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Intro Vegas Vic - Profile

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Vegas Vic, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. Vegas Vic

    Vegas Vic New Member Founding Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    Gaming Author and Consultant
    Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
    Victor H. Royer, known as Vegas Vic, is the author of 43 books. Mostly known for books, articles, and columns on casino games and gambling, he is also the author of The Great American Joke Book, as well as several titles of fiction, including "Another Day" and the western "Riders on the Wind."

    Versatile and multitalented, Royer is the creator, producer, and host of the Web-TV show Great Casino Slots, now showing at www.YouTube.com/LasVegasLiveTV . He also composes music and performs under the names Glenn Diamond, Pappy Jones, Hans Dorfmann, and Miguel Armandaiz. For more information, please visit him at www.MoreCasinoDeals.com

    Here's a copy of an interview which I did recently. It tells a lot of my story in answers to a few key questions:

    Q: Can you please tell us about yourself and how you got involved in the gambling industry?

    A: I came from Hollywood. Some 32 years ago I was around a lot of the old Hollywood stars. I knew a lot of them, and even more whom I didn't even recognize at the time. But we were pals. I used to basically go from one party to another, being invited so much that I'd sometimes not even know which party this was, or where. There were times I'd wake up in San Francisco, or New York - there was usually a girl involved in this somewhere - and I'd have to ask: "What's you name?" and "Where am I?"

    Anyway, at one of these parties a fellow I knew introduced me to a guy who said: "Come to Vegas, Kid. We'll take care of you." And, so I went. And I've been here ever since.

    While I was always a writer - my magazine articles have been in continuous national and international publication since 1984 - I did spend a lot of my life as a professional and semi-professional gambler. Later, as a consultant, which is what I do now. Mostly to the gaming industry, but also financial firms, and so on.

    Today, I am semi-retired, I write books, songs, music, and articles on gaming for both the gaming business, as well as the players. I've written 42 books so far, my latest being a Western - a work of fiction - titled: "Riders on the Wind." You can see most of my current books at my web site: www.MoreCasinoDeals.com Just click the Insider Books tab at the top.

    Q: You're regarded by many as a true industry expert and written numerous informative books on gambling. Tell us more about your latest book/s and what prompted you to write it/them?

    A: My last two books are works of fiction. The first is an action-adventure romance, titled: "Another Day." The second, and latest, is my Western, titled: "Riders on the Wind."

    My most recent gambling books are: "New Casino Slots" and "Great Gamblers: True Stories and Amazing Facts." I am also about to publish a new book, called: "Great Casino Slots - Volume 1". This should be on sale in a few weeks, maybe a couple of months.

    I also have my videos on my channel at: www.LasVegasLiveTV.com

    "Great Gamblers" is a book about some very interesting people, places, and facts. Some of these are from my own life, while others from the lives of others. And the facts themselves are incredible.

    All of my books are available as eBooks as well, and many cost only $1.99, so you can easily enjoy them on any device. iBooks, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, you name it - they are all available in all digital formats.

    For current news, information, details, and happenings, you can also check out my Newsletter, details of which are at this link: http://www.accessvegas.com/membershipvr

    Q: What's your favorite casino destination and favorite game/s to play?

    A: I have lots of favorite casinos. Many of them are no longer around, sadly. I used to like the "old" Vegas a lot more than the "new" Vegas. I liked the old Sands, Silver Slipper, Dunes, Desert Inn, Silver City, Stardust, and also Caesars, Hilton, Maxim, and so on. And the old Downtown casinos, before that ridiculous canopy that's there now.

    But I also like some of the "new" Vegas. The Palms, Gold Coast, Red Rock Station, Palace Station, Texas Station, Arizona Charlie's, M Resort, South Point, and so on - mostly the "local's" places. But I often play at the Venetian as well, and check out the other Strip casinos from time to time.

    My favorite casino game is Video Keno. Other than Live Poker, that's the game I play most often, whenever I have the time to play. These days I spend a lot of my time writing, consulting, and taking care of business. But when I do play, live poker and video keno are the two games I look for.

