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Baccarat PUNKY METHOD with trimmings

Discussion in 'Unintelligible' started by JacobBlaze, May 1, 2022.

  1. JacobBlaze

    JacobBlaze Active Member

    Jul 12, 2018
    Harvard Trained Admin,

    I have sent this post to some founding members and other influential Kats of this forum, in its original form, so they can see what Educated Bias you are having for us lower educated Non-whites..

    this thread will have more important BakaRatz info the 90% of the stuff you Don't have a Hard On for. So leave my thread aloneness.

    It takes time and effort to put out quality content....
    More then just typing heyhey, or Racoon City..etc... But I am attempting to post to educate your forum members. As they are the ones who are suffering with your constant hard Ons for members who are contributing who might mispell or use jargon, uneducated words, forum DRama jargon that only other forum members will understand(lol yeah that is what u are censoring), but not you..because apparently the KokcKonut is still stuck in your Arse....

    Yes I will mispell, yes I will allude to certain forum DRama bylines etc.. Yes I will call Punkcity Punky, and JUNKET KIng JUNKY..and Mr SoxFan (ur favorite) Soxman, SoxFun, Soxy etc ... It's part of the fun .. maybe no fun and no misspellings.at Harvard Small Kokonutz school???
    [removed] adminssss

    Ok now that I wasted my time with that lets begin.

    Attached you will find one of my latest shoes played live at the $100 minimum limit. Along with a scorecard , and a visual shoe that is.conveniently made for quick visual interpretation of the forum members.

    All of this info, tactics etc was learned from smart people here on the forum that is why I am taking the time between printing Kangaroo/koala dollars to give back.to this community.

    I wanted to.make a fancy not so boring title.but the admin will.immediately nuke it so thats why the title is boring :)

    admin if your hard on for me (NotJUNKY) Has gone please change the title of this thread to a more creative.....
    Full Meal Deal "Kangaroo Meat Burger with Koala Balls and Sweet Potato Fries, and a Pint of Beer Method (JK LABBY Style) version 2.7 inch"


    FMD-KangKoalaNutz with JK Labby Method 2.7 inch

    Thanks if you are able to change the thead name like you do all.my other creatively named threads. And love u .

    I am posting this shoe because I want to highlight two things, this shoe finished +6 with the biggest bet of 3 units with punky JK labby Method (my current method), all shoe was played

    Also my Copycat Soxman flat bet method bet bankers no KoKonut no SukKok method finished a nice +5

    WWWLLWWWW record...

    If Soxy and Punky would replay this it would be an honor... Also if the Agrresive Junky would tell us if he doubled his buy it would add and aggressive side to this, because me Soxy,punky are not aggro and just print Kangaroo and Koala Dollars slowly and safely without heart attacks.

    Here is the win/loss for my

    FMD-KangKoalaNutz with JK Labby Method 2.7 inch

    +2 if flat bet
    +6 with JK labby

    This is the part of the post that adds the 90 % value for newbees... Search out threads by PUNKCITY, SOXFAN, JUNKETKING, and create blend your own ideas from theirs and kitchen test,test,test before you even play this will give you a chance not to become one of the 95% of the gamblers who become donators etc...
    Yes its a.lot of work and studying and if you are not up to it ask yourself do you want to donate your time or your money???? Or better yet just play Slots..lol


    Yoyoyo [removed] Harvard Men

    IMG_20220502_031621.jpg IMG_20220502_031359.jpg
  2. JacobBlaze

    JacobBlaze Active Member

    Jul 12, 2018
    Of course my method and post was censored, and all my.time and.effort.wasted...

    I guess I.deserve it because i am an Unintelligeble non white speaking boy....

    Oh well less winners and more.donators.throughout..the casino world .. better for.us....

    Thanks Punkcity... SoxMan, JUNKETKing for all your posts and sharing your brilliant ideas

    I am done wasting my time.contributing here but will still lurk for new ideas while.on breaks from printing kangaroo dollars.. you know how.to.contact me..have fun with the kokSuker admin... The.lady boy is not worth.my energy .....

    Take care

  3. soxfan

    soxfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
    No fuss no muss I woulda capture 3.65 units nets profits bets flat buckin up against that shoe you pony up, hey hey.
    JacobBlaze likes this.
  4. JacobBlaze

    JacobBlaze Active Member

    Jul 12, 2018

    Thanks for your contribution SexySoxy I clear 4.65, 7 wins 2 losses

    I think u missed a kokonut bet.... Lol just kidding....

    I still to this day don't understand why people hate on your flat bey banker method.. it works.... Just boring to play...

    "Yoyoyo [removed]"
    Last edited: May 2, 2022
  5. soxfan

    soxfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
    Also just for giggle and kick woulda captured 25 units gross profits grindin anti-streaks bettin against p streaks only, hey hey.

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