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Baccarat Just for Kicks and Giggles

Discussion in 'Baccarat Forum' started by soxfan, Jul 2, 2019.

  1. Jimske

    Jimske Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    The short answer is yes. That I have finished 688 shoes and playing like a machine I get 688 shoes with a 87.2% for 1841 total unit win and 2.68 net units win per shoe. OTH soxfan same shoes get 84.6% win for -3,127 unit loss and -4.55 units per shoe. Ouch!!!!

    There's always a silver lining. Live and learn. First lesson is no way I want to risk 250 units to get 2 or 3 units a shoe! Variance way too great. Second lesson is with a little MM adjusting the prog moving up and down the ladder with appropriate MM it's pretty easy to get 5 units plus a shoe with either his or my bet placement. The trick is to allow for the occasional 20-30 unit loss AND learn how to stretch the progression by waiting for virtual losses. I only made the 100 unit bet 3 times and I did get clipped once but by that time I already had the back up units and took the chance when, in hindsight, I was a bit cocky because it was a heavy player shoe.

    I have showed this before but attached again showing soxfan Banker Style. I wish they all were this good. Got clipped the next 2 of 5 shoes. One went a B P B PP BB PP B P B PP B PPP B P B PPPPPP.

    Mako likes this.
  2. Mako

    Mako Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2018
    Irvine, CA
    For my personal style, virtual losses don't affect the outcome...they just reduce the amount of plays. I thought they would improve the strike rate but it's nearly identical through 741 shoes now.

    If using Sox's customized star progression though I could see how adding a step or two to stretch it out would yield positive results, kudos for massaging it into a better version Jimske.
  3. Jimske

    Jimske Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    Exactly right. So what I do to get around this is to monitor two bet placements. Takes practice but what doesn't. So I start with my preferred bet selection using MM as needed but watch how the other method is doing and if the other method gets into a loss of 4, 5 or even 6 places that gives me an opportunity to begin a new progression adding a bunch more steps to an otherwise risky progression. Can make an 11 step go 15 places or more. Sometimes you just add only 1 or 2 units to your profit because you win the first couple bets. And still, MM added to the mix.

    Yup. And that straight down Banker Style a big loser as I have shown. My bet placement tweak actually won those 688 shoes and I still wouldn't use it! Too many drawdown possibilities.

  4. soxfan

    soxfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
    Nope, you did not show shit as you did not even test the style, loser, nutjob. Stic to trending, derived roads and other nonsense, clown, hey hey.
  5. Jimske

    Jimske Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    LOL. time for you to go back to class and sharpen your pencil. Attached a math and scientific way I use to test if I want to. The beauty of it is it doesn't take all that long because I got a program that puts all my shoes into my scorecard vertical form. So I just got to type in the progression. It auto calcs the gross and net. See attached results for the 688 shoes I tested. No "eyeballing" here. But it's your money. Just be glad you're not playing it live!!!!!!!!

    Attached Files:

  6. soxfan

    soxfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
    Your a clown and I saw right through yer bullshit when you couldn't tell me how many units profit you captured in the best shoe of yer bullshit supposed testings. What is it with you pathetic old codgers and yer non-stop need for attention. Yer full of shot and yer stupid too and that's a bad combo, and I saw right thourgh yer bullshit, hey hey.
  7. Jimske

    Jimske Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    Soxfan lashing out like a wounded animal! All because a sample of his holy grail didn't work out? First, may I suggest including commission? Hey, hey, maybe another 40,000 trials will show a profit? Who knows? In the meantime one thing is crystal clear from the small test. Get whacked only 15 shoes out of 100 and you very well may lose you're arse!

    Junket King likes this.

  8. soxfan

    soxfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
    Yup, it's clear that yer a retard and nutjob, hey hey.
  9. Jimske

    Jimske Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    Another erudite response. But talk about "Giggles." These are the last 24 shoes I recorded before the virus scare. Soxfan holy grail gets clipped for the full monty like 6 TIMES! I hope I counted right. I did take off my shoes and used my toes to help me count, me being a retard and all, hope I'm right.

    Maybe soxfan will plug in his holy grail (don't forget commission) and tell us how he made out on these?