    Why video keno? Well, there are many good reasons. I explain all of this in my book: "Powerful Profits from Keno", which has been updated and released as an eBook, and is available now. I have also written numerous articles about this, and also posted some information here in this forum.

    Q: Have you ever been banned from a casino?

    A: No. The "art" of gambling for profit, and professionally, is to make sure that the casinos don't know that you're doing it. At least not "for sure." I did get shuffled on a lot. One time, at the old Sands, I sat at the $100 table near the Copa Room, and started to play. Well, after a few hands, they just started to shuffle after each hand. And then they started to change the dealer and shuffle after each hand. And then they started to change the dealer, and change the cards and shuffle after each hand.

    I got the message, and went to play elsewhere.

    Q: In your vast experience can you spot it when a game runs on ''rigged'' software. If so, how will you go about it?

    A: Today, this is NOT possible. At least not in the United States, in licensed casinos. The Internet is different, of course, because there are no specific rules governing that aspect of gambling. In the USA, those States that offer online poker right now have very strict controls, and this means no game can be rigged. The same applies to the casinos.

    With tens of billions of dollars in profits already streaming in from "true" and "honest" games, why would any casino ever risk losing their license - and this cash-cow - just to eek out a few extra bucks from some unsuspecting player? If they want to get more money from their games, it's a lot easier to simply change the pay table and payback percentage. Rigging a slot machine, or a game, is just stupid. In the USA, this will NOT happen in ANY licensed casino. Period.

    Can it happen? Yes, of course it can. But such would be individual situations, made by individual persons for their own gains, and not something willingly sanctioned by any licensed casino. Anyone who says anything to the contrary is either referring to history, to films, TV, or fiction, or just doesn't know what they're saying.

    In other countries, however, that's a whole different thing. Maybe it happens, maybe it doesn't. I can't comment. I only know that in the USA, if you're playing in a licensed casino, the games offered there are as true and honest as any human can make them.

    Q: What advice will you give to tourists visiting Las Vegas for the first time?

    A: Learn the games first, learn what to look for and why, and get at least some knowledge of what you should do before you start spending your money. That way you will last longer, lose less, and will have a better time.

    Q: Do you think gambling in general has a negative connotation to it?

    A: No. Maybe in olden times, but not today. Among some religious zealots, yes, of course. But those will be with us always. I have a simple answer to anyone who opposes gambling: Don't do it. If you don't want to gamble, don't go to a casino. Don't log on to the web site. Don't play. It's that simple. Those of us who like to gamble aren't forcing you to do it, so why are you trying to force us not to?

    Q: What's the biggest mistake/s gamblers normally make, and what advice would you give them?

    A: The biggest mistake they make is going to the casino blind, without knowledge, skills, or even a notion of what they will find. Not to mention how to play it. Today there's no excuse for this. When I first became interested in Blackjack, 45 years ago, there was one book. For Poker, there was also only one book. That was it. If you wanted to learn to gamble, you had to do it by trial and error. And that is expensive, and takes years - often decades - to do it well.

    Today, you can Google the game, and learn all about it. Or buy a book. It doesn't have to be my book. Pick one you think you will like. For me, if I had that available when I started, I'd be glad to pay $1.99 for an eBook. Even if it cost $6.95, or more, it would still be well worth it. Without it, millions of people go to casinos each year and they collectively lose $500 Billion on all US gambling games combined (lotteries included).

