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Roulette Undeniable proof for the "repeaters"

Discussion in 'Roulette Forum' started by TurboGenius, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. jekhb1976

    jekhb1976 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2019
    yea, guess you are right.
    he has some serious attention seeking problems.
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  2. jekhb1976

    jekhb1976 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2019
    and the funny part of this thread is, that he haven't showed any evidence :)
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  3. jekhb1976

    jekhb1976 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2019
    Evidence is showing solid math and showing how something works.
    If this happens, you do this. And when that happens, you do that. With at the end, this is the result. If we then all test it and everyone gets the same results, you will have you solid math evidence, wherw no one can go around with. But that will never gonna happen, because he can't show us that because he is afraid of the casinos closing down, cheez. They don't give a damn about a couple of guys winning some.
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  4. Ka2

    Ka2 Active Member

    Feb 12, 2019
    But he showed a screenshot right? Of a couple of hundred spins, thats more than enough right? Our spins dont count of course because we are not doing it right or we are using the wrong numbers. Lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2019
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  5. Anthony

    Anthony New Member

    Jul 9, 2016
    Jekhb i remember when you followed turbo like a puppy trying to copy his systems and post like him not so long ago? what happened why you change for? i never thought id see you trade sides - honestly its hilarious you are a mathboy now!! Even funnier is that you say he is seeking attention when I thought that about you forever!
    juice and oopsididitagain like this.
  6. Sharptracker

    Sharptracker Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2018
    Well actually Turbo, even if Jerome, Benas practice skepticism with you (put their current opinion away to study the case with no opinion), show you the graph, you're not able to do the same and to understand...
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  7. Ka2

    Ka2 Active Member

    Feb 12, 2019
    Yes like so many still do. But he amid he was wrong in the end after rigorous testing. And he showed great balls to do so in this forum. When all the other twats find out when they are wrong, will they admit it here? I give it a 99% chance they will not!

    Also where are the fan boys in this thread any way? They are nowhere to be seen. Is it because the systems failed miserably or is it because they are still busy writing thank you notes to mathboy nr 1 turbo?
    oopsididitagain likes this.

  8. TurboGenius

    TurboGenius Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 25, 2015
    Self proclaimed Theoretical Philosopher
    Near Atlantic City New Jersey
    7 pages of trolling is like..
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  9. Benas

    Benas Active Member

    Jul 27, 2018
    Looking for peoples who play better...
    All for me is clear, only not clear why for him to claim that it is "something ".
    In all my tests I not found any situation WWW, but Ok I understand that such must be. And at all is possible to do all more simple and clear 36 numbers split to 4 nines. The first spin we skip on next we bet what fall in first and if lost then add one more bet and win or loss and that will be finish of all cycle. The same finish cycle wins on the second spin.
    It is evident that all is the same as with these streets, even is better I later can explain why... :)
    If win we in the second spin we win 3 if win in the third spin - we win 1.

    Now I will explain misunderstanding Turbo. That he do such mistake is natural - clear that he did not learn high math, or if learned - forgot.
    Here is natural and not shame...
    How he thinks if we bet 9 numbers we have chance to lost 29/38, when we bet second time 18 numbers we have chance to lost 20/38 so in all these two cases we have chance to lost (29/38)*(20/38)=0.4017 so near to 60% chance to be a winner. From where he took 62.5% not clear, but no matter.
    The main moment is here
    If win we in the second spin we win 3 if win in the third spin - we win 1.
    Now can be the second mistake - he thinks that to win in the third spin he has 18/38 chances - that is not right that will come that third spin he must lose in the second spin and that has chance 29/38 so to win in the third spin we have chance only (29/38)*(18/38)=0.3615

    So now we can calculate all...
    That will be simpler write what will be if we will play 100 cycles
    24 times we will win in second spin x3 = benefit 24*3=72
    36 times we will win in third spin x1 = benefit 36*1=36
    Total wins are 36+72=108
    And in
    40 times we will lose 3 so damage 40*3=-120

    As we see on average in 100 cycles we will lose about 12 chips
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  10. Jerome

    Jerome Active Member

    Mar 15, 2018
    Most people find probability confusing. Very smart people can be totally wrong, even math PhD's. But if we have clear system rules there can be no misunderstanding and ambiguity.
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  11. Ka2

    Ka2 Active Member

    Feb 12, 2019
    And that's the whole point now is it. Thread after thread after thread, turbo claiming to beat roulette. But in stead of presenting a complete working system we can verify our selves. No its always hints/tips/vague principles. We have to do the rest our selves. Why? You are the one starting this thread turbo, no one else did. You claim you have proof, still we have seen didly squat!
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  12. Spider

    Spider Active Member Founding Member

    Dec 24, 2014
    Ok here’s my results so far on my take of reading what Turbo has written...
    324 spins +815 units.

