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Misc WizardOfVegas Forum is Dying

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Gambling Forum' started by LovePotion9, Sep 5, 2015.

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  1. redietz

    redietz Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2016
    The notary attests to your identity, genius.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
  2. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    All the notarization might do is add an extra layer of that yes, it is someone named REDietz that is signing and then if there is a statement included to that effect, that the named signer is attesting to that the document is true and accurate.

    REDietz is presenting notarization as some kind of magic that makes it so that the document must then be genuine. This is incorrect. At best it just means that a verified signer is attesting that the document is true and accurate. The notary doesn't control whether or not the signer is perjuring himself.

    Having a "notarized" credit report doesn't allow anyone here to then go directly to the source to verify it is genuine - so at the end of the day, notarization in this situation is just a waste of time that proves nothing.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
  3. redietz

    redietz Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2016

    Again, no kidding. You must do a lot of perjuring to treat it so lightly.

    Tell you what, MDawg. Why don't you go get a notarized statement regarding your MDawg adventures being complete records of your personal gambling, and send it along to Shackleford for his files?

    Awwwww, I finally get it. You have to criticize what I'm doing because the obvious question is "Why doesn't MDawg have a similar document on file with anyone regarding his gambling?"

    LOL. I'm slow on the uptake.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
  4. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    That you're asking for that, again shows that you don't understand what a notary does. All the notary does is attest that the signer is personally known to him or has identified himself.

    If there is no way to go directly to the source and get the original, then any "affidavit" is just bluster, meaningless.

    If you want to solve this, give someone here your full name, social security number, date of birth, address - (well, you already gave everyone here, supposedly, two out of four of the above) - and let one of us pull your credit directly. Short of that, none of this means anything to anyone here.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
  5. redietz

    redietz Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2016
    I should have immediately realized it's one thing to write MDawg adventures and something else to write up a simple affidavit legally attesting to the completeness of the gambling stories and have it notarized and on file with somebody. Easy to do, but a problem if said document would be perjury.

    All this gambling nonsense all these years, and no notarized MDawg document on file with Shackleford attesting to the reality.

    LOL. I'm so slow to grasp the obvious, it's frightening.

    The difference between me and MDawg is that I'd have no issue signing such a thing and having it on record with Shackleford regarding any gambling claims I've made on forums.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
    mr j likes this.
  6. Mickey Crimm

    Mickey Crimm Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2015
    If MDawg was trying to create a winning narrative for his family do you think he would take it to the gambling forums where he is sure to be criticized by experience gamblers? And then tell his family to go on the forum and read it? Pretty far fetched if you ask me.

    Can you name an AP on VCT that is bending over backwards not to offend MDawg? I don't think you can. He's taken a lot of criticism on VCT.

    And on WoV you have a lot of rec players that dream of striking it big in gambling. They're not AP's. You dont' have to be an AP to join WoV. Sure, they love MDawg. I have to admit myself that the pics I seen in his thread were very nice. Where KJ and I differ is I don't care what MDawg does. If he wants to post that stuff, fine. If he wants to brag about all the winning, fine. If people want to read that stuff, fine. He's not trying to monetize so who gives a fuck. It's just no skin off my back that he does what he does.

    AP's have left WoV because they don't like reading about constantly winning at negative expectation games. Should they have left? I don't think so. There are much more serious things going on in the world for anyone to spend time trying to debunk MDawg.

    I see lies every time I watch a congressional hearing. Every time I put the TV on news, and it don't matter if it's left or right it's all a pack of lies. It was going on before I was born it's be going on after I'm dead. There's to many other things to do in this world than spend time contemplating whether MDawg is telling the truth or not.

    Ditz, AP's don't have a mindset. We are all independent. That's one of the attractive things about the occupation. There wouldn't be much posting on these gambling sites if we were all group think.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
  7. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    MCrimm, over all it just shows how REDietz's mind works where he thinks that presenting an affidavit of his word would seal the deal. We could never obtain the original directly from the source, so the affidavit, notarized or not, means nothing to us.

    In my case I logged into my casino player accounts and took live video of me navigating the pages to the WIN / LOSS statements to show the WIN numbers. I had Post Its plastered on the computer screen to cover up any sensitive information such as my name, and Player Card number.

    So the equivalent for REDietz would be if he uses a smart phone to video his logging into wherever he got that credit report / credit score, and uploading that video to YouTube the way I did.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024

  8. redietz

    redietz Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2016
    MDawg's stuck now. There is no reason for him to not provide such a document to Shackleford. An affidavit stating his WoV claims are an accurate record of his results, identifiably signed by him, and on file with both the state and Shackleford.

    Easy peasie, as they say.
  9. MrV

    MrV Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2016
    attorney at law (retired)
    Portland, Oregon
    Very true, but...he'd be a damned fool to direct his family to WoV or VCT or GF.