    Why can developers pay $4 Billion to build a new casino resort? Because the vast majority of casino players who will go there just don't bother to learn anything.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2015
    isaacMBB, The Sarge and Fritz like this.
  2. Fritz

    Fritz New Member Lineage to Founders

    Feb 4, 2015
    Laval, Québéc, Canada
    Amazing. Thank you for taking the time to write this.. I'm dumbfounded.
  3. Vegas Vic

    Vegas Vic New Member Founding Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    Gaming Author and Consultant
    Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
    Much appreciate your comment. Glad you like it :)
    Fritz likes this.
  4. The Sarge

    The Sarge Member

    Apr 25, 2015
    military poker coach in training
    vegas bound ..
    Vegas Vic you got class and man of many books hope meet you in vegas ..The sarge
  5. Vegas Vic

    Vegas Vic New Member Founding Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    Gaming Author and Consultant
    Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
    Hi Sarge - thanks for the kind words. I'm usually around town late at night, and rarely make public appearances any more. After 32 years in the casinos, I'm taking it more easy these days. Those week-long stints at the games are a bit too much for my aging bones - lol :) But the spirit is still willing, and I manage to get myself to the games as much as possible. So, maybe I will see you somewhere. I wish you luck in Vegas!
  6. The Sarge

    The Sarge Member

    Apr 25, 2015
    military poker coach in training
    vegas bound ..
    Hey Vegas vic thank you sir for the kind words will be starting a poker team in vegas..Team Pitbull Fighting Ptsd one poker hand at a time ..
    ever think about Reki healing for your body .Just a thought
  7. The Sarge

    The Sarge Member

    Apr 25, 2015
    military poker coach in training
    vegas bound ..
    Hey vic you produce music I used too work with MENICE white rapper chris dollinger he has mad music skills and doing his thing and blowing up the charts..hes from Atlanta Army Ranger,Sniper vet from Afghanistan ..the sarge..

  8. Vegas Vic

    Vegas Vic New Member Founding Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    Gaming Author and Consultant
    Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
    Hi Sarge - Two things: First, best of luck on the poker team! If you're going to play professionally, it's a tough way to make an easy living. But cash games can be lucrative, although playing "teams" on a cash game table isn't that easy. This will be spotted pretty fast. I assume you mean tournaments, which is, of course, the way to go for poker teams. Second, yes I do make and produce music. But not Rap, for sure. I'm not a fan of that genre. My world is more in melodic music - country, new age, jazz, neo-classical, and so on. There are links on my web sites, so you can check it out there. ~ Nice chatting with you :D
  9. The Sarge

    The Sarge Member

    Apr 25, 2015
    military poker coach in training
    vegas bound ..
    Hey Vic My Team is people who join my face book .Team Pitbull Fighting Ptsd..I want too teach poker to people who are scared to play the game any military vet who suffer from PTSD in las vegas ill teach for free. I have a lot years teaching military tactics now want too put that on poker table ..Las Vegas where millions are played and Legends are made .. Also want too write a book on my life. From the Iraq War,too the car accident and 3 stints in my heart .Too almost dieing 4 times from the accident tooo follow my dream and playing poker in Las Vegas..The Sarge..
  10. Vegas Vic

    Vegas Vic New Member Founding Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    Gaming Author and Consultant
    Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
    Hi Sarge - This being Memorial Day weekend, first let me thank you for your service :) Also much good luck with your team. I wish you well, health, wealth, and happiness - May the poker chips be with you!
  11. The Sarge

    The Sarge Member

    Apr 25, 2015
    military poker coach in training
    vegas bound ..
    Thank you Sir When you thank me you thank all the Veterans Worldwide ..The ones that came back from the Wars and for those who gave there lives for are great country .America are colors don't Run and We don't hide ..
  12. MrsWolf

    MrsWolf New Member

    Oct 11, 2016
    Las Vegas
    Hi Victor, guess who?:p
    It has been a while.:(
    Axel asked me to get an account here for some reason.:rolleyes:
    He said not to use my real name on here.:rolleyes:
    We are on what he claims is a vacation:eek:
    We should set up lunch or dinner when we get back to Las Vegas.:)

    Your friend RBC.
  13. Vegas Vic

    Vegas Vic New Member Founding Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    Gaming Author and Consultant
    Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
    Mrs Wolf - how do we know each other? Please let me know. I don't recall.
    estherqing likes this.
  14. isaacMBB

    isaacMBB New Member

    Jan 25, 2017
    Vegas Vic!

