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Roulette Undeniable proof for the "repeaters"

Discussion in 'Roulette Forum' started by TurboGenius, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. TurboGenius

    TurboGenius Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 25, 2015
    Self proclaimed Theoretical Philosopher
    Near Atlantic City New Jersey
    Here is a simple thread to display the proof that repeaters are actually a benefit to the
    player over "betting anything you want".
    Anyone can test the same thing explained below - you'll see the same results.
    At that point people can argue the facts but the results speak for themselves.

    Here is how the testing is done - anyone familiar with my 6 streets method will already
    know this, but to the others - something new to consider for you.

    There are 3 dozen sections, each has 4 streets.
    We are going to play a max of 2 streets in each dozen. (so 50/50 chance of winning as
    2 max are played and there are 4 available in each dozen).
    A "W" (win) will be recorded when one of our 2 played streets appears.
    A "L" (loss) will be recorded when one of the other 2 streets appear that aren't being played.
    After any "W" or "L" that dozen is finished until such time all 3 dozen sections
    have resulted in W's or L's.
    So easy ! The best that we can do (according to the "play anything and you'll get the
    same results") is 50/50.
    So what happens ? Once a street appears we play it - then it's just a matter of having
    a Win or a Loss once 2 (50%) are played.

    ........... win loss
    LWL 1 2
    WLL 2 4
    WWL 4 5
    WWW 7 5
    LWW 9 6
    WWW 12 6
    LLW 13 8
    WLW 15 9
    LWL 16 11
    WWL 18 12
    WWL 20 13
    LWL 21 15
    WLW 23 16
    LWW 25 17
    WWW 28 17
    WWW 31 17
    LLW 32 19
    LWL 33 21
    WWW 36 21
    WLW 38 22
    LWL 39 24
    WLL 40 26
    LWL 41 28
    WLL 42 30
    WLW 44 31
    WWL 46 32
    WWW 49 32
    LLL 49 35
    WWW 52 35
    LWW 54 36
    WWL 56 37
    WWL 58 38
    WWL 60 39
    LWL 61 41
    WWL 63 42
    WLW 65 43
    WWL 67 44
    WWW 70 44
    LLW 71 46
    LWW 73 47
    LWW 75 48
    LLW 76 50
    LLW 77 52
    WWL 79 53
    WLL 80 55
    WWW 83 55
    WWW 86 55
    LWL 87 57
    WLL 88 59
    WWL 90 60
    WWL 92 61
    WWW 95 61
    WWW 98 61
    WLL 99 63
    WLW 101 64
    WWW 104 64
    WLW 106 65
    LWL 107 67
    WLL 108 69
    WWL 110 70
    WLW 112 71
    WWW 115 71
    WWL 117 72
    WWL 119 73
    LWW 121 74
    WWL 123 75
    LWL 124 77
    WWW 127 77 62.25% vs 37.75% 68 trials
    WWW 130 77
    LLW 131 79
    WLL 132 81
    WWW 135 81
    LWW 137 82
    LWW 139 83
    LLL 139 86
    LWW 141 87
    WWW 144 87
    WLW 146 88
    WLW 148 89
    LWW 150 90 62.5% vs 37.5% 80 trials longest streak 8W / 4L
    WLW 152 91
    WWW 155 91
    WLW 157 92
    WWL 159 93
    LWL 160 95
    WLW 162 96
    WWL 164 97
    WWW 167 97
    LWL 168 99
    WLW 170 100 62.96% vs 37.04% 90 trials WWW=20 LLL=2

    As you can see, it's not 50/50 at all, it's actually staying at the same value
    with the clear benefit to the player who is playing for a repeat.
    Even if you were looking at streaks, there are streaks of Wins on average that are twice as
    long as the streaks of Loses.
    If you look at the times when all 3 won (20 times !) compared to when all 3
    lost (2 times) there is a massive difference.
    (Remember though - the Law of thirds (or whatever it's being called now) isn't real
    according to them, yet again it's obvious in the data and predictable.