    MoSun 2.13.20 1068 BpBBBBBpBBppBppBpppBBBppBpppBBBBppppppBppppBpBpBBpBppppBBBpBBBppBpBpp
    MoSun 2.13.20 1069 BppppBpBpBBBBBBBpppBpppBppppBBpppBBBpppBBBppBBBpBpBpBpBBpBBBpBpBBBBB
    MoSun 2.13.20 1070 BpBppppBBBppppBBBppBBBppBBBBBBpppBpBpBBpBpppBBppppBpBpBppppppp
    MoSun 2.13.20 1071 BBBpBppBppppppppppBBpppBpBBBBBBBBpppBBBpBBBBppBpBpBpBBpBBp
    MoSun 2.13.20 1072 pBBBppBBppBpppBBppBppBpBBBpBpppBBBBBBppBpBpBpppppBpBBpBppBBBppBBBBpB
    MoSun 2.13.20 1073 pppBpppppBBBBpppBppBpppBBpBBppBBBBBpppBBBBBBpBpBpBppBBBppBBpBBBpBpBBpBBpBp
    MoSun 2.13.20 1074 pppBpBBppBBpppBppppBBBpBBBpppBBppBBBBBBBppppBppBBpBpppBpBBBppBpBpBBpppBBB
    MoSun 2.13.20 1075 BBpBppBBppBpBppBpppBpBppppppppBBppBBpBpppBpppBBppBpppBpppBBBBpBp
    MoSun 2.13.20 1076 BBBBppBpBpBpBpBBBppBBppBBBppBpBBpppBppBBpBpBBppBpBBppBpppppBBppBppBpp
    MoSun 2.13.20 1077 BppBpBpBpBBpBpBBpppBBBBpppBBBppppBBBBBpppppBpBBppBpBpBpBppp
    MoSun 2.14.20 1078 pppBpppBpBpBBppBppBBpBBppBppBppBBBpBBpBppBBppppBppBBppBBBpppBpBppBBpp
    MoSun 2.14.20 1079 BpBppBBpppBBBpBpBBBpBppBBBppppBBBppBpBBpppBppBBBpBBBBpBBpppppBBBBp
    MoSun 2.14.20 1080 BpppBBpppBpBBBpBBpBBBBBBBpppBpBppBBpBBppBBpBppBpBpBBpBBpBppBBBpBB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1081 pBBppBBpBppppBpppppppppppBppBBBppBBBppppBppBpppBpBBBBpBBBBBpB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1082 pBppBpBBBpppBpppppppBppBBBpBBppppBpppBBpppBpppBBpppBBppBppBppBBBBBpppp
    MoSun 2.14.20 1083 ppppBBpBBBBpBBBBpBpppBBpppBppppBpBpBpBBpBpppBBBppppppBBBpBBBpBBpBBpBBBBB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1084 BBppBBBBBppBpBBpBBpBBpBBpppppBpppBpBppBppBppBpBpBpBBpBBppBBpBBppppB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1085 pBppBppBBBBpBBBpppBBBBpBBppBppBBpBBBBBBBpBBBppppppppBBBBBppBpBBBpBBBpBpB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1086 BBBBpBBBBpBpppBBppBBBpBBBBppBBppBpppBBBBBpBpBpppBpppBpppBpBppppBBpBppBB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1087 BpBBBBpBppBpBpBppBpBBppBpppppBBBpBppBBppBpppBpppBpBpBpBBBpBpppppBppp
    MoSun 2.17.20 1089 BpppBBpppppppBpppBpppBpppBpppppBpppBpBBBpBpBBpBBBpBpBBpBBppBBpppBBB
    MoSun 2.17.20 1090 BpBBBpBBppBppBBppBppBBBBpBBppppBppppBpppBBppBBBppppBppppBpBBBpBppBpBBB
    MoSun 2.17.20 1091 BBpBBBBBBBBBBBBBpppBppBBpBpBpBpBpBppBppBBBpBppBpBBBpBBBpppBBBBBppBB
    MoSun 2.17.20 1092 ppBpBppBpBppppBpBppBBpBpBBBBBpBBBBpBBpBBpBBBpppBpBppBBppBBBBBpBBp
  10. Mako

    Mako Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2018
    Irvine, CA
    Would need a larger sample than 20 shoes Jimske as it looks at a glance that the streak lengths in these shoes are a bit extreme. Some massive P streaks but very few long B streaks, which of course is the opposite of the base % occurrence rates of the game.

    I'm sure you didn't manipulate these as you're not that kind of poster, I have no doubt they're accurate, but I'd bet that if you took the last 100 shoes instead of 20 the results would be more in line with expected rates for B and P streak lengths.
    soxfan likes this.
  11. Jimske

    Jimske Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    See post above. I gave the stats of the last 688 shoes,not just 100. :) Showed net loss of -4.55 units a shoe.
  12. soxfan

    soxfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
    Only scared, loser player wet themselves over short terms happenings, downdraws, progression busts. Loser player cherry pick a small set of shoe but I test this style against over 3700 shoe, hey hey.
  13. Jimske

    Jimske Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    I'm just the messenger. One would think my small test would make any critical thinker take pause. But no, your ego gets the best of you. It's just a game of numbers.