    That is really interesting story, you certainly have seen it all! I will be sure to check out your books!

    In about 1996 when the first online casinos were being born, did they offer deposit bonuses or was there then to gain customers then?

    When did the deposit bonuses start? I guess when the competition got fierce.

    I'm interested in the history of bonuses! Not much out there.

    estherqing likes this.

  15. Vegas Vic

    Vegas Vic New Member Founding Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    Gaming Author and Consultant
    Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
    Hi Isaac - Thanks for writing. When online poker first started, with Planet Poker, and - I think - Island Poker, or something like that ... it's been a while ... bonuses were frequently used to attract players, and to reward those who remained loyal to the site. But when Poker Stars, and Full Tilt, became the powerhouse, and also 888 Holdings with their many clones, this started to be phased out. There were lots of players, and so bonuses were being redirected to loyal players, and, mostly, were in the form or rake-back for cash games. And, of course, similar and other incarnations of this type of reward. Today, that's all largely gone. In the USA, we have very limited online poker, and that which now exists is nothing like Poker Stars, Party Poker, Full Tilt, and so on. I don't see Bonuses coming back anything like they once were being offered. So, basically, just enjoy what you can get, and don't be too disappointed. If you have access to online poker, be happy you have it. It might take more effort and time to log in the wins, but - if you're good, and patient - they will accumulate. I have some articles about this on my web site: MoreCasinoDeals.com - And I wish you all the luck possible! ~ Vegas Vic.
  16. estherqing

    estherqing New Member

    Apr 3, 2017
    Wow thanks for your time to write this, appreciate.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2017
  17. Vegas Vic

    Vegas Vic New Member Founding Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    Gaming Author and Consultant
    Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
    You are welcome! Best wishes, and lots of luck :)
  18. AxelWolf

    AxelWolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2016
    Las Vegaas
    Island Poker: Were you thinking of Paradise poker?

    One big problem with Planet poker at the time was they didn't really do anything to detect collusion.
  19. Vegas Vic

    Vegas Vic New Member Founding Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    Gaming Author and Consultant
    Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
    Yes - Paradise Poker. Later, I think, there was also a site called Island Poker, but that's so long ago now, I really can't remember for certain. I probably wrote about it in my book: "Powerful Profits from Internet Gambling", which first came out about 12 years ago, so at that time my experiences from those early days were much cleared in my mind. Time marches on, and the world of today is vastly different to those earlier heady days. And yes, I do agree with you that - at the time - there was little done about collusion.
  20. AxelWolf

    AxelWolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2016
    Las Vegaas
    I'm fairly certain I was playing Planet Poker soon after it became a thing.
    FYI they only had limit poker at the time, I dont believe there was any bonus at the time.

    The first casino I seen a good bonus at was Windward casino (100% up to $500 it was not a poker site). They had $1 FPDW and BJ game that was slightly positive off the top. I ran my account from $500 to Tens of thousands playing $1 FPDW it a very short period time. It was like it was gaffed in my favor.

    Unfortunately one of my bigger Mistakes gambling. Since the BJ was positive off the top and you could bet $500 a hand. Normally I would bet low on the BJ and do really well. One night I went for it on BJ and lost it all. I'm fairly certain it was not just variance. I wrote more details about it over at Wizard of Vegas Forum. IMO even though I supposedly had positive EV I still think of it as going on tilt. Lesson learned.

    You would have to use the search feature to find it. Winward will probably bring it up.

    Fun Fact: At one time in the mid to late 90's you could play BJ at InterCasino(one of the first online casinos) If you didn't like your hand, you could simply pull the phone cord out and disconnect. When you logged back on the software had refunded your bet as if it never happened. That's how I was fairly certain some online casinos were rigged whenever you bet large amounts. You still couldn't beat the game even if you only played the most solid hands. You would get 20 with the dealer showing a bust card and still lose.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017

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