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Intro Hello to everyone in gambling world!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Alice Profitov_Partners, May 27, 2022.


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  1. Alice Profitov_Partners

    Alice Profitov_Partners New Member

    May 27, 2022
    United Arab Emirates
    I`m Alice and I work in Private Gambling Affiliate Network. What is it and what we can offer to you?

    We work in gambling and betting verticals no geo restrictions with senior-affiliate. Why? Cuz we want to be sure of the quality of traffic. For our webmasters we offer attractive bonuses:
    -Exclusive offers wich update every week
    -Support 24/7 and personal manager
    -Only direct advertisers with payment CPA/CPL
    -Modern tools and functions: free PWA-builder, postback, smartlink, API
    -Free apps for top traffic source — Facebook, TikTok and Google UAC
    -Individual conditions hold and offers for trusted partners
    -Free creatives for webmasters brief
    -Referral program 3% for passive earnings

    We are interested in high-quality traffic and high earnings of partners, so we are always ready to help and meet them halfway!

    So here we`ll view cases, talk about gambling and betting market and many other things. Stand by me to keep abreast!

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