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Last Activity:
Feb 9, 2025 at 10:39 AM
Oct 13, 2019
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Apr 5, 1988 (Age: 36)
North Carolina

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Active Member, Male, 36, from North Carolina

Bitrock06 was last seen:
Feb 9, 2025 at 10:39 AM
    1. Gigi666
      Could you get in touch with me when you have some time please? Cheers
      1. dakshaharshavardhan likes this.
    2. Gigi666
      Good luck with live play. I have promising results going for short sessions and playing only few spins after one number gets the spot in a race, although it does lose sometimes so need to find balance.
      1. Bitrock06 likes this.
      2. Bitrock06
        I can try to find you
        Sep 29, 2020
        zorro and Gigi666 like this.
      3. Gigi666
        Did you get my reply?
        Sep 30, 2020
      4. Bitrock06
        Yup. Replying today
        Sep 30, 2020
        Gigi666 likes this.
    3. RickK
      There are many, many ideas for methods being discussed in these forums. The one type of method that I think Turbo uses, and I'm searching for is one the gets better and more accurate as the spins increase. Not sure there is such a thing, but just curious about whether or not your method falls in that category. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
      1. Bitrock06
        There are a few ways. Turbo has said this in the past. I would give a hint or two but not on a public forum. I'm sorry. Unfortunately, we haven't heard from turbo in some time and hope he is well.
        Sep 29, 2020
    4. RickK
      Congratulations....things got kinda quiet on that thread and was wondering how you were doing...i thought I was close several times, but ended up in the rabbit hole too often to be confident about going live..did you have to go 500-800 spins in each test to go positive or you just did that many to put it through it's paces ? Good luck (if you need it).
      1. Bitrock06 likes this.
      2. Bitrock06
        I don't believe I do. That was for my own wanting to test and test. Of course it seems if I just continue to play, I can make more and more.
        Sep 29, 2020
        Vinac367 likes this.
    5. RickK
      I kinda thought he was onto something...wrote him a pm recently and several in that past, but never got any replies...his posts are next on my list to reread...have you seen or heard anything about him lately...pretty nice post when Turbo says maybe people should listen to him more..
      1. Bitrock06 likes this.
    6. RickK
      Understood....I went back to last November when we were all (several) trying to sort out his Horse Race Analogy...Repeaters, Minimum Interval, etc..not sure that anything ever got agreed upon, but I am noticing some things I didn't catch the first time. Been drifting in different directions since then, but going back to the beginning to see if I can put it together this time...good luck on your progress..
      1. Bitrock06
        Yea, that's exactly what I did. I will say what eugene was doing was on the right track.
        Sep 21, 2020
        Vinac367 likes this.
    7. RickK
      Thought a parallel session might work after reading Rinad post...but it turns out to be more like extending the original session..didn't work on it much as it seemed to be just doubling up (or down)...
      How are you making out (with your daily increases) ?..graphs and $ still going north ?
      1. Bitrock06 likes this.
      2. Bitrock06
        Things continue to go north thankfully. I just don't want to talk about certain things on a public forum ya know? But I have gone live once and plan to run more live games next week. I will say this, since using turbo's info I haven't crashed a bankroll yet. I owe him and his family a nice dinner lol.
        Sep 21, 2020
    8. RickK
      I've always thought, that by the shape of TG's graphs, whatever he does, it gets more accurate as the spins continue..similar, I think, to what you're doing..
      1. Bitrock06 likes this.
    9. RickK
      Like what you're doing now..I'm trying to fit of the pieces of the puzzle together that you're describing...
    10. RickK
      Check the date on that post....i think it had something to do with a Sergio post back then..
      1. Bitrock06
        which post?
        Sep 8, 2020
    11. RickK
      Do you read Spanish ?
      1. beachedwhale likes this.
      2. Bitrock06
        i dont, but i could use google translate
        Sep 8, 2020
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    Apr 5, 1988 (Age: 36)
    North Carolina
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