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Blackjack Here is some real world proof that UNKewlJ might not really play blackjack.

Discussion in 'Personal Feuds' started by MDawg, Jan 4, 2023.

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  1. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    Here is some real world proof that UNKewlJ might not really play blackjack. Over at VCT he warned a new poster against rainbow betting because "Rainbow wagering could identify you as a shot taker in the eyes of the pit. They may even make note of it on your account. You just admitted that is what you are doing. Good pit folks recognize this and are going to keep an eye on you that they otherwise wouldn't. Again, it is just part of their job."

    That is among the most ridiculous remarks that is telling of a straight amateur who is not familiar with the way things work at casinos. Casinos LOVE shot takers. The only thing that a shot taker might not get versus an extended regular player is - comps (of course UNKewl doesn't profess to have any first hand knowledge of comps either, but anyway - casinos don't like to give full comps to shot takers, who might be coming in and playing at the same time that their buddies are betting the other side on say a game like Baccarat, in an effort to get say a full 15% loss comp against a small commission loss if the win is on the Bank side).

    Does UNKewlJ even know what a shot taker is? A person who sits down at the table and plays entire shoes cannot be a shot taker. Again, more evidence that he's just relating what he heard or read about, versus based on real world experience.

    At for example one of the major casinos on the Strip that UNKewlJ mentions all the time as being sweaty but seems to know nothing about, they WELCOME shot takers and much of their business model is geared to encourage big players who might come in and plop down a huge bet for one single hand of blackjack. This casino allows mid shoe entry, obviously, which is something that UNKewlJ has never discussed - which casinos allow and which disallow mid shoe entry. Further proof that he doesn't play much blackjack is that he's never even discussed where this is allowed or not, even with all his talk in his post above of "wonging out" - which obviously wonging out is not going to work where mid shoe entry isn't even allowed. That he would discuss wonging out without discussing mid shoe entry rules, is further proof that this is all something he lifted out of a book, about which he has no personal knowledge. His posts are evidence of someone who knows juust enough to spout the theory, but not the complete picture, of blackjack.

    I, for example, play at private tables. In that context I discussed in the past how mid shoe entry has no applicability to me because I'm the only player - I can't leave and have some hands played by someone else - and then return. This sort of discussion supports that I am actually doing it, versus just spouting theory I read about.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2023
  2. KewlJ

    KewlJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2015
    Las Vegas
    The guy at VCT asked for options about rainbow wagering. I gave mine based on my play, experience and goals. If yours is different based in your play and experience fine. If someone else's is different fine.

    Dude, the admin here stated in no uncertain term that you have an agenda here to follow me around attacking and trying to discredit me. I have been saying so for a while, but now it is clear to everyone, even the administrators who are no fans of mine.

    Just give it up and act like a normal person.
  3. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    Really? Did I vow to create (and did create) multiple sock puppets to follow MDawg even to forums where you have been banned?
    UNKewl's VCT vow from 8/31/2022: Nuking at WOV won't stop me. VPN and throwaway emails will have the mods earning every penny they don't get paid.
  4. KewlJ

    KewlJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2015
    Las Vegas
    Yet another post by Mdawg that has nothing to do with this thread in the blackjack section. ANOTHER violation of the new rules administration just told him about. This guy just can't stop. Admin hit it right that his agenda is to follow me all over attacking.
  5. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    As I've posted before, a posteriori proof that UNKewlJ plays little or no blackjack and just lifts what he writes about (at great length) from online sources and books, is that out of the tens of thousands of posts he has made, he's never described a single hand of actual blackjack, let alone in any detail.

    However, in keeping with that people who have actually run into him say that UNKewlJ is little more than a low end video poker player, here is a post where he describes in great detail, a hand of video poker!


    He certainly took the time to describe, at great length, a single hand of video poker. Out of all the tens of thousands of posts about the "theory" of blackjack, not one describing a hand in anywhere near this detail?

    Last edited: Jan 26, 2023
  6. KewlJ

    KewlJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2015
    Las Vegas
    Here is what I find interesting, Maddog: That some multi-millionaire, born into wealth, spends his free time searching forums and posts that I have made dating back years looking for some sort of "ah ha" moment ala coach belly. That would be the text book definition of obsession.

    Now I know you think you have some sort of moment here, but I suggest you go back even further because in sharing my life in Las Vegas, I have been very open that from the day I moved here I have supplemented my blackjack play with some video poker play.

    I didn't know anything at all about video poker in 2009 when I moved to Las Vegas and still don't care for it at all, but a top AP here in Vegas convinced me that not playing some and taking advantage of the disproportionate EV from the mailers at the time, were in his words "leaving money on the table", so I learned and played enough to supplement my blackjack income over the years. It was a good move. When my partner followed me to Las Vegas a year after I relocated, I was able to push that part of my/our AP play on to him. I worked out nicely. APs, real APs play a variety of games, so there is nothing unusual about that at all. Only seems unusual to a degenerate gambler like yourself.

