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Misc A completely self centered question about the possibility of me ever being allowed back on WOV.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Gambling Forum' started by Karen Nathan, Nov 27, 2019.


What do you guys think of the possibility of me ever being let back on WOV is?

  1. Never. You shouldn't have created those Socks and did the cussing rant.

  2. Maybe back in like a year within that rant. You did mess up but you deserve a second chance.

  3. Very soon. You are obviously remorseful and apologetic for the rant and stopped making Socks.

    0 vote(s)
  4. Maybe in like 5 years when that rant and the Socks would have long been old news.

    0 vote(s)
  5. I don't care about you.

    0 vote(s)
  6. Other.

    0 vote(s)
  7. Who cares?

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Karen Nathan

    Karen Nathan Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2018
    Miami, Florida
    What do you guys think of the possibility of me ever being let back on WOV? I screwed up big time with that cussing rant and the Socks thing, but I have done everything that has been asked of me to do lately.
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  2. Karen Nathan

    Karen Nathan Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2018
    Miami, Florida
    I feel like I was played. Did all those requests and still banned on WOV. That stupid cussing rant that I begun to regret 30 minutes after I said it cost me everything. I threw away EVERYTHING on a stupid cussing rant that I tried to edit out just 30 minutes later but was banned 10 seconds later after hitting "Edit," so I didn't get a chance to edit out that stupid cussing rant.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2019
  3. KewlJ

    KewlJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2015
    Las Vegas
    Tasha here is a Christmas present for you....a dose of reality. YOU are never going to be reinstated at WoV. Likewise I am never going to be reinstated at WoV.

    As for being played, I don't think you were played. Personally I think you were tolerated for too long. Longer that I would have expected. I guess because some of the membership, maybe even Mike himself find/found you amusing. I mean I guess in that sense you were used or played. But how it was going to end was never in doubt.

    Now if you want to talk about being played, :rolleyes:, your situation is miles behind the top person who was played at WoV. That would be Mr. Michael Shackelford himself. And the great so called Wizard doesn't even seem to realize it, or more likely just can't accept and admit it. o_O

    Case in point: a forum about gambling. Shackleford was lucky enough to have a handful of legitimate professional advantage players participate and share some of their experiences. I say some, because AP's are always selective about what they share. I was one of them and one of the few remaining pure professional card counter AP's.

    So Shackleford allowed a guy posing as his "friend" to come to the forum after a 5 year absence and demand that Mike ban, one of these real life professional players. And the great and powerful Wizard did so, because he owed this "friend" a favor.

    So all you need to know and ask now years after the fact is where is this "friend", QFIT? What has he contributed lately? The guy has disappeared again, choosing not to participate, as he did 5 years prior and proving that he used and played Shackleford. And all Shackleford can do is sit there and pretend none of it happened. He isn't man enough to do anything else. The great and powerful WIZARD! Played and used.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2019
  4. jbs

    jbs Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    Must be related to LarryS
  5. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    I've said it multiple times, others have said it and now KewlJ has said it. You will never be allowed back on WoV. You are not dealing with a "normal" person who can show compassion or can forgive and forget. That's on him...not you. Look up narcissism. Look up personality disorders.

    Yes, Wizard/Sad Shack is playing you. That's what he does...uses people. Ask yourself why you are allowed on DT but not on WoV. Because he's using you. Good enough for one site but not the other? You were not banned for the rant against Blabs. That was just a means to an end.

    If you must be close to Wizard you can always post on DT. Interesting that when your last suspension there was up...you waited over a month to post. Stop groveling at the feet of that egomaniac. Don't give him the satisfaction. You're better than that, Karen Nathan.
  6. Karen Nathan

    Karen Nathan Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2018
    Miami, Florida
    I waited over a month to post when my last Suspension was up because l was/am no longer allowed to make new threads at DT. And besides, some DT Posters have said they don't want me there. I posted after a month of no posting at all to talk about the one year Anniversary of Knathan's Corner and no other Posters responded.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
  7. Karen Nathan

    Karen Nathan Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2018
    Miami, Florida
    Nathan, you were warned months ago by Boz that you were just being played and manipulated and called you stupid for not recognizing you were being used. Pathetic that you only recently saw the light. The reason that Zenking has a chance at reinstatement at WOV is because he showed he wasn't desperate. He left shortly after they showed him the door and didn't look back. It showed he wasn't obsessed with WOV and had a life. You on the other hand have begged to be reinstated.

    Someone even said that they thought you were coming off as obsessed with WOV and you begging and doing anything asked of you after being banned in hopes of reinstatement kind of proves their point.

