ.

    There. Sorry for the confusion. Best of luck!
  7. Georgie

    Georgie Member

    Jan 22, 2022
    Pennsylvania USA
    Here's that progression I was attempting to describe in my previous post, for playing a Line (Double-Street). This would be the minimum number of units that must be bet in order to win any profit at all after losing all previous spins.

    So, for example, after losing 16 spins consecutively, on Spin #17 if you bet 12 units and lose again, you'll now be down -69 units total. And if you win Spin #17, you'll have +3 units Total Session Profit.

    Losing 20 consecutive Line bets happens infrequently. On the other hand, looking at this chart, there are much faster more reliable ways to win a profit playing Roulette.

    And then it really gets complicated (for me anyway) applying and dividing or multiplying this chart for 6 Singles instead of 1 Line.

    The more I look at this, the less I like it.

    But I DO like LOTT a great deal. Designing a system with it that's SIMPLE and CONSISTENT is the goal.

    Spin/Units Bet/Total Loss/Total Profit
    1 1 -1 5
    2 1 -2 4
    3 1 -3 3
    4 1 -4 2
    5 1 -5 1

    6 2 -7 5
    7 2 -9 3
    8 2 -11 1
    9 3 -14 4
    10 3 -17 1

    11 4 -21 3
    12 5 -26 4
    13 6 -32 4
    14 7 -39 3
    15 8 -47 1

    16 10 -57 3
    17 12 -69 3
    18 14 -83 1
    19 17 -100 2
    20 21 -121 5

  8. atrox23

    atrox23 Member

    Feb 9, 2022
    Nothing special.
  9. DroidOnPC

    DroidOnPC New Member

    Jan 5, 2025
    Parrish, FL
    If you had a winning system, you wouldn't reply or be here.

    The fact that you showed up to be a dick, says a lot.

    It is at a 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% chance that you don't have a winning system.

    So, why are you here? Is it because you failed and are upstet?

    Its ok. Some people can't handle it.
  10. atrox23

    atrox23 Member

    Feb 9, 2022
    Thanks for your input.. I guess you are here for same reasons sucker? You have no idea what anyone here has, but I can ensure you you can't imagine what others have. .
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2025
  11. RouletteTools

    RouletteTools Member

    Dec 17, 2024
    winning roulette
  12. Zealot235

    Zealot235 New Member

    Oct 22, 2024

    It would be great if your approach works. Keep us posted. :)

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