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Baccarat Money managing inside casino

Discussion in 'Baccarat Forum' started by John Blerg, Sep 9, 2019.

  1. John Blerg

    John Blerg Well-Known Member 👹 Troll 👹

    Jan 9, 2018
    Founder of CalAsia Proven Baccarat Wagering Method
    Self Banned Troll
    I wish to post in language comfortable to proper meaning thank you.
    Money managing inside casino that working making wins.
    1. zinb Daavg luvb Diaq myenb yetg zuvq kxvq Du'g Euvg waag Navq. waab eij fib Navq Revg.
    2. ninb Bua swiq Jyenq mivb tov puv mcvj, Tauj si-naa teib puv, maaib Daub pcvb Eei twvj, zyrug tivb Fiag yem uaq a'q.
    3. laanb kxvq Buaj laanb, "taaib maa'b! Bua nanq niab zun puaq vcvg taaib." ninb Bua lovg niab zun tiq la'pyeiq. Daub Diaq Erub Haig Eei zuv ninb Bua lovg tiq pa'naib nia.
    4. ninb Bua cvj kxvq, "taaib maa'b! Bua Zeij nxm zivb yaag Zeij nxm fanb Taapq Lav Tauj kub vwaaig luvb, pun Bua maaib mevb taub yaag maiq zu'g pun Raanj pwavq luvb Diaq"
    5. zyruq zyrug Fiag taaib mavg paamb myenb Zeij Eei zivb Zauj fanb Taapq.
    6. zyruq kxvq, "mavg kaaj! naaiq teij myenb se Du'g fivj myenb yaag kxvq Du'g Euvg waag Navq. Ko'q ho'g Jiad kxn zruj, ninb Bua haib zruj tu'q Dovg naaiq, ninb Bua Jiad Hruq zruj haiq Euvg ninb Bua zyrug haib zruj tu'q Zwrtq Eei.
    7. taaib maa'b! Bua Fiag mivb zruj lung ninb Bua Eei waag weig pun laanb maiq mevb pc'g laanb."
    8. zyruq zyrug pun ninb Bua Raanj Revg pwavq luvb Diaq. ninb Bua zyrug kwavg, maiq Zeij uaq nxm zivb a'q.

    Win and then go to this style
    1. Zinh ndaangc lungh ndiev mienh yietc zungv gorngv nduqc nyungc waac hnangv. Waac-eix fih hnangv nzengc.
    2. Ninh mbuo suiv jienv mingh dong bung maengx, taux Sinaa Deic-Bung, maaih ndau-baengh nyei dorngx, ziouc dingh njiec yiem wuov aqv.
    3. Laanh gorngv mbuox laanh, "Daaih maah! Mbuo nanv nie-zun buov ngaengc daaih." Ninh mbuo longc nie-zun div la'bieiv. Ndau-ndiev nyouh haic nyei zung ninh mbuo longc div ba'naih nie.
    4. Ninh mbuo aengx gorngv, "Daaih maah! Mbuo ceix norm zingh yaac ceix norm fanh taapv hlang taux gu'nguaaic lungh, bun mbuo maaih mengh dauh yaac maiv zuqc bun nzaanx buangv lungh nidev."
    5. Ziouv ziouc njiec daaih mangc baamh mienh ceix nyei zingh caux fanh taapv.
    6. Ziouv gorngv, "Mangc gaax! Naaiv diex mienh se nduqc fingx mienh yaac gorngv nduqc nyungc waac hnangv. Koqv hoqc jiez gorn zoux, ninh mbuo haih zoux duqv ndongc naaiv, ninh mbuo jiez hnyouv zoux haaix nyungc ninh mbuo ziouc haih zoux duqv cuotv nyei.
    7. Daaih maah! Mbuo njiec mingh zoux lunc ninh mbuo nyei waac weic bun laanh maiv mengh baeqc laanh."
    8. Ziouv ziouc bun mbuo nzaanx nzengc buangv lungh ndiev. Ninh mbuo ziouc guangc, maiv ceix wuov norm zingh aqv.
    9. Weic naaiv, wuov norm zingh maaih mbuox heuc Mbaa^mben, weic zuqc yiem wuov Ziouv bun mienh nyei waac lunc nzengc. Yiem wuov Ziouv yaac bun zuangx mienh nzaanx mingh yiem buangv lungh ndiev.
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  2. soxfan

    soxfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
    What in the name of Zeus is this, hey hey?????????????????????????
  3. R19

    R19 Active Member 👹 Troll 👹

    May 12, 2018
    Looks good and greetings. Now you just should have 3 more of your own self comment to yourself and you'll be on your way!
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  4. Junket King

    Junket King Well-Known Member Compulsive Liar

    Jun 5, 2016
    ABR Complusive LIAR Management
    Manage the LIARS & you Control the Game
    Even Google translate went WTF
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  5. soxfan

    soxfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
    Coconuts comin outta the woodworks, hey hey.
    oopsididitagain likes this.
  6. John Blerg

    John Blerg Well-Known Member 👹 Troll 👹

    Jan 9, 2018
    Founder of CalAsia Proven Baccarat Wagering Method
    Self Banned Troll
    Why make my info post a hang out?
  7. R19

    R19 Active Member 👹 Troll 👹

    May 12, 2018
    4 of 6 posts here the same person hanging out. Everyone gets 4 guesses who that same person might be. Real tough riddle I do say!

  8. John Blerg

    John Blerg Well-Known Member 👹 Troll 👹

    Jan 9, 2018
    Founder of CalAsia Proven Baccarat Wagering Method
    Self Banned Troll
    Zucc Duby dahboo Zankou Tumblr tell of right Esau tomorrow Cazal tabal Wppise ol tazawa NS Zava 2 wow Zara Zara Zara azzo as I s zabuza's.

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