    You broke many rules and even got people suspended when they ultimately turned out they were right. You straight up claimed in late May on a VCT thread that your only remorse was going off on BBB about a week before the one year Anniversary of your Nathan's Corner Thread and getting banned before you could celebrate NC Anniversary. Recently, you claimed you tried to edit out the rant the very same day, already feeling remorse. You also claimed that you felt remorse the very next day. You claimed that you felt remorse 4-5 days later. These are four different things. This is why people call you deceitful.

    Also, an Admin straight up admitted after you lost a lot of your own money doing a stupid bet he tried to get you to pledge/lose even more money to see how desperate you were for attention and admitted he was shocked you didn't take the bait this time. He even implied you weren't completely stupid after not taking the bait.

    It was implied by other people that you'd be stupid enough to still fund WOV Spring Fling next year even after being being shown the door shortly after you helped fund this year's WOV Spring Fling Event. Only time will tell if you'd still give money to fund an event after you'd been nuked.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2019

  8. Ozzy

    Ozzy Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
    Welcome GamblingFan can you share some of those Doughnuts
  9. John Blerg

    John Blerg Well-Known Member 👹 Troll 👹

    Jan 9, 2018
    Founder of CalAsia Proven Baccarat Wagering Method
    Self Banned Troll
    my question is, why do all of you so much in love but hate the WOV?

    come on other forums to spend all day crying about being kicked off. completely strange and seems like a lot of rage and hurt expression about others? why?
  10. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    A status symbol of TODAY Being a victim .
  11. John Blerg

    John Blerg Well-Known Member 👹 Troll 👹

    Jan 9, 2018
    Founder of CalAsia Proven Baccarat Wagering Method
    Self Banned Troll
    so they are all kicked out of WOV or they are all members and venting?
  12. Karen Nathan

    Karen Nathan Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2018
    Miami, Florida
    Well, I was expecting a one month Suspension when I had enough and cussed Beachbumbabs out. I was counting on the Martingale System since I had recently gotten a two week Suspension for giving "Bad advice," to a Newbie who asked a question about a Progressive. I thought I was going to come off as a knowledgeable Gambler with my advice, I got scolded and suspended for two weeks instead. Go figure. So, I knew if I got suspended again, it would be about a Month Suspension with the Martingale. I got nuked instead. Does anyone actually think I would KNOWINGLY risk losing my permenant posting rights with something so incredibly controversial right before the one year Anniversary of Nathan's Corner? No, I wouldn't. I thought I would just celebrate Nathan's Corner one year Anniversary just about 5 weeks later.

    About funding WOV Spring Fling Event, I helped fund it because I lost a stupid Lottery Pledge that I pledged $100 to. A Poster did say something like,"Don't worry. WOV will still accept another $100 from you for next year's Spring Fling Event even after you have been nuked." Kind of sad that they'd think someone would give money to a place after being already nuked from there. Now, okay, I DID give money to a place after being nuked, but that was different. I made a losing lottery pledge and didn't pay for MONTHS after claiming I would pay(To be fair, I never said the exact date I would pay if I lost) . The Owner banned me for welching. I was shocked that something that was meant to be fun led to be permenant ban at the time. I paid the owner the pledge through a mutual Friend and I was reinstated. That specific situation it made 100 percent sense to pay after being nuked)

    About the Socks thing(Breaking rules), I confessed to having Socks because I was being offered Amnesty and I thought I'd be reinstated on WOV too for the confession. In hindsight, I really only needed to confess to the BlackjackPro Sock, Kentry, and Luscioussweet2. There was no good reason to prattle about like 8 Socks. A few of those Socks were only there for like ONE day.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2019
  13. John Blerg

    John Blerg Well-Known Member 👹 Troll 👹

    Jan 9, 2018
    Founder of CalAsia Proven Baccarat Wagering Method
    Self Banned Troll
    Question, all of you guys are kicked out of wov and throwing fits, correct??
  14. Nathan Detroit

    Nathan Detroit Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2014
    What I have read they were kicked out for having a big mouth and I do not blame the WOV Adm. for the purge .
    scolist likes this.


    BUZZARD Active Member Lineage to Founders

    Apr 1, 2015
    Clifton Colorado
    Karen Darlin'
    You will always be Luscioussweet1 to me ! ! ! ! !
  16. Karen Nathan

    Karen Nathan Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2018
    Miami, Florida
    I wonder if I should have just confessed to the BlackjackPro Account and not the other Socks. :/

    BUZZARD Active Member Lineage to Founders

    Apr 1, 2015
    Clifton Colorado
    I think you should not have confessed to being my wife. You know how jealous Mike is. !!!
  18. Karen Nathan

    Karen Nathan Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2018
    Miami, Florida
    Buzz, I was never your Wife!

    BUZZARD Active Member Lineage to Founders

    Apr 1, 2015
    Clifton Colorado
    Darlin' saying it will never make it true. Do you still wear my wedding ring or did you pawn it to buy lottery tickets ? I will gladly buy you another...SIGH

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