    Why in the world would I make this stuff up? I started testing from my data thinking it may be viable. I kept on doing testing week after week cuz I got the time and I expected to get the same results as you CLAIM. It's taken me a few hours quite a few days per week since October to finish these shoes. How long did it take you to test 3700 shoes?

    Short term happennings? Yeah, lots might say 41,280 trials not significant and that may be true. But I'm not buying you got 3700 shoe worth of proof. Let's just see the 38 shoes with 10 bust outs that showed a profit as you claim! How hard would it be to cut and paste, send a pic? I'll guarantee we'll never hear about any of this from you.

    I really got no dog in this fight. I'd be happy as hell to see a 5 unit net win, why wouldn't I? Shit, that's why I spent the time. Anyone could start with 25k at a $10.00 layout even. That's no big deal for the holy grail.

    In fact why are you even here? Looking to drum up money cause you don't have the backing? If you got the proof there's plenty of peeps that would back you. IF THIS THING WORKED I'D ALREADY HAVE A TEAM PUT TOGETHER!!!!

    X-----------------------> J

    Nathan Detroit likes this.
  14. Sputnik

    Sputnik Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 28, 2014
    MoSun 2.13.20 1068


    Here we can see that singles and series of three and higher are present.
    Now I know what will make this sequence to end, a series of two, I know the future, but not when.


    And here is the end of the first sequence, now I know what will happen in the future but not in the exact order, but I know what will be part of the future.
    Either we will get a series of three or higher or at least one single and one of them will be part of the series of two and will unfold the new future sequence.


    Right again, now I know what will happen in the future and make the end of this sequence, a series of three or higher, but not when.


    And now with the new sequence, we will get a series of two or at least one single with a series of three or higher.


    Now, this sequence will end with a single, I know that, but not when.


    Next, I know that the future sequence will be a series of two or a series of three or higher being part of the single outcome, I know the future, but not when it will unfold.


    The next figure to end this sequence is a series of two.


    And this series of two will get the company of singles or series of three or higher with next sequence, no matter small, medium or large.


    The next figure to end the sequence is a series of three or higher.


    And the future sequence will be series of three or higher with either series of two or singles, that is a fact and i know that, but not when.


    The current sequence will end with a series of two and have either singles or series of three and higher, I know that, but not when.


    Now I can predict and tell what coming next of one figure that will be a conditional probability event - it has to happen - and the other future figure will be one of the last two being part of the conditional event and create the future sequence.
    I can do this with any sequence, tell what will happen and what events you will get in the future, but not when, but we can estimate when this will occur using Sputnik's March.

    Abstract probability and conditional events that have to happen.
    When you get two different sequences you know that they will end with a third sequence, but not when.

    Conclusions and predictions lasting a whole shoe.
    Two sequences will last and dominate a whole shoe with a third sequence sleeping or missing, very common distribution.

    I can estimate the future based upon this concept more accurate then any other public known concept on any existing gambling forum board, this is the Sputnik's March in a Nutshell.
    Blindly I can tell the future of any baccarat shoe and estimate what the future will be with a very high likelihood.