    All he need do is direct them to the site he created where he posts his claimed gambling stories: https://www.[removed].com/forums/

    Spoon feed them that stuff: they'll never stumble upon WoV or VCT or GF unless he directs them, and why would he want to do that?
  10. SPIKE

    SPIKE Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2020
    A notary is a professional witness, that's all. He doesn't read the document your signing and go yep, every bit of this is true. He doesn't know and he doesn't care. All he cares about is that you are who you say you are. Notarizing the document in this case would be a total waste of time. But most people have no idea what a notary does and I've seen it used before in a threatening way, like if you don't do what I say you're going to do I'm getting this notarized. This can actually terrify the other person into doing what you want. LOL
  11. Richie

    Richie Active Member

    Feb 11, 2019
    Are you all really arguing?
    Who gives f@ck?
    All I know is larger players don't go around bragging about how much they've won/lost. Prove it/don't prove it...who gives a f@ck.
    Enjoy it, don't enjoy it, but honestly, who the f@ck would submit financial statements to a f*cking forum/lawyer etc, apart from a f*cking amateur who thinks that it will improve their online status with the f*ckwits?
    Smacks of amateur haven't got a pot to piss in league.
  12. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    Not really.

    Anyone who enjoys playing in casinos also enjoys talking about it. Once having made the decision to post something, anything, about what happened, the question arises whether to prove up what was offered when challenged. It's only human nature to want to be believed once having made the decision to post something.

    The contradiction comes when someone like UNKewlJ posts lies to try to back up other lies, gets caught in multiple lies, and then tries to come up with new lies to try to explain why he lied in the first place. For someone like that, it really does make no sense why he posted anything at all, since no one believes him and he just ends up looking like an idiot.

    But you can't say that there is no incentive to post gaming stories online - if there were none, there wouldn't be so many posted. As I said, the incentive for most is simply that the only thing more fun than playing is talking about it.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
  13. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    Over at WoV, Nathan (Karen Nathan here) posts her bingo results with many members commenting and even cheering her on. Then there's the post from Weak Wizard. The weak one posts: "Here is a suggested pick up line for handsome men in the bingo room. Is that a dauber in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

    Poor taste...sick perv...sexual harassment or all three? A case could certainly be made for the latter. Just another 'normal' 59 year old man on the internet.

    Hey perv...is that a unicycle between your legs or are you just creepy?
  14. coach belly

    coach belly Active Member

    Jun 4, 2016
    Maybe that's all you know, but that doesn't apply to all larger players.

  15. KewlJ

    KewlJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2015
    Las Vegas
    You can and will and did troll Richie, coach belly. But he is 100% correct. Anyone claiming all the shit Mdawg claims at the level he is claiming, is full of crap.
  16. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    As if a tunnel dwelling male prostitute would know.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2024
  17. MrV

    MrV Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2016
    attorney at law (retired)
    Portland, Oregon
    Dawg, you said NSA rejected you for medical reasons, but weren't you born overseas?

    Did you get full USA citizenship after moving here?

    NSA will not accept you otherwise, nor will they take you unless you pass their Top Secret clearance process.
  18. MDawg

    MDawg Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Lawyer, Businessman
    You're out of your mind V. You should take more drugs.

    That was DRich who said that.

    Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 1.43.34 PM.jpg
  19. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    Let's see if we got this right. On March 15th Weak Wizard, aka Herr DICKtator, suspends MrV for 7 days. This was for an alleged insult on March 12th. There was no insult as anyone can clearly see. Then on March 15th...another non insult by MrV.

    Herr DICKtator springs into action at the urging of his new best friend...Nathan. "Personal insult" cries the weak one. "Seven days to run concurrently with previous suspension." That's what he posted and even us non Mensa types know what concurrently means. It means a total of 7 days...it's that simple. But...but...but MrV is given 14 days because Mr Mensa didn't know what concurrent meant.

    Here's the best part. After someone told him the definition of concurrent...Herr DICKtator went back and edited the post to say consecutively. So what you say? Well....the edit was made long after the window to do so expired. The window that every other member is subject to. Just another abuse of power.

    Didn't Bitch Bum Blabs do the very same thing some years ago when she deleted an unflattering photo of herself? And didn't she get a suspension for it? Yes, it was one of those fake suspensions but it's still on the books. Still waiting for a flattering photo.
  20. MrV

    MrV Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2016
    attorney at law (retired)
    Portland, Oregon
    They're dropping like flies at WoV.

    The Wiz suspended Once Dear for telling Nathan to grow up, and for asking the autistic porch monkey whether she's 4 or 40.

    clearly Nathan is on a roll now that she has the Power Of The WIzard to suspend her detractors: how good it must make her fell to FINALLY have power over the fate of others...til now all she could do is take loads of shit and not dole it out.

    Clearly the Wiz reads other gambling forums, follows the comments, and remembers what he reads.

    Let's test it: Hey Wizard...go fuck yourself and that organ grineder monkey you keep on a leash.

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