    So whatever "ah ha" "gottch ya" moment you are looking for, nice try, but another swing and miss. But it was useful because it highlights yet again, just how obsessed you are. ;)
  7. Punkcity

    Punkcity Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2020
    CEO, manager of sublease my account name.inc
    Troll tag team one accounts head , Skipptophia.
    There I fixed that for you, must be illiterate bro bro tagged teamed on the roster this shift.

    Oh here’s another fumble by team troll

    This must be a post from the UNCOMPREHENDING marionette from tag team TROLL.

    It appeared you don’t understand that “WHOEVER the FUCK” is posting from team troll

    FOLLOWED mdawg

    And not vice versa.

    Your loser tag team troll are pathetic.

  8. coach belly

    coach belly Active Member

    Jun 4, 2016
    There's no need to search forums and posts dating back years...you lie and contradict yourself on a daily basis.
    Punkcity likes this.
  9. Punkcity

    Punkcity Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2020
    CEO, manager of sublease my account name.inc
    Troll tag team one accounts head , Skipptophia.
    Here I fixed your quote , you’re welcome.
  10. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    UNKewlJ talking about how an Advantage blackjack player should know exactly what his expected take should be. This is just further proof that UNKewlJ lifts what he posts from books and online, sure, in theory one might have an idea of exactly what one should win, but as the sessions extend into weeks, months, years, and especially if you are a real player like MDawg and vary your bet wildly, knowing exactly what one should win becomes harder to calculate.

    Then again, I suppose that since UNKewlJ seems fearful of doing much more than flat betting green chips, and his average take (when he wins at all) is according to him $50. in a session, I suppose it might make more sense that he claims to know exactly what he should lose. (Lose, not win, we all know he's losing not winning.)
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2023
  11. Gullywin

    Gullywin Member

    Feb 25, 2023
    It seems like there is some disagreement about whether or not rainbow betting can identify a player as a shot taker. While UNKewlJ may have expressed an opinion based on their own experiences, it is also possible that their perspective may not be applicable to all casinos or situations. It is important to note that casinos do have varying policies and approaches to dealing with different types of players. As for mid-shoe entry, this is a rule that varies from casino to casino and should be taken into account when developing a strategy for playing blackjack. Ultimately, the best approach to playing blackjack may depend on a variety of factors, including personal experience and the specific casino environment in which one is playing.
  12. DomniCruper

    DomniCruper New Member

    Apr 10, 2023
    Thanks for sharing!
  13. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    The latest story from the perennially UNKewl one is actually a composite of things that happened on more than one occasion to more than one person, and includes all the dramatic elements of being back roomed and roughed up, with a broken arm and ambulance ride to boot. Is there any doubt that UNKewlJ is desperately anxious for attention? And supposedly he has continued to play at the casinos lately, with his broken arm in a cast, making himself easily identifiable and connected to the very public known by now incident at South Point. Missing of course from the story are key elements of what happened to the chips and what the alleged victims did about it, but then again, fiction isn't always stranger than truth.

    All of this is further proof that UNKewlJ might not even play much blackjack, let alone enough to get singled out backroomed and roughed up. That UNKewlJ is offering this sorry composite story about more than one person rife with contradictions and unexplained inexplicable actions like being worried about having to call in the media and yet calling an ambulance for a public pickup in front of a major casino is further proof that UNKewlJ might not really play blackjack.

    Contradictions galore, including what came to mind immediately, which, as Dan The Man Dandruff put it, quite well actually, You seem to be especially concerned about your identity being known -- not just among casino personnel, but also among forum members. Wouldn't a lawsuit make your identity easy to deduce? If so, why would you post it here and bring our attention to it?

    Hard to believe that UNKewlJ is worried about being doxxed, then again, he doxxed himself! and loves drama even at the expense of disclosing who he is.

    Mission146 on what a lowlife doxxing rat UNKewl is: I can't imagine you doxxing MDawg helped; might have made Max wonder if you'd do the same to him should he ever get on your bad side.

    AccountInQuestion on how unbelievable this backrooming broken arm story is: sniff sniff what is that I smell.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2023
  14. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    Further data that supports that UNKewlJ does not play blackjack is that he spent weeks over some concocted story about being backroomed and injured over card counting, implying that it happened to him at South Point, but finally stating in yet another "Farewell to Forums" post at VCT that it happened at some other "south Strip" casino. All along the way these weeks he kept contradicting himself with conflicting posts about whether or not the lawsuit was filed, how many days the defendant had to answer the complaint, whether or a judge was involved in the proceedings, and even constantly referring to the casino supposedly being sued, as the Plaintiff. This final inconsistent and nonsensical Farewell post was offered up when it became clear that he couldn't support the story with any sort of proof and simply had to bow out before he was further humiliated.


