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Forex Past trades analysis

Discussion in 'Forex Forum' started by Gigi666, Nov 19, 2020.

  1. Gigi666

    Gigi666 Active Member

    Jul 16, 2020

    Not sure how "advanced" traders on this forum are, but maybe someone can answer.
    Do you know if there is a software or some MT4 plug-in that can analyze your past trades based on set SL/TP and charts to give you an estimate of what was the peak possible profit in a given week/day for example?
    I play a large portfolio of trades and leave them all to either hit SL or TP, but a lot of times during a week I see a spike in profits that would satisfy me on a weekly basis. Now I don't know if its a regular occurrence enough to change my overall strategy or only last few weeks, plus the usual "greed" might kick in that oh its good now but might be more in an hour or tomorrow.

  2. Bago

    Bago Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    What you describe is incomprehensible, from what I read, you want to stop trading when you achieve a good weekly profit because you are afraid of losing some of the profit or hitting a losing streak. It is the reasoning of people who do not have an edge, like in the Casino, the Hit and Run strategy, if I continue I will lose what I earned.
    But if your strategy has been backtested in the long run (around 10 years), you know what is your approximate winning trades %, the average profit, and the average loss, the maximum drawdown etc.
    Stopping after a winning streak makes no sense because it could last longer and you would lose profits. You must reason independently of what happened in the past, one trade per one trade, no matter if it was a winning trade or a losing trade, you take it with the correct money management.
  3. Gigi666

    Gigi666 Active Member

    Jul 16, 2020
    Not because I am afraid of losing streak, these come and go as winning streaks do. I am trying to further optimize my portfolio of methods to see whether an overall weekly profit target is better than a general "let them all run". I know how each method performed in the past and their combined avg per week, but I see potential in closing the week early with a set %. I have an alert EA to let me know when certain equity value is reached, but been monitoring this only for past few weeks and would like to look back further, although I understand this is probably unlikely to exist and manual check would be an impossible task.

    On your hit and run analogy, its actually a valid strategy if you know how to do it. I have a friend who gave me the basics of trading almost 7 years ago and thats how he plays successfully to this day. He has the 6th sense about the market on top of solid technical analysis when to exit all trades and is satisfied with regular moderate gains, but I was never able to "copy" that behavior (having I guess the stigma of a gambler having no rigid rules of TP and SL would end in a disaster) as I am just a different type of trader.
  4. Gigi666

    Gigi666 Active Member

    Jul 16, 2020
    On your backtesting statement. 10 years means nothing as don't think there are strategies that work over such broad period of time. Market conditions change, we have volatile times now with some erratic and big movements, but in "peaceful" global situation the moves will be different and such some method might not work the same 5 years back as it is now, that does not mean its not profitable you just have to know when to use it.
  5. Bago

    Bago Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    It means something, because there has never been a period of more than 7 years where the stockmarket was not overall up, therefore if your strategy does not show a climbing curve over 10 years, then it is not reliable.

    You are a newbie who relies only on technical analysis and is not happy if his MT4 graph does not look like a Christmas Tree. The fundamentals are as important, if not more.
  6. Gigi666

    Gigi666 Active Member

    Jul 16, 2020
    Wow Bago you are really the most miserable person on this forum, just focusing on criticizing everyone and everything. You have no idea how I trade. This is a FOREX board and yet you think somehow I am trading stock markets?!! So NO the forex market (to be correct any currency pair) can't be overall up as you say it, hence your assumptions make no sense.
    If you have nothing to contribute to my question just don't write, simple as that.
  7. Bago

    Bago Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    When someone like you tells bullshit, I need to correct him. I know how you trade, you are using technical analysis only, you wrote it yourself, that your "experienced" friend relies only on it and he taught you this way. You are admitting yourself that such approaches do not stand the test of time, and then it is me the miserable ? Stop your circus, you are now claiming there is no correlation between the stockmarket and forex, another amateur mistake from you.
    When the stockmarket crashed due to the Coronavirus, the Forex traders bought massively JPY currency because it is the reference safe haven currency. The most traded JPY pair is USDJPY and here is the graph:
    Stop ridiculizing yourself, instead learn and work, you have no idea what you're talking about.

  8. Gigi666

    Gigi666 Active Member

    Jul 16, 2020
    I was not looking for advice from you, neither said what you are implying with persistence of a crazy person.
  9. Bago

    Bago Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    Then do not beg for having help asking questions, answer them yourself. Common Sense.
  10. Bago

    Bago Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    • Violation of Rule #1: Be Respectful
    The crazy is the one who believes there is a Roulette HolyGrail, that is to say YOU. Not surprising someone with so low intellect struggles on the Markets also.
  11. Gigi666

    Gigi666 Active Member

    Jul 16, 2020
    You make me laugh, I guess nothing better to do for you but troll and try to convince yourself you know it all. I never asked for trading advice (you seem like you know English but I guess don't understand it very well), I asked if anybody knew a way to "test" groups of trades based on historical data from my own closed trades. I also never wrote anywhere here, I believe there is a holy grail in roulette, quite the opposite. Pressing Ignore on you is the only viable option.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2020
  12. Bago

    Bago Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    Money management is vital and is entirely part of trading contrary to what you claim, and your help request at the beginning of your thread suggests you do not know how to manage your trades ("do I have to close all my trades at the end of the week" "do I have to let them run until they hit my pre-defined TP..."

    Concerning Roulette, of course you believe there is a HolyGrail since you are trying to get in touch with some people who claim they found a way to win with Turbo repeaters...

    Stop lying, and again if you believe you are so smart, do not start a thread asking for help and leave the forum if you cannot stand being legitimately criticized.
  13. Gigi666

    Gigi666 Active Member

    Jul 16, 2020
    Looks there is software to help with what I was looking for, if anybody is interested QuantSense might to the job.

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