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Misc WizardOfVegas Forum is Dying

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Gambling Forum' started by LovePotion9, Sep 5, 2015.

This is a Designated Unrestricted Area and is moderated more lightly and may therefore contain more offensive language. Reader beware.
  1. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    You could have written the exact same thing about UNKewlJ! At least SeedValue speaks with conviction and authority, has never been caught in any lies or contradictions, while UNKewlJ is caught lying almost every time he opens his mouth.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
  2. MrV

    MrV Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2016
    attorney at law (retired)
    Portland, Oregon
    Hey dawg, maybe you can don your lawyer's cap and look into a mystery at WoV concerning yours truly.

    As you know the Wiz exiled me for two weeks, but ostensibly I've been reinstated as my name is no longer in red.

    But...I do not have the option to reply to threads as the reply bar is MIA, nor can I access the suspension list.

    Egad...it appears I've been muzzled.

    Very strange.
  3. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
  4. MrV

    MrV Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2016
    attorney at law (retired)
    Portland, Oregon
    Duh-oh...silly me: I forgot that I logged out of WoV after my suspension.

    Should be fine when I get around to logging in again: thanks for jogging my foggy memory.
  5. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    Actually though - if you haven't smoked any MJ in four or five days, perhaps that means you're suffering from rebound effect - that is to say that your brain and system have gotten so reliant on the THC and other drugs in marijuana that they can't function well without them. :lurking:
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
  6. MrV

    MrV Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2016
    attorney at law (retired)
    Portland, Oregon

    I tried to log in using the most recent password but No Joy.

    No worries.
  7. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    This has happened many times in the past and here we go again. Whenever Weak Wizard leaves town he suspends himself so he doesn't have to bother with the forum that he has systematically ruined. Right on cue as he prepares to leave for Waco, Texas...the predictable hypocrite gives himself a fake suspension.

    This time he called it a "penance" for overruling Gordon...a really big middle finger to a mod that he conned into working for free. Here's what happened.

    Terapined mentioned VCT in a post which really frosts the weak one who does not allow mention of other forums. Gordon ruled that, in this case, it was not suspension worthy. Along comes Herr DICKtator with a 3 day suspension for Terapined as if Gordy didn't exist. Weak Wizard claims he didn't see Gordon's post, fake apologizes and suspends himself. Didn't see the post directly above the post he was making? Didn't see the bright green name Gordonm888 right above the post he was making?

    What a crock and nobody but nobody believes the 'man of integrity' about this or anything else. Again...huge slap in the face. Remember when I said that the 'man of integrity' suspends himself right before a trip? Here's what his own mod, Gordo, had to say.

    Gordo: "I wonder if the fact that Wizard's self -suspension from the forum occurs as the same time as the total eclipse is a complete coincidence?" No, Gordo...you don't. You're on to him like everyone else.
    Mickey Crimm likes this.

  8. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    I wonder how many *cough* models Weak Wizard paid to pose with him on the streets of Waco during the eclipse. He hasn't done that in a while? Au contraire my gullible cult members. Simply go to his YouTube channel to see the perv at work...a few scant months ago. The name of the stupid channel is Platypus Garden. Of course it is.

    Find the video titled "Guess the Symbol Magic Trick." It's an excruciating 12 minutes long but can be jumped to the end. That's where you'll see what his hands are touching. Hint...I hope she charged him extra for that.
  9. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    In the popular "Nathan's Corner" thread at WoV , discussion turned to the rules in today's fluid dating atmosphere. There was actually a great back and forth with good input from all participants until....

    Forum moderator gordonm888 decides to join in...completely ignoring the 'man of integrity's' higher standard for mods thing. "How many of you have ever sent (or received) a dick pic?" asks the salivating 69 year old pervert. Well...I guess we know of at least one. Should we call Chris Hansen?

    Constant inappropriate comments, fantasies about sex with double amputees and now dick pics? The guy is pushing 70. Could it be the onset of dementia or something much darker?
  10. MrV

    MrV Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2016
    attorney at law (retired)
    Portland, Oregon

    Sounds like he's a frisky devil; it could be that he pops a viagra with his daily multi-vitamin to help "take care" of the "business" of the *ahem* "coming day."

    At least he's alive and engaged in the world; in contrast, the high point of asexual Tasha's life is winning a free Bingo card.

    The poor thing hasn't learned the cardinal rule of life: "It is better to fuck than to be fucked."
  11. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015

    Here is a update on the status of one Mission146 at WoV:

    Last post...March 8th.