  15. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    MaxPen observed UNKewlJ playing nothing more than red to green: Considering my observations of you counting was you spreading red chips to green in the Eastside Cannery. What level card counter is that? Based on my observations of your appearance and your husband's physical appearance tell me an observer could say that's not a sugar daddy situation.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2023
  16. KewlJ

    KewlJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2015
    Las Vegas
    Look, if the person Maxpen thinks was me, was playing Red chip....then Maxpen is wrong. It is that simple. I haven't played red chip as part of my card counting since several years prior to moving to Las Vegas. I always had questions about MaxPen's claims that he played at the same table as me, because playing at the same table with another card counter is a very bad situation....two players raising and lowering bets in tandem. I will exit the game as soon as I realize I am in that situation. And if it is a place I play regularly, I will remember that player so I can avoid that situation in the future. So, I always wondered about his claim, but I can't remember every situation or everyone I have played with, so I didn't doubt him. Didn't have a reason to until now, but if he thinks the guy he was playing with that was betting red chips was me, he is just flat out wrong. He might as well be saying, well I saw KJ and he is a 230 lb black man. He has the wrong person. Nothing more to say.

    My partner passed away over 5 years ago, and Eastside Cannery was out of my rotation for a year before they were bought by Boyd in 2016, so this would have been 8-10 years ago. If Maxpen said nothing about this until now, that was pretty dishonest of him. He should have said something at the time and I would have told him that he had the wrong guy.

    Now, Mdawg you used the word "proof" in the title of this thread. What you are claiming as proof is speculation. Frankly someone thinking someone was someone they weren't with absolutely no proof. I don't know what kind of attorney you are.... apparently from the Ruddy Giuliani school of lawyering. You have embarrassed and discredited yourself as a gambler and now you are doing so as an attorney if you think this, or frankly anything you have presented is proof of anything.

    But the bigger question is what the fuck is wrong with you that you continue to obsess like you do.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2023
  17. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    MaxPen on UNKewlJ's being a red to green player only, as a cover for his sugar daddy hustling ways: There's no doubt I have the right guy. Like I said, "I can pick you out of a police line up"
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2023
  18. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    MaxPen on UNKewLyingJ: You're a habitual liar incapable of facts. You just create whatever works in your mind at the moment. Really, the best thing for you to do is exit stage left. Your credibility is completely shot and unrecoverable....RIP

    DanDruff on UNKewLyingJ: kewlJ, the problem is here that you can't cast yourself as a serious poster if you are going to tell major lies to back up other stories. you've killed your own credibility. It seems that you want others' respect here. You want your claims and stories to be taken at face value. Once you're caught fibbing, it's hard to achieve that.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2023
  19. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    Recently UNKewLyingJ actually admitted to a few lies, including that he had been lying steadily daily for about six months claiming that he was involved in some lawsuit over an alleged backrooming incident over blackjack. That he would lie and even admit that he lied over this, is more proof that he doesn't play blackjack.

    Most recently, he tried to revive the fable, by trying to claim that he had in fact received a $300K settlement over the fictional incident. He kept changing his story over how the money landed in his bank account, until finally, fed up with his nonsense, I offered to pay him the full amount of his settlement if he could prove that the settlement had really arrived in his account (on a Saturday - a non banking day - no less, was when he claimed to have received the electronic fund transfer).

    After a little back and forth when UNKewlJ kept changing the terms of the settlement, seedvalue stepped up, accepted UNKewlJ’s terms in their entirety, and offered to pay UnKewlJ $300K and deposit the full sum with DanDruff the owner of the VCT forum, in advance, if UnKewlJ could prove that he received these settlement funds. Predictably, UNKewLyingJ punked out - even to a $300,000. free roll - and said that he no longer wanted to go forward with the wager.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2023
  20. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    Being caught in multiple lies, even admitting to some of them, support that UNKewlJ is not playing blackjack at all and just pretending to play. Whatever he recounts should be discounted, because he is just regurgitating what he heard or read somewhere, there is no evidence of real play OTHER THAN the ONLY times he has been witnessed in a casino, he has been pushing around only very small time red and green chips as cover for nefarious activities that have nothing to do with blackjack.

    This thread is concerned with FACTS only. FACT: the only times UNKewlJ has been physically observed playing anything in casinos, it was only low end video poker, or such low end blackjack that it supported that he could not possibly be playing for a living.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2024

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