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Site Rules

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Admin Team, Feb 2, 2015.

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  1. Admin Team

    Admin Team Administrators Admins

    Nov 6, 2014
    Please abide by the rules below at all times. These rules are in addition to our terms.
    1. Be Respectful.
      • All members must be polite, civil, and respectful at all times. No exceptions. If you are personally attacked and respond with a personal attack, both of you will be sanctioned. Report personal attacks soon after they happen and the Admin Team will take care of it.
    2. No Disruptive Behavior
      • Do not flood the forums with posts, do not bump your own threads, do not troll other members, do not behave in a disruptive manner, and do not post unprofessional profile posts.
    3. No Selling, Advertising, or Promoting.
      • Unless given explicit permission by the Admins, members are not permitted to promote or link to any products, services, or commercial websites anywhere on the site except in their Signature. You may ask questions about any product or service and you may answer questions about any product or service. However, you may not create threads or posts with the sole purpose of promoting a product or service. Our Link Policy is quite strict and unique so it is further clarified below. If you have any doubts, please ask the Admins beforehand.
    4. No Posting of Contact Details.
      • Members are not allowed to post contact details in posts, profile posts, or their bio. If a member wishes to provide another member their off-site contact details, then they must send those details using the Private Messages (Conversation) feature, which must be unlocked first.
    5. No Affiliate Links.
      • Do not post any links that contain affiliate codes anywhere on the site, including Signatures and Profile pages.
    6. No Multiple Accounts.
      • If you cannot remember your username or password to access the Forums, contact the Admin Team via the Contact Form at the bottom of the Forum to restore your account instead of creating a new one. If you connect to our site via VPN's and/or Proxies to hide your real IP address and we suspect you may be a Sock Puppet, we may ask you to connect using your real IP. If you refuse, we may limit or ban your account.
    7. No Off-topic Posting
      • Do not discuss matters irrelevant to the thread at hand. Instead, create a new thread for off-topic matters. Off-topic posts may be moved to the Off-topic Graveyard.
    8. No Doxxing
    9. No Sock Puppet accusations outside of the Sock Puppet Accusations section
      • Do not make accusations that someone has multiple accounts outside of the Sock Puppet Accusations section. If you believe another member has multiple accounts on this site, then please create a new thread in the Sock Puppet Accusations section and state your case and the Admin Team will investigate it and report their findings and take action where warranted. More details here.
    Violations of the above will result in sanctions and/or a permanent ban.

    Note: These rules are subject to change so refer to this page regularly.

    1. Members are only allowed to link to their products/services/sites in their Signature.

    2. There is one exception. Members are allowed to post links to their products/services/sites in their 1st introductory post in the Introductions Forum so that they can mention and link to what they do and where they work when introducing themselves to the community.

    3. Links to any sites that sell or promote products/services are not allowed in posts, private conversations, and profile posts regardless of who owns them.
    EXAMPLE: If you want to link to a CNN news article in one of your posts, that is fine since they do not sell or promote any products or services. If you want to link to an article on a site that also happens to sell products/services such as memberships or books, then that is not allowed.


    Last edited: Sep 13, 2021

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