    Suspended March 12...suspension still in effect.

    Last visit to forum...April 5th.

    Reason given for suspension by Weak Wizard...Nonpayment of prize money - suspension will end when full payment has been made. Haven't others been permanently banned for that very thing?

    The owner of WoV is LCB...Latest Casino Bonus. Mission146 works as a "writer" for LCB. Mission146 is a former mod at WoV. He has stated that although he is no longer a WoV mod...his work for LCB affords him access to WoV that members do not have. So is this just another one of those fake suspensions?

    Why hasn't he paid the prize money? I'm not going to speculate but I do wonder if LCB isn't paying him that much. If he was paid by the word he'd already be a millionaire. That's for sure!
  12. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    Speaking of the suspension list...Herr DICKtator just posted that the forum has gone 19 days without a suspension. Why would he make such a stupid post? He can't help himself. He's getting the itch. He wants to suspend someone so he's trying to bait whomever he can...or have one of the cult members do it.

    Enter terapined...right on cue with a pathetic attempt to insult MDawg. Of course the Dawg doesn't take the bait. What was telling was the fact that two respected WoV members, SOOPOO and unJon, wasted no time admonishing terapined for the classless act. Typical Weak Wizard trying to get others to do his dirty work.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2024
  13. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    Now the phony Weak Wizard posts "Shag sameach" claiming he wants to honor Passover. What a crock and the self proclaimed Mensa man spelled it wrong. Let's see if he sneaks back and corrects it after time has expired.
  14. Karen Nathan

    Karen Nathan Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2018
    Miami, Florida
    Mission not paying out the money he owes and him not visiting WOV in 20 days is out of character for him. I have a feeling that Mission might be in a Coma in ICU. :O
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2024

  15. MrV

    MrV Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2016
    attorney at law (retired)
    Portland, Oregon
    Up til now Mission was well-liked, but since he welched on a bet his popularity is plummeting.

    Wow, what a legacy.

    It doesn't really matter WHAT "excuse" he comes up with: only a person of questionable character makes a bet and then refuses to pay a losing bet.

    Cardinal rule of life: "Never make a bet if you cannot afford to pay if the bet is lost."

    On a related note, it was a hoot to see Even Bob get schooled by TigerWu: EB yapped about how people made fun of him for never agreeing to make a bet with forum members, that the Mission situation shows why he was correct in refusing to do so; Tiger Wu succinctly shot him through the heart with:

    "You got made fun of because YOU actually offered to make the bets, YOU actually set the terms of the bet, and on at least one occasion you actually posted pictures of the money you were willing to bet, and then when people actually agreed to your terms and took you up on the offer, you reneged."

    Last edited: Apr 26, 2024
  16. coach belly

    coach belly Active Member

    Jun 4, 2016
    Are you sure that he welched on a bet?

    My understanding is that he offered to contribute his personal funds to augment the contest's prize pool.

    That's more like a pledge to a charity...not a wager.

    Sometimes folks extend their generosity, then subsequently find themselves overextended.

    I've even heard of folks reneging on a pledge, should they find the intended recipient's behavior to be problematic.
  17. MrV

    MrV Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2016
    attorney at law (retired)
    Portland, Oregon
    No, I'm not "sure" as I didn't follow the thread entirely; my belief was framed by comments made by WoVers about the incident.

    But seriously, if he "pledged" to "augment funds" and then doesn't do so?

    Draw your own conclusion.
  18. coach belly

    coach belly Active Member

    Jun 4, 2016
    Nobody involved in the contest accused him of welching on a bet, but you went ahead and accused him of welching, even though you have no knowledge that he did.

    That's bearing false witness against thy neighbor.

    Why would you do that?

  19. MrV

    MrV Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2016
    attorney at law (retired)
    Portland, Oregon
    I used the term for the sake of brevity, as did WoV forum regular 100Xodds on 4/25 at WoV when he wrote about Mission 146's actions as follows:

    "He's still suspended.
    What's this welching on bet thing?
    Why hasn't he paid?"

    Sorry to piss on your cornflakes, coach, but before you go on the attack make sure you've got some bullets.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
  20. coach belly

    coach belly Active Member

    Jun 4, 2016
    100x asked a question, he didn't accuse Mission of welching...but you did.

    100x was quickly informed, on that same page, that Mission did not welch on a bet.

    But you accused him of welching anyway...in triplicate.

    The second and third cheap shots you took were for brevity?

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