    Not interested in getting into arguments as my take on it may not be right and I KNOW it’s not gazillions of spins.
    juice and oopsididitagain like this.
  13. Sharptracker

    Sharptracker Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2018
    I really recognize that this way to act, skeptisicm, is the best way and really show how clever are people but the final result depends also on the other side to make the situation more clear, that's probably why i still cannot improve in that way and need to confront instead... of course the situation cannot change with confrontation but it takes less time ,for most of the time, same result finally :) Still i always enjoy to see someone act with skepticism and with this way to put their opinion away... congratulation guys
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  14. SERGIO

    SERGIO Active Member

    Feb 6, 2018
    Todavía no entiendo, ya que hay personas que deciden ignorar todo lo que Turbo ha propuesto en estos años, he estado muchos años menos que muchos de este foro después de Turbo y entiendo perfectamente lo que significa en cada una de las cosas y si No entiendo, lucho firmemente para entender y entender si es verdad o no.
    Seguramente hay muchas personas que ni siquiera tienen la más mínima capacidad de comprender cosas que son tan fáciles de entender ... pero tampoco necesitan tener un conocimiento intelectual muy alto, ¡eh!
    Turbo lo ha dicho muy claramente en esta de las calles, incluso a lo que sería una posible progresión ... ¿todavía dicen que lo que dice no es cierto? ¿¿seriamente?? todos somos caballeros locos !!
    Mire cuidadosamente lo que dice Turbo y hágalo, ¡es simple!
    ¡Daré otro paso para ver si ves las cosas un poco mejor!
    Cuando tengas LL, ¡mira lo que sucede con las últimas calles de la docena que faltan!
    Cuando tengas WW, ¡mira lo que sucede con las últimas calles de la docena que faltan!
    Turbo dijo que ocurre muy poco LLL, por lo que WWW generalmente no sucede del todo.
    Creo que he dicho mucho más de lo que Turbo quería decir, pero Turbo ya lo dijo todo, ¡solo he matizado un 1% más! jajaja
    BabyDriver and oopsididitagain like this.

  15. Benas

    Benas Active Member

    Jul 27, 2018
    Looking for peoples who play better...
    So Turbo uses this situation - he understands that here about probabilities almost nobody understands and who understands simply lazy to write and try to look smart. That is clear, but what benefit he has from that? Maybe only to grow up his ego...Maybe for somebody that is very important...
    For me, important is real wins and because of that, I must all do as possible - right...
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  16. theLaw

    theLaw Active Member

    Jul 25, 2017
    I think it's simply that Turbo doesn't want to admit failure, as he himself claims "35+ years" working on this. To be fair, that would be a tough thing to admit to yourself, especially if you have no second act.

    Now, he's labeled everyone a troll, and he'll continue this same pattern of starting new incomplete threads.....then getting negative reactions......then claiming to be a victim, until he leaves the forum.

    Attention is the only currency he has left, so it makes sense that he would seek it out.

    Devil's Advocate: Turbo has been openly deceptive for years now (just go back and read the "attorney-speak" in his past posts), so it was clear from the beginning that he had nothing of value. Sadly, I think this reflects more on the members who believed him (myself included) than Turbo himself. He told us that he was not going to be forthcoming, and that should have been the end of it. This scam would not work on the average person, but only on those who want to believe.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  17. Sharptracker

    Sharptracker Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2018
    Just ask yourself a question and wonder what is the simple answer, just do this to find in most cases the truth...

    Why turbo needs always to come back with a different system that would beat the house? Because all others don't work.

    Still he's a creative mind, that's why i invited him to search a way on a topic but till now in vain...
    oopsididitagain and Ka2 like this.
  18. eugene

    eugene Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    united kingdom
    The Devil's Advocate works both ways however!

    How did he manage to get a good balance on the sims with no losses. If it was that easy, then everybody should be able to do it but they can't or won't! Why not? Then again, does he know a way to manipulate the sims to make it look like he never loses. He said he caught Pryanka cheating on Steve's game. But my question would be why are you bothered and why would you specifically go looking for other people cheating on a sim game and if you did catch someone else cheating, then by definition, you likely know how to cheat most of the simulation games yourself.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  19. theLaw

    theLaw Active Member

    Jul 25, 2017
    The simple answer is probably just ego. You are talking about a self-proclaimed "genius" after all.

    If Turbo is just looking to be the most powerful brand on the boards, Pryanka is probably his most dangerous competition.

    Nobody trusts Steve.....Ignatus is addicted to testing......Falkor is crazy.....John Legend was outed as a fraud. Who else is left that seeks attention?

    Turbo is just trying to hold out in hopes of being the last guru standing.:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
    Ka2 and oopsididitagain like this.
  20. Spider

    Spider Active Member Founding Member

    Dec 24, 2014
    Lost it all

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