Kimo... The brain is the best computer. No fallacy over here buddy. Just black chips. Some losing sessions and some very profitable sessions I've...
You can come up with your own "tracker" using math and imitating the motion of the wheel. The real "edge" comes when you understand how the wheel...
Section of the wheel and a section of the table are two totally different things. They're in completely different orders and arrangements. On your...
A print out of the roulette wheel and math.
I'd imagine that a seasoned croupier could send a ball into a certain section of about 5 numbers for sure. Depending on fret type.
Simple question. What is the sequence/number order of the balls in a standard mega millions machine before the balls drop? I've included a photo...
Roulette can surely be beat. In person, live casino is the best way !
If it's random.. I don't feel like it could be beaten.. human error/human repetition is key in physical roulette..
He's got no strategy at all. No maths, no dominant diamond, no nothing. What he does show is a live stream of data(roulette spin history) If you...
There's a guy who streams live on Youtube from the Borgata stream. His name is "Roulette Grinder" I've been able to clock a majority of the...
I prefer to gamble in AC. I mix in well with the people who frequent those casinos. Another thing with AC is that it's easier to get out of the...
Lone wolf here. Prefer to move through casinos solo. Hit and run.
Separate names with a comma.