    So can you win playing repeaters when you have a 63/37 win/loss advantage ?
    I surely hope so.
    Can you win when winning streaks are twice as long as losing ones ?
    I surely hope so.
    Can you win when all 3 of 3 possible outcomes are all Wins (WWW) 20 times in 90
    attempts ? While Loses (LLL) happen only 2 times in 90 attempts ?
    I surely hope so.

    So clearly repeaters can be proven to destroy the 50/50 change of winning when
    playing 50% of something.
    If someone flipped a coin and it landed on heads 63% of the time, wouldn't it just
    be logical to play "heads" ? People can argue all day that the coin toss is 50/50
    because it is - and consistently achieving 63 wins over 100 trials would seem
    impossible, yet it's not impossible at all as described above.

    Thanks for reading.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
    Rond1nell1 likes this.
  2. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    Ambiguous. Please show now how you would bet, step by step, spin by spin. Here is a string of numbers for you to use. They came right out on my practice software for EC betting:
    22, 5, 24, 2, 17, 9, 34, 4, 19, 10,

    There were ten spins generated by my software's RNG. I have no idea how they will do. You can use them to illustrate each bet selection for each spin and how you would eliminate streets and select next streets. Then a discussion can actually be had that makes sense. It would really be nice if you make comments for each bet selection as you go.

    If I were to guess what you might have suggested I would say something like I have selected streets 1, 2 & 5, 6 & 9, 10 for the first bet. Because street 8 hit I will no longer place a bet in streets: 5, 6, 7, or 8 until the other dozens have both hit or lost like the number 22 did.

    So my guess now is that because of communication ambiguity I only bet on 4 streets now and perhaps 2 streets soon enough until the other two dozens are hit. Then there are the losses to consider also. If the bet loses as it hits elsewhere from where a bet was placed, but still eliminates that dozen from the next bet. Of course? How could I not have seen it? And when do you go back to a 50/50 bet if you actually left that in some of the spins?

    I need step by step instructions. I could easily program this for testing. The only way to prevent that would be to make it more confusing to understand. I wonder if you would be interested in making a step by step example. Right now it just does not make any sense.
  3. TurboGenius

    TurboGenius Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 25, 2015
    Self proclaimed Theoretical Philosopher
    Near Atlantic City New Jersey
    I thought that this was incredibly clear and simple, where is the problem ?
    I'll post an example - I had just assumed it wasn't necessary since I gave
    a good description and example that took hours lol.
    But I will make another post with an example....
  4. TurboGenius

    TurboGenius Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 25, 2015
    Self proclaimed Theoretical Philosopher
    Near Atlantic City New Jersey
    In your limited list of spins,
    2nd dozen had 1 street and it won, so W
    1st dozen had 2 streets played and lost, so L (so far WL_)
    and the third dozen hasn't won or lost yet due to not enough data.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
  5. TurboGenius

    TurboGenius Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 25, 2015
    Self proclaimed Theoretical Philosopher
    Near Atlantic City New Jersey
    And your testing is going to show 2/3 of time a win, and 1/3 of the time a loss -
    on a 50/50 bet. That's already been shown - but you'll see it for yourself I suppose
  6. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    I still don't see it. This is not step by step, spin by spin. Is that too much work for you? It is one spin and then guess what to do on the next spin. It is in seeing several cycles of the rules that the system is clear to see. Do you want people to think that you are up to your old ways?

    Please make each step of my list of spins clear to understand so that anyone here may ask further questions, please.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
  7. TurboGenius

    TurboGenius Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 25, 2015
    Self proclaimed Theoretical Philosopher
    Near Atlantic City New Jersey

  8. eugene

    eugene Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    united kingdom
    ScreenHunter 92.png

    The problem is that you are going to need WWW to show some profit most times and what happens when you are left with just two streets to play and then the other eight from the other two dozens hit like crazy for 15 spins and you lose 30 units in those 15 spins.
  9. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    Perfect. That's bullshit. You are up to your same old thing. Now if you would or could explain that video then you might actually be communicating. I'm laughing my ass off at you. You just started another magnetic & magical bullshit ride. You have no plans to explain anything. Just show us some more smoke and mirrors and you are off to your same pathology. I noticed that you did not show my 10 spins step by step. That video might as well been in Sanskrit.
    Nathan Detroit likes this.
  10. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    You understand the bet selection process in his method? Or are you just guessing?
  11. eugene

    eugene Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    united kingdom
    I laid out the bets for each spin.
  12. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    This is such bullshit. I'm done being suckered by Turbo. How many fools will chase this banana on a string? He is incapable of explaining a method or a system. He won't here in this method either. He doesn't have the guts to be figured out or tested. He is gambling flypaper.
    Nathan Detroit likes this.
  13. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    Yeah, you understand it. Geez! At no time in your chart is a 50 /50 bet ever placed. It never has 6 streets bet and it never returns to 50/50.

    I have a new game to play now. I also want to play tease the world by playing along with the Turbo game. All I have to do is string together any bullshit that looks like it wins. Then you say "yes, but you need to do the flip on 30 to get the rollover effect." Then after that you have a side chain discussion on why the rollover effect works for about three month.

    This game is so fucked. You should try rock climbing in Yosemite where your bullshit would get you killed. You guys are like gambling without consequences. It's all a fake reality. So pile on, this is the next BS trip.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
  14. eugene

    eugene Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    united kingdom
    Well sometimes you need to read between the lines.

    I said...''The problem is that you are going to need WWW to show some profit most times and what happens when you are left with just two streets to play and then the other eight from the other two dozens hit like crazy for 15 spins and you lose 30 units in those 15 spins.''

    So having WWW for this concept isn't much use if you have LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL when you are waiting for the last decision to be either a W or L.
    Nathan Detroit likes this.

  15. TurboGenius

    TurboGenius Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 25, 2015
    Self proclaimed Theoretical Philosopher
    Near Atlantic City New Jersey
    It isn't a "system" - perhaps read it again.
    I said you will win a 50/50 bet location much higher than 50/50 - this is backed up with
    data as you can see or test for yourself.
    If you get results at 50/50 then I am wrong, but we all know I won't be.
    Dealing with the "losing" sessions is easily overcome - especially when you win higher than 50/50.
    This is just common sense.

    My goodness, the Giz is triggered with data and facts - not shocked at all.



    If this is too complicated for you - then please don't play roulette and stick with
    bashing statistics and facts provided to you on internet forums.
  16. TurboGenius

    TurboGenius Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 25, 2015
    Self proclaimed Theoretical Philosopher
    Near Atlantic City New Jersey
    I just displayed the facts for you. You can dispute them of course but that is a losing argument
    since anyone can test this for themselves and get the exact same results.

    So a W W W happens 20 (!!!!!) times while a L L L happens 2 times.
    That's amazing enough to prove the entire thing, but that's never enough for the naysayers,
    they need more than the obvious and even then argue the facts.
    And a streak of Wins at 8 in a row compared to only 4 in a row for Loses isn't relevant
    either I guess lol.

    Sometimes there's nothing you can do other than lay out the truth and take the abuse.
    That's fine with me - a few people had something click in their heads, and that's enough.
    juice likes this.
  17. eugene

    eugene Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    united kingdom
    I understand the point you were trying to make.
    My point is that you can't claim WWW when you could have WW (LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL)W waiting for that third decision.
    Where is the logic in that! Oh wait a minute, you have just the right progression for it!
    Ka2 likes this.
  18. TurboGenius

    TurboGenius Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 25, 2015
    Self proclaimed Theoretical Philosopher
    Near Atlantic City New Jersey
    The "thinking" person would say - "How do I avoid such a situation knowing the odds of winning
    long term are in my favor" and then they would easily work that out. The critic would say -
    "This is going to happen over and over and there's nothing I can do about it, so I have to lose"
    BabyDriver likes this.
  19. TurboGenius

    TurboGenius Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 25, 2015
    Self proclaimed Theoretical Philosopher
    Near Atlantic City New Jersey
    As should you.
    If you win 2/3 of the time - what progression would you use on a 50/50 bet ?
    I'm not doing all the work - but I understand that means I'm holding a "banana on a string",
    so be it. I'm not going into everyone's brain to think for them.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
    juice likes this.
  20. TurboGenius

    TurboGenius Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 25, 2015
    Self proclaimed Theoretical Philosopher
    Near Atlantic City New Jersey
    Backs up that repeaters work and doesn't even understand or realize it
    trellw24 likes this.

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