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Forex Trading the Cable swings via averages

Discussion in 'Forex Forum' started by Nala66, Nov 19, 2018.

  1. Nala66

    Nala66 Guest

    My name is Alan, been trading for donkeys years.

    Now specialise in trading Cable only via a very effective but simple method based upon the evidence presented by the market and not what I may think will happen down the track.

    I am going to start this thread with the chart setups and then move on to what to look for, timing, targeting, money management etc.. and whatever else I find relevant at the time of writing.


    If you don't believe Price is always trying to make HH or LL averages then it is pointless for you to continue reading this thread. This can easily be proven as a fact just by way of simple observation of the chart itself.

    I would ask all to bear with me until I have completed each section and then ask "Any questions?"

    So without further wordage I will begin.

    Hope you enjoy the ride.


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