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The Fallacy of Gambler's Fallacy - off topic

Discussion in 'Off-topic Graveyard' started by Sharptracker, Jan 12, 2020.

  1. Sharptracker

    Sharptracker Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2018
    I'd like to see you take a 8K drawdown, for sure you'd make drift marks in your underwear... Wait, i know, you'll say that if it was 1 euro unit then it would only be a 320$ loss but you'd need also to divide the 23250 per 25 and it would make 930$ for 20k spins.

    40 spins per hour then it would make 930$ for 500 played hour which is 1.86$ per hour... i know many works that pays better than this.


    graph 2.PNG
    Oh look, i can do that too... you don't need to know what is coming next... You just need to make the right vodoo incantation and make a chicken 's sacrifice everytime you make a session...

    As we can see everyone can post their graph, but when it's about to put the balls on the layout, there is nobody...

    More seriously, it is just more constructive to talk with a monkey... i guess it would get it before you can...
  2. jbs

    jbs Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    Ploppies are stupid.

    Either that, or I'm convinced all of these guys posting different systems/methods actually work for casinos and are trying to get people to play those losing systems/methods for real money.

    Nobody in their right mind now a days would/should ever post publicly how to beat casino games!
    Nathan Detroit likes this.
  3. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014

    I took this "Happy Wheel " as a joke .

    Cheers .

  4. Half Smoke

    Half Smoke Member

    Feb 24, 2018
    Rockville, MD

    even if true it's not going to be humorous to him

    this guy is deadly serious about his ability to predict the future

    you might want to ask him if there is going to be a major weather event this winter if you live in an area that gets a lot of snow - or a hurricane next summer if you live in the southeast

    then you will know when it's going to happen and you can prepare for it - maybe go to a casino location far away and crush at roulette for a few days
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2020
  5. Bozidar

    Bozidar Member

    Dec 31, 2018
    Again BS.

    Hopefully you understand that a number can have gaps between hits like 50, 150, 40, 60, 45, 80, 37, 100 etc... it would be within the "edges" of limits, but still far beyond enough to produce profit.

    I just wonder why you're not playing on RX since they fixed the bug Bago exposed.

    Start from 0 now, and produce those beautiful graphs on RX...

    Of course, you'll tell that you already proved everything... but you proved it on the obviously flawed simulator... now when it's fixed (and when you have the option to play with budgets higher than 3000) - there're no skyrocketing graphs... I wonder why...
  6. precogm

    precogm Active Member

    Dec 4, 2019
    Removing Posts discredits your ideas.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2020
  7. TurboGenius

    TurboGenius Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 25, 2015
    Self proclaimed Theoretical Philosopher
    Near Atlantic City New Jersey
    These are not Random events.

    If you continue to troll in my section I'll remove your post for good.
    Have a nice day

  8. Half Smoke

    Half Smoke Member

    Feb 24, 2018
    Rockville, MD

    you can remove my posts or even ban me if you like - I really don't care very much either way

    but nothing can change the fact that you are a dealer of false information

    I don't plan to post much more here anyway

    I was trying in some way to protect those vulnerable to blatantly false proselytizing but I can see that that is impossible

    it is very clear that those who desperately want to believe the unbelievable cannot be protected from harm because they have no real interest in helping themselves by relying on factual, trustworthy, reliable information
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2020
  9. TurboGenius

    TurboGenius Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 25, 2015
    Self proclaimed Theoretical Philosopher
    Near Atlantic City New Jersey
    No, in this case it's actually you.
    So here is a thread with information that I posted - you are free to dispute any of this information with your knowledge.
    You aren't doing that. The "BS" is yours.

    Nonsense - your posts don't reflect that, so it's a lie.
    Where have you tried to help people with reliable information ?

    Your posts -
    This is your contribution to "help people"
    That we are acting as if the wheel is a life form choosing what numbers to appear ?
    That weather is predictable while we know it's not random at all ?

    Off topic, helps no one and will be removed.

    Now discuss Gambler's Fallacy, dispute what I posted or don't.
    This isn't "argument center" or a troll playground - so either contribute or keep your comments
    in the public section.

    "I'm not a troll, I'm just here to help people"
    Helps no one.
    Seems clear right ??
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2020
  10. Half Smoke

    Half Smoke Member

    Feb 24, 2018
    Rockville, MD

    if you had actually fashioned a system as you claim that can beat roulette the intellectual community would have celebrated your accomplishment and you would be known all over the world

    that hasn't happened because what you post is nothing but bogus tripe

    nobody of any importance knows who you are or cares about your senseless scribblings

    other than the hopelessly lost on this site and perhaps a few other worthless sites similar to this site
    jbs likes this.

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