    MoSun 2.13.20 1069 BppppBpBpBBBBBBBpppBpppBppppBBpppBBBpppBBBppBBBpBpBpBpBBpBBBpBpBBBBB
    MoSun 2.13.20 1070 BpBppppBBBppppBBBppBBBppBBBBBBpppBpBpBBpBpppBBppppBpBpBppppppp
    MoSun 2.13.20 1071 BBBpBppBppppppppppBBpppBpBBBBBBBBpppBBBpBBBBppBpBpBpBBpBBp
    MoSun 2.13.20 1072 pBBBppBBppBpppBBppBppBpBBBpBpppBBBBBBppBpBpBpppppBpBBpBppBBBppBBBBpB
    MoSun 2.13.20 1073 pppBpppppBBBBpppBppBpppBBpBBppBBBBBpppBBBBBBpBpBpBppBBBppBBpBBBpBpBBpBBpBp
    MoSun 2.13.20 1074 pppBpBBppBBpppBppppBBBpBBBpppBBppBBBBBBBppppBppBBpBpppBpBBBppBpBpBBpppBBB
    MoSun 2.13.20 1075 BBpBppBBppBpBppBpppBpBppppppppBBppBBpBpppBpppBBppBpppBpppBBBBpBp
    MoSun 2.13.20 1076 BBBBppBpBpBpBpBBBppBBppBBBppBpBBpppBppBBpBpBBppBpBBppBpppppBBppBppBpp
    MoSun 2.13.20 1077 BppBpBpBpBBpBpBBpppBBBBpppBBBppppBBBBBpppppBpBBppBpBpBpBppp
    MoSun 2.14.20 1078 pppBpppBpBpBBppBppBBpBBppBppBppBBBpBBpBppBBppppBppBBppBBBpppBpBppBBpp
    MoSun 2.14.20 1079 BpBppBBpppBBBpBpBBBpBppBBBppppBBBppBpBBpppBppBBBpBBBBpBBpppppBBBBp
    MoSun 2.14.20 1080 BpppBBpppBpBBBpBBpBBBBBBBpppBpBppBBpBBppBBpBppBpBpBBpBBpBppBBBpBB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1081 pBBppBBpBppppBpppppppppppBppBBBppBBBppppBppBpppBpBBBBpBBBBBpB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1082 pBppBpBBBpppBpppppppBppBBBpBBppppBpppBBpppBpppBBpppBBppBppBppBBBBBpppp
    MoSun 2.14.20 1083 ppppBBpBBBBpBBBBpBpppBBpppBppppBpBpBpBBpBpppBBBppppppBBBpBBBpBBpBBpBBBBB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1084 BBppBBBBBppBpBBpBBpBBpBBpppppBpppBpBppBppBppBpBpBpBBpBBppBBpBBppppB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1085 pBppBppBBBBpBBBpppBBBBpBBppBppBBpBBBBBBBpBBBppppppppBBBBBppBpBBBpBBBpBpB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1086 BBBBpBBBBpBpppBBppBBBpBBBBppBBppBpppBBBBBpBpBpppBpppBpppBpBppppBBpBppBB
    MoSun 2.14.20 1087 BpBBBBpBppBpBpBppBpBBppBpppppBBBpBppBBppBpppBpppBpBpBpBBBpBpppppBppp
    MoSun 2.17.20 1089 BpppBBpppppppBpppBpppBpppBpppppBpppBpBBBpBpBBpBBBpBpBBpBBppBBpppBBB
    MoSun 2.17.20 1090 BpBBBpBBppBppBBppBppBBBBpBBppppBppppBpppBBppBBBppppBppppBpBBBpBppBpBBB
    MoSun 2.17.20 1091 BBpBBBBBBBBBBBBBpppBppBBpBpBpBpBpBppBppBBBpBppBpBBBpBBBpppBBBBBppBB
    MoSun 2.17.20 1092 ppBpBppBpBppppBpBppBBpBpBBBBBpBBBBpBBpBBpBBBpppBpBppBBppBBBBBpBBp

  15. soxfan

    soxfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
    I asked you one very simple question as regarded yer so-called testings and you couldn't/wouldn't come up with an answer and that told me all I needed to know! Stick to talking derived road and other nonsenses and bullshits cuz that all yer good for, hey hey.
  16. Jimske

    Jimske Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    I cannot answer your question with precision without going back and looking through all 688 shoes I played to see which one happened to get the most win. I also didn't keep the average win on winning shoes or the average loss on losing shoes. But no matter because you answered it yourself and I agree:
    And that's without commission, ahem. So sure some shoes win big while others don't do so well. Do I really have to do simple math for you? IF..... IF IF you can win 90% of shoes or real close to it you can offset the bust out and get your money back with little or no profit. Drop down to the 85-87% shoe win rate and you are LOOOOOOSING!

    Sorry, soxfan, this just ain't the holy grail, hey, hey!
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2020
  17. soxfan

    soxfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
    Nope I had one segment of 183 shoe with a shoe win rate of under 80% and still showed a profit of 802 unit. You couldn't answer my question because you didn't even test. You really are painfully stupid, hey hey.
  18. Junket King

    Junket King Well-Known Member Compulsive Liar

    Jun 5, 2016
    ABR Complusive LIAR Management
    Manage the LIARS & you Control the Game
    Peanut and Guinness time LOL.

    What's with folk trying to convince others of their flawed systems :D:D:D
  19. Jimske

    Jimske Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    I confess! I didn't test. I faked it all. Made up all those P's and B's. Spent hours writing up a phony spreadsheet showing getting whacked 107 times. Why? JEALOUSY! Yup. Your genius saw right through me. You found the holy grail of baccarat and I just coudn't take it! I now confess it impossible to lose your 11 step 15 times out of 100 shoes. Will you ever find it in your heart to forgive my studpidity? I sure hope so. And I also hope you raise lots of money to play this STUPID FUCKIN' SYSTEM! BWAHAHAHAHHHAHAHA!
    judge likes this.
  20. Jimske

    Jimske Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    Old Ellis sold his systems realizing it a 50-50 game and some of the suckers would win of course, while others would lose. Most wouldn't play long enough to realize any short term profits would evaporate in time!

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