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Roulette Reading Randomness

Discussion in 'Roulette Forum' started by gizmotron, Jul 20, 2019.

  1. SPIKE

    SPIKE Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2020
    They won't throw you out, you are not betting enough, neither am I. But they mostly throw people out for is abusing the bonuses. Stay away from the bonuses do not ever take any kind of bonus no matter how good it looks. I've never heard of Bovada Banning anybody for winning too much. There are baccarat players who bet $1,000 on every hand and win tons of money and they're still there playing.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2021
  2. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    I just went on a deep run with a single $1 bet on R-Sim and stayed with the first number to repeat. I could have switched to the zero that hit 5 times. I just wanted to see what happens. The deeper you go into the progression the bigger the payoff if it hits early in the next interval. I was in the 4th layer of the Marti ($8) per spin and I hit, bang $148 profit.
  3. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    I already made that mistake and needed to take my balance down to zero. They won't pay you when you build up some wins.
  4. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    This could be fun all winter. You can play EC bets for just $3 a spin using double streets.
  5. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    I found another casino I can play at too. It uses the same exact dealers.
  6. SPIKE

    SPIKE Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2020
    It's amazing that working separately we came to a lot of the same conclusions about a lot of things. None of it was easy, it's the result of observation, trial and error over a long period of time. But the conclusions are inevitable, like only going for one or two units. I've been told over and over that this doesn't work. Not only does it work, it's the only thing that works efficiently. Sure I can play till I make 10 units but why would I do that when I can make 10 units making two at a time in half the time it takes me to make 10 in one session. Most people don't know what the hell they're talking about because they've never actually done anything.
    Keyser Soze likes this.
  7. SPIKE

    SPIKE Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2020
    Like I said a lot of casinos use Visionary. Do they accept Bitcoin? Because if they only accept credit cards you're screwed. That's the great thing about my state legalizing online gambling, it's all done with PayPal. You can play two casinos at once if they're getting the same feed but it's really easy to make mistakes. And never use the same username at both casinos. For obvious reasons. I have no idea if Visionary or Evolution casinos talk to each other.

  8. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    Yep, it's much easier to get one or two. In fact it's a huge trudge for me to as deep as 7 net losses. That's too much. It just means that I need a lot more two or three net wins to get back the seven. Going for just one all the time isn't right either. Looks like 1 or 2 net wins and maybe 3 or 4 net losses deep.
    Keyser Soze likes this.
  9. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    Yep. It's just that nobody is around with great ideas and sharing. I feel like I worked almost all of this out on my own. So much trial and error. And I almost quit. Every session of Roulettes is a new experience. I must tackle it as if I'm reading what this session is doing. You once said it's like a boxing mach. You have to take punches to deliver punches. I doubt that are 5 players that have worked on this from this thread.
    Keyser Soze likes this.
  10. SPIKE

    SPIKE Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2020
    Just played Evolution for half an hour did not see a single bat. It's a continuation of what it was doing last night. I will try again later but my hopes are not high. Oh well. Knowing when not to bet is three-quarters of the strategy. Knowing when you will probably lose is your biggest tool. Not having to recover from losses.
    Keyser Soze likes this.
  11. SPIKE

    SPIKE Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2020

    We have our differences but trying to get along is much better because besides Turbo, we are the only two people on this form who really know what we're doing with roulette. Have been doing it for years and years. Yes you have to learn all of this on your own because there's no place to turn for advice because nobody knows what they're doing. So you have to work out even the slightest details on your own. I kept having to learn the same stuff over and over. You eventually come to the right road and stay on it by process of elimination. I don't think I ever thought about quitting because I knew I was onto something right from the start. When it's not playing your game you have
    e less than a 50/50 chance of being right. When it is playing your game I think you have a 66% to 85% chance of being right. It doesn't mean no losses but it does mean manageable losses, losses you can overcome.
    Keyser Soze and gizmotron like this.
  12. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    The Reading Randomness thread is just an eye opener and a beginning into what can become a skill. Actual money on the line play can't be taught. All I did was suggest that when a trend is working it acts like it is pretending to predict the future. What cracks me up is that so many people can't see that and have no idea that it does that. They want it to be mathematical, prediction, or forget it. So it's actually funny to watch them forget it. You can prove it to them and they can't see it. A huge congratulations to Johno for suggesting that you could drag them kicking and screaming to see it and they won't see it. This past two years has proven that much.
    Keyser Soze likes this.
  13. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    It's fun too. Course I thought that climbing the big walls of Yosemite was fun.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2021
  14. SPIKE

    SPIKE Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2020
    Lots of people only see chaos and the outcomes, they can't see any order in it. Even if you point out to them it doesn't look like order. I think it's like one of those puzzles where you're supposed to find the man's face in the tree. At first you can't see it but once you find it you cannot unsee it. Once you know what to look for in the outcomes you can't unsee it. And you can definitely see when it's not there.
    Keyser Soze likes this.

  15. Punkcity

    Punkcity Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2020
    CEO, manager of sublease my account name.inc
    Troll tag team one accounts head , Skipptophia.
    Imho you could probably up that number, not everyone that reads actually posts for various reason, fear of ridicule, being dissed beyond what’s necessarily warranted, no offence but you gizmo can be hard on some , sometimes a bit too hard therefore putting potential “students/ seekers” off posting.

    I actually think you have benefited more people than you give yourself credit for. Regardless , you have a thread as a legacy that will circle the interverse for time immortal. Who knows how many will benefit between now and infinity as we know it. Good work. Cheers
    Keyser Soze and gizmotron like this.
  16. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    Spike might find this funny. I don't care how I came by the name Reading Randomness. He came up with the idea for it clearly. What I care about is if it is a good enough name for using trends and patterns based on syntactical inferences like characteristics and as he puts it "playing your game." My version of that was the "effectiveness states" or conditions. So I went on about conditional awareness being primarily important. We both stress experience as vitally important. I didn't get it right until I found a way to fragment the process into smaller packages. I was a chronic super win streak player. In other words for a very long time I played for the one or two big super trends or patterns in my session play. And I taught a few people to go after the super win streaks. A few years ago I discovered that there are these micro waves of slight up and downs as the big ups and downs occur. They are these formations like moving averages in stock trading tools. All of a sudden the game became very simple. I wrote this with only a few characteristics and a rigid tactic in order to get people to see that trends don't always work. But also that sometimes they do. In fact they are worthless at times. It was my answer to the mathBoyz. There is a way to exploit coincidences. You just have to specifically target those times. When it comes to math it's like it must always work all the time or it must be thrown out. Well this paradigm shift exists to contradict that conclusion. So it all comes down to knowing when. I have yet to find a math oriented Roulette player that is willing to admit that you can know when something useful is in a working condition. It must work all the time or it will never work at all.
    Keyser Soze likes this.
  17. SPIKE

    SPIKE Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2020
    I played my second session and it was still acting up but I got one unit and was satisfied. It was coming out of Chaos and I didn't feel like waiting around for it. These things go up and down like a sine wave. Some days you have to be happy with one unit. If you're greedy or inpatient or impulsive or emotional this game will eat you alive. You need experience and patience. If you are self-destructive at all which many gamblers are don't even attempt this. You have to have the ability to walk away at any time or you're just going to be digging yourself out of hole after hole.
    Keyser Soze and gizmotron like this.
  18. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    I might as well complete the statement. Once mathematicians decide to tackle this and validate it they might notice along the way that I said that they must consider it a new kind of a form of conditional math. I also suggested that the use of "variable change" illustrated so well in the movie '21' by the professor teaching it with the Monty Hall problem was useful that in a sense to solve reading randomness from a mathematical perspective they would need to come up with a formula, algorithm, or axiom that is derivative of a kind of "coincidental change" or something along those lines. A Nobel prize waiting for such a mathematician. That person has the original idea and it's examples originally in use being validated in very slow motion by Holy Grail hunters.

    Keyser Soze likes this.
  19. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    I know. I was awakened to what is possible from people much like a drill sergeant is deliberately instructive back around a year after graduating from high school. I took a job as a union trained apprentice in the carpenters union. This is how it worked. You display a very high capacity to listen and to learn or you were gone. You never make a second same mistake. There were actually people sitting in cars all day, sent out by the union, just waiting to replace you if you got fired. It was a time at the end of a recession. Only the very best workers were on the job. It was a pick and chose field day for employers in those days. How long would a snowflake last in those days. We worked out in the sun with 108f days. It was hot back then. It has since cooled off a lot. It only goes to 102f to 104f these days.

    Once you add mountain climbing, abalone free diving in the icy cold Pacific, rock and ice climbing, do or die skiing, and martial arts to that personality you get a kind of short tempered person that knows that screwing up will not be tolerated. It's the same as the drill sergeant, I know you can shock anyone into seeing what they can really achieve. I ran my construction company this way. I fired a lot of people that I hoped would go work for my competitors. And they did. LOL. You can do anything you want to anyone that will let you do it. I only did these kind of things to people that are worth teaching. It's exactly how I was taught. You show excellence or you are gone. I call that the tough shit principle. If you are good then you will prosper. I'm an older man now and don't give a rat's ass who fucks up the world. Go ahead, wreck it all. You would not believe how fun it is to watch people be lied to, brainwashed, gain the control over others, and to then take themselves so seriously just to be a train wreck and not know it. They were all raised by girl scout leaders and not drill sergeants. It's that ancient Chinees curse coming true; "may you live in interesting times."
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2021
    Keyser Soze likes this.
  20. gizmotron

    gizmotron Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    The West Coast of USA, RV'ing
    My brother was way better at this. He once had an employee that made way too many mistakes. He told him that it would have been cheaper if he had paid him to sit in his car. He wasted so much expensive materials. My brother then handed the guy an employee application to work at McDonalds Hamburgers. His crews dreaded getting that. They were good. New guys were always an amusement or a surprise. It was really good to find another good carpenter.

    I was once sitting with the boss one day in the front seat, on the way to lunch. A person drove up asking for work and noticed my brother and me sitting there. My boss who didn't know the guy when he saw us and then said this: My boss said, "are you any good?" He then answered: " we're not very good, but we're slow." He got hired right on the spot as we